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How exactly does gay marriage negatively affect traditional marriage?

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If a man puts his penis into a grapefruit,a sheep, or another guys anus the result is the same. No life is created. Except in some cases diseases are spread without the chance of ever creating a life.




Right because you have never jerked off into a Kleenex, had anal sex with a woman, or had a woman give you oral sex? Last I checked those are sure fire ways to not procreate as well.


Sex was actually intended for procreation only but "shhhhh look at what twisted little bastards we are that we managed to find all sorts of other fun things to do with our privates other than procreate", but I don't hear one single person complaining!

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Civil unions are the best way forward to give gays the generous tax breaks


Tax break? Homosexuals are more likely to face the marriage tax penalty.

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When you forbid someone to do something, you better have a good explanation as to what your reasons for prohibition are. We are basically allowed to do whatever we wish except for the things that are against the law - and those things are prohibited because of reasons that are precisely clarified and everyone understands them. So far, they haven't come up with a good explanation for prohibiting gay marriages.


No, it's not true that gay marriages aren't yet legalized - gay marriages are PROHIBITED. :mad:


P.S. Boxing, do you have any children? Ever been married?

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whats that expression?


"theyve become so openminded their brains fell out"


this comes to mind



Better to be open minded and know where you stand in life, than to be closed minded and to pretend to be something you are not infront of others while being something completely contradictory behind closed doors.


Closet anything, is not ideal.

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Well once again, societies have structure and rules for a reason.


Why can't I marry 6 women? Why is it your f'cking business as you put it?


Ok, why shouldn't gays get married? For the same reason I feel platonic friends of the same sex should not marry. It cheapens the entire institution.


Why should the definition be changed of marriage, because maybe 1% of the 2% of gays want to get married for legal benefits/immigration purposes? Marriage was not constructed to arbitrarily give any 2 people legal benefits. It was constructed for the protection of children and women.


And yes some heteros cheat. Millions do not. On a long enough time line all gays cheat. What is their bond? Basically a hole to put something into? They are not creating life. Semen is not a natural anti-depressant for men as it is for women when absorbed through vaginal walls. It is just sex.

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burning 4 revenge
Better to be open minded and know where you stand in life, than to be closed minded and to pretend to be something you are not infront of others while being something completely contradictory behind closed doors.


Closet anything, is not ideal.

so your whole argument is that anyone against gay marriage is just putting on a facade to hide their closet queerness, me in particular?


thats just the same old psychology, its rather tired

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On a long enough time line all gays cheat.


You're just pulling this outta your...


I don't even know why I'm responding. Am I that bored?:o

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It cheapens the entire institution.




So does promising infront of god and family to be faithful until death do you part and then turning around and commiting infidelity after marriage. So does the countless cheap sexual encounters you had leading up to the person you marry and decide you don't want to have sex with after the novelty wears off. So does sitting at home scratching your balls watching sports on tv all day long when you should be nurturing your relationship and communicating with your spouse. So does withholding feelings and thoughts from your spouse that could improve the relationship. So does sitting around jerking off to porn all afternoon instead of making love to your wife. So does being out shopping all day long with your girfriends instead of making your husband dinner. So does sleeping with your coworker instead of sleeping with your husband....the list goes on I won't bore you with more.


BELIEVE me Boxing you have a plethora of scenarios that are very real and WILL cheapen your marriage to worry about before you even consider the implications of what the act of gays marrying will do to cheapen the act of marriage. :rolleyes:

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so your whole argument is that anyone against gay marriage is just putting on a facade to hide their closet queerness, me in particular?


thats just the same old psychology, its rather tired


I don't think those who are vocal against gay marriage or even gayness itself are necessarily hiding their gayness. In fact, I do think 98 percent are indeed very heterosexual. I think that people who are outspoken against gay marriage and gayness aren't afraid that they themselves are gay; rather, I think that they are pressured by others to maintain appearances of being straight. I think they're on some level (mostly subconsciously) homophobes are trying to establish their heterosexual identity, which is not to be confused with their true sexuality. By that I mean that homophobes are out to establish themselves as heterosexuals, and that this is something they seek to communicate to others and to reinforce from time to time...in discussions such as these for example. On some level, I think they're afraid that they might not be projecting their heterosexuality enough, so they need to use opportunities such as these discussions to tell everyone that they're indeed heterosexual. As I say, I don't think these are conscious thought processes though.

