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Ladies...What would impress you more?

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Wicked Child

Ok, so I've been in an FWB thing since Dec. I've also been on several dates with several men in that time. (Hey, I need to keep my options open, yanno?) Seems like I've been attracting the sensitive, romantic types...I've always been a sap at heart, an up until now, have never had any sort of romance in my life..So these few random dates have totally played the part of storybook princes...Not holding back on gushy compliments, bringing me flowers, writing me songs...Cute stuff like that..Last week, I ended up locking my keys in the car. I was on the phone with the most recent date of mine, and mentioned my quandary, to which he replied "Aww...I'm sorry, but you're still beautiful." No offer to help, not even an "I wish I could help you." from him...That kinda peeved me so I responded "That's sweet, but being beautiful can't open my effing car." He chuckled and told me I was cute. (at that point, I wanted to vomit...) So, in the middle of all this, my FWB texts to see what I'm up to...I explain my nasty situation, and he says he's gonna try and get someone from the local FD (where he used to work) to come help me. AWESOME! He calls back a few min later and says he's commin up to help me...So here comes my night an shining armor...going out of his way at 11pm, driving quite a distance from his home to the FD to get tools, then driving even FURTHER to come help slim jim the car..(he did it like a pro...unlocked my **** in like five seconds) I told him a couple times not to worry about it...I'd just call my folks and either get the car towed home, or have them call a locksmith...He insisted on helping.


It totally blew me away more than all the flowers and the songs in the world could....and I'm kinda shocked by how impressed I actually am! So I guess my question would be, would practicality or romance impress you more when involved in something with someone? Like, am I a retard for thinking that his gesture was completely awesome? My friend that was with me swears that he sees me as more than just some booty...I try not to think that way, in order not to get my hopes up, or scare him off...


But seriously, I feel weird that I was so blown away by that..Maybe even moreso that he seemed really happy to help me. It's kinda got me all giggly inside, lol.

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