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Update with Easter

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I could be wrong, but I'm betting that's what he meant by 'funny emails'. HE was entertained by your efforts and all those emails. Ego feed is right!


Yes. I think he thinks you have a 'crush' on him and he is flattered, but not interested in a romantic thing with you.


Yeah, the more I think about it the more I think I'm nothing but a big ego boost to him. We were definitely friends before but he called me out of the blue last summer, asking if I'd help him with something in his classroom (teaching him something). And that's when he started (IMO; I don't even know anymore) flirting, so his flirting made me feel good so I'd flirt back and it's just snowballed from there.


Sadly, you've forgotten how long he took to reply to you..Didn't he go AWOL not answering your emails or calls for like 3 months?


Yes, but that was AFTER Christmas. Something must have happened during Christmas that got him spooked or whatever. Perhaps that's when he realized that I was taking his flirtations seriously or I was becoming too close for his comfort...whatever.


Yeah but after how many emails that YOU sent him?


Actually he did not contact me at all for two entire months (entire months of January and February). I'd just send him emails, just keeping in touch, asking how he's doing, stuff like that. I never asked him "what's going on?" or stuff like that. I finally got disgusted talking to a wall and stopped contacting him. After I stopped contacting him THAT's when he emailed me about asking if I'd be home for Easter (again, another clue that he was missing the attention and wanted his ego boosted again, right?)

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