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I guess that is the best argument the pro gay marriage crowd has..


Marriage is crappy for some, so why not include gays? Why not allow friends of the same sex to marry?


It all works together.. Those promoting gays enjoy seeing hetero relationships disintegrate.


Being hetero is more than about simply "getting off" with a woman. It is about the ability to bond with a member of the opposite sex in a meaningful way.


Unfortunately our entire culture is becoming more "homosexual" in that men and women are not bonding in the way they are meant to.. More and more often they just "get off" with each other. That should be reversed if possible, not enhanced.


Accepting "gays" as normal is in no way productive to society, other than to "be nice" or "be tolerant".

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so your whole argument is that anyone against gay marriage is just putting on a facade to hide their closet queerness, me in particular?


thats just the same old psychology, its rather tired



No the argument is that you say a person is so open minded their brain falls out (I use that expression a lot by the way) and I say to that, just because someone is open minded when it comes to acceptance or tolerance of how others live, it doesn't mean you don't know where you as an individual stand or that you are so morally corrupt that you have lost your mind. I certainly don't feel that way I have strong values and at the same time am accepting of things that I don't rationally see the harm of. I am not so open minded that if we were talking about a pedophile marriage I would say, "oh well live and let live" there are boundaries and they are based on rational thoughts. If pedophilia did not involve the non consent of a minor, I would have to keep my emotional views out of it and perhaps accept it too. But it's not the same thing.


Now there are people that are so stringent in their views on how society should be lived, and sometimes if you dig deeper you find that those same individuals carry some sort of double existence. Behind closed doors they are not at all what they preach to be and have some real demons they battle with.


I don't know you personally. I am speaking in general.

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I guess that is the best argument the pro gay marriage crowd has...


Yeah, pretty weak argument. Those Iowa Supreme Court Justices must be stupid and unfamiliar with the law!!!

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Maybe they're gay?


I bet you're right... but the Chief Justice is a woman... which we all know just means she's angry at men.

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And yes some heteros cheat. Millions do not. On a long enough time line all gays cheat. What is their bond? Basically a hole to put something into? They are not creating life. Semen is not a natural anti-depressant for men as it is for women when absorbed through vaginal walls. It is just sex.


It all works together.. Those promoting gays enjoy seeing hetero relationships disintegrate.


Oh god... dude, for your own sake... please stop. Just when it seems you can't sound any more ignorant, you surprise yet again.


Your views might be a bit easier to take seriously if they weren't shot through with wild, broad, sweeping generalizations lacking in any supporting evidence.


Lots of heteros cheat. So do lots of gays. But all gays cheat, on a long enough time line? What are you basing that on? I mean, OTHER than what you've heard from a few friends over beers?


I'm in favour of gay marriage. I'm heterosexual. And I derive no enjoyment from seeing hetero relationships disintegrate, especially my own. Again, what are you basing your statement on?


Come to think of it, ignore my first paragraph in this post. I'm actually kind of curious to see what inanity you'll come up with next.

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why do you try to make everything perverted? if it isn't corruption, what is it?

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Semen is not a natural anti-depressant for men as it is for women when absorbed through vaginal walls. It is just sex.


uh.........oh hell.........nevermind.

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Ok, so one poster used the word "dilute" to explain what would happen to the meaning of traditional marriage.


Now how exactly is that gay couple down the street going to dilute your marriage?


I want some specifics here.

I got it! The number of married couples in the US is somewhere aorund 60 million. Suppose it is exactly 60 million at the moment. That means a particular married couple counts as about 1/60,000,000th of the married couples in the US.


If two gay couple got married, the original married couple would only count as 1/60,000,001 of the total married couples in the US.


We have dilution here. :laugh:

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I think the term "choice" is inaccurate and misleading. Not trusting men is not a choice; that's their feeling based on their own experiences. People don't choose to be afraid of spiders or snakes. People don't really choose to be attracted to hard-bodied, well-toned, tan-skinned women and they can't help it if they're not attracted to overweight women. Probably in all of the examples I mentioned, there is an environmental component which has played a significant role in the psycho-social development of an individual. I don't think these are totally useful analogies to elucidate sexual orientation but there are some parallels, I think.


