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i've been in to this girl for over half a year now

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i have posted something about my situation a couple of months ago and instead of re-typing it, i'll post up the link.




but in a nutshell, it's the situation to where a man likes a girl, and the girl doesn't like him the same way. and not only that, had a history of dating douchey guys. basically a generic unrequited love situation.


well, to top it all off, i'm still "stuck". though i have not actually said all my feelings about her in a conversation, i am sure (with all the things and ways that i showed how i felt about her) that she knows it. i feel that she doesn't want to say anything because, she doesn't want things to change between me and her. but right now, i feel that someday, all my persistence will pay off and she'll actually say yes and go out with me (officially, cause we hang out, just the two of us, but im sure she doesn't consider it a date but does anyone consider that?).


reason why i posted again is because i don't know what to do. i feel to either just call it quits or try harder.

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Yep. I was through the same thing at the beginning of this month. She already knew how i felt about her (i told her awhile back) and it felt like there was room for so much more that we could share. So, i ended up asking her out 2 weeks ago. Her reply?: "I'd much rather keep the friendship we have"


Believe me, it felt good to ask her out. But now, she's been considerably less happy whenever we talk. Your whole situation, as well as mine was, you had to take a chance. I took the chance because of my wrong assumption of how she felt about me. Now, I'm paying the price of her not wanting to be around me that much. Although, if i never gained the courage to ask her out, i would have never known. If your girl ends up saying no, continue to be her friend and consider this as more of a win than a loss.


To be honest, this was technically the second time i asked this girl out; so i am persistent like you but I'm pretty sure there's nothing that could happen between me and her. Btw, the rejection did hurt but only for a day or so. I still like her as much as i did and its unfortunate that s*** like this happens. The point is, taking a chance is all you can really do.


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thank you both on the information :) i really appreciate it. i guess i'm afraid that what happened to you slyman, happening to me. but yeah i guess the suspense is brought up more cause i liked had feelings for her before (like early high school) but i ignored it before cause i thought it was just perhaps puppy love (cause she kind've rejected me), but like that was about 5-6 years ago and between that time, i had other flings and sharpened up, it wasn't until 2 years ago, (senior year) that she was the one who slightly flirted with me, giving me that feeling again. and NOW it's hitting me and i know for sure that she's "potentially" the one...or at least that how im feel right now.

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