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dating a girl with the same name as your mother

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me and this girl have been talking and i decided i wouldnt mind dating her.


thing is her name is the same as my mothers. even worse she even kinda reminds me of my mother. a great cook, very caring, hard to understand what she is saying alot of the time due to a heavy accent. when i met her the first thing that got my atention when i met her was her legs. same story my dad told me when he met my mother.


just kinda odd the similarities between how when i first met this girl and how when my dad met my mother. only real diffrence is my mother is tropical asian and this girl i met from gautemalla.


i'm not dating her but i am considering it. right now me and her are just freinds

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are you stalking me


No. LOL But I'm guessing that I have a 90 percent chance of being right since that name is so common.


This would make for a great Seinfeld episode.

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