Nice way to twist what I said.


I said for them, gay was a choice. Not "for them, being afraid to trust men was a choice". They decided not to ever deal with men on a romantic level ever again. And they were happy with that choice.


Other than that, I agree with the conclusion that you reached. I have several friends that went from heterosexual marriage to same sex relationships. Mostly women, of course. But these women don't identify as primarily lesbian. Its what they are at the moment. So, yeah, I definitely agree with your conclusion that there too many ways that people come to the conclusion on their sexual orientation (even for heterosexuals) to boil it down to the two/three things that I mentioned.

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No I didnt, good points..


I also have known women who become older and the CHOOOSE to live a gay lifestyle. They still have boytoys when they want occasional sex with men.


The same goes for some men. They CHOOSE to have same sex relations at a later stage in life.


Anyone with half a brain can look at the gay lifestyle and EASILY decipher it is not based on monogamy.


I leave you with one more example.. I had a guy work for me that was dating a lesbian. I guess she was trying guys again. She became pregnant, and now is back with a woman again. Both of the women, the "lesbians" are single moms and collect child support along with welfare and live together.


Anyway, he told me about some gay pride weekend his girlfriend went to. The gays march and congregate, and all wear different types of ribbons/colors/designs etc that signify what their sexual fetishes are. A signal to other stranger gays who might want to get off in the same way.


Now AT BEST that would be the lowest form of heterosexual behavior. Not even a hedonism resort is that risque. But that is mainstream gay behavior. Meet strangers, get off, move onto the next. You cannot compare the bond between a man and woman, even if it is not perfect in all cases, to the degeneracy of the gay movement.

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burning 4 revenge

Well there is a lot of degeneracy because they dont have to worry about having kids and many if not most are destined to die young, plus almost without exception they feel empty inside...Im not saying they are not good people, though most probably arent (but that goes for everyone)...

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I want to be a mother, but I'm not so hip on the idea of raising a child. It isn't fair. Why should I be excluded from motherhood simply because I'm not interested in children? I believe society should expand the term "mother" to include someone who takes care of another adult.

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Finally' date=' somebody cuts to the nub of the matter. I couldn't agree more.[/quote']

So you agree it is just a matter of not being so bigoted and small minded. After all, there are so many bad mothers out there already diluting the idea of motherhood. How is this going to do any harm?

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plus almost without exception they feel empty inside....



What are you talking about "empty inside?" who are you even talking about anymore? Are you talking about the gay club kid drifting through his life and doing poppers in the bathroom stall, turning tricks to stay afloat? Sure that poor kid I am sure feels lost and empty, but I can give you just as many hetero examples of that who are doing the exact same thing.


I know many gay couples leading professional lives, with immaculate beautiful homes, doing charity work on the side and leading very fulfilling lives surrounded by family and friends and there is nothing "empty" about what they have made of themselves or their lives.


Empty people lead empty lives because they choose that, it is not due to sexual orientation.


I will give Boxing's post this though, and I have discussed this with gay friends, why it is that Gay Pride parades do seem to focus so much on the sexual orientation or fetish of each gay person? When the day should be about celebrating being out and integrated in the community, not to display in an almost cartoon like manner what their sexual preferences within the gay world are. As if focusing on the sexual exclusively was the only aspect to these men? Surely people are not so one dimensional that they would exclusively identify themselves by their sexual preference and that's it? Maybe men are? :laugh: (?)


I dare say much of the same might happen in the hetero world if we left men up to their own devices and women were all open to it and we had a hetero parade. I do tend to believe it is more a male thing than a "people" thing. Men do identify with sex a lot more.


A man will build a relationship around his sexual preferences and accommodate all the other aspects of a relationship provided the sexual meshes, where as women will forsake some of their sexual desires if the emotional is stronger. Being a gay male in many ways celebrates a lot of the tendencies that straight men need to curve in order to co-exists with women, because women are less receptive to their promiscuous ways but I think that if straight men could get away with it with women, they would be even more "free" in this respect. JMO. ;)

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.... put 110% into ....


If only people who are bad at math would stop saying stupid things like this. If only.

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