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I'm sexually attracted to this guy...

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I'm sexually attracted to this guy and he seemed to really like me. We have had sex on two occasions and both times it was very awkward. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't totally satisfying for either of us. I have never had a problem satisfying my partners before. I was very nervous since I hadn't been with anyone in over a year but I don't think that was the problem. This guy is very sexy and turns me on but I could not climax and nor did he. We actually kept at it for hours but neither one of us reached the goal. I feel awful, that I couldn't make it happen for him. He told me he rarely does and it wasn't me. I would like to keep seeing him but since the second failed attempt we have not seen each other. He hasn't been calling like before and when he does he doesn't mention anything about us getting together again. Before we had sex we talked on the phone a lot and even had phone sex which worked very well. How can I get him to try again? And if we try again what can I do to make it successful? I really want to rock his world!

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I'm sexually attracted to this guy and he seemed to really like me. We have had sex on two occasions and both times it was very awkward. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't totally satisfying for either of us. I have never had a problem satisfying my partners before. I was very nervous since I hadn't been with anyone in over a year but I don't think that was the problem. This guy is very sexy and turns me on but I could not climax and nor did he. We actually kept at it for hours but neither one of us reached the goal. I feel awful, that I couldn't make it happen for him. He told me he rarely does and it wasn't me. I would like to keep seeing him but since the second failed attempt we have not seen each other. He hasn't been calling like before and when he does he doesn't mention anything about us getting together again. Before we had sex we talked on the phone a lot and even had phone sex which worked very well. How can I get him to try again? And if we try again what can I do to make it successful? I really want to rock his world!


You both need to just relax and not put so much pressure on yourselves. Go out and have a fun night together, DO something before you go back and hit the sheets. When you get back to the house, open a bottle of wine, put on a movie, and just go slow. Maybe not even have sex, but stop at foreplay, or get each other off without actually having sex. This can help build the tension and anticipation for next time.


good luck!!

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Dbry... your just going to cause yourself more heartache by making the relationship about just sex. Do you guys do anything else besides have sex? Before... did you talk about anything else over the phone besides sex?


If not, you should probably take a step back and find out what you two have in common.


Physical Chemisty does not replace Intellectual Chemistry.


What happens after you rock his world??? What do you see happening after that???

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