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I want him to like me back!

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Hi everyone,


I met this guy about a year ago and we started a sexual relationship without any commitments. Surprisingly, I was able to not let my feelings get involved and the sex was good. Eventually, it got to me though. I realized that I wanted someone who was emotionally there as well; so I started ignoring his phone calls and then he stopped calling.


I saw him about three months after that and we started talking again. I wasn't interested in the casual sex anymore and I made that quite clear. We went out once and for the first time he opened up to me and implied that he was ready for a relationship. We became intimate again and this time I put my heart in it. He failed to do the same. I started noticing and finally this past weekend I told him how strongly I felt and he said he wasn't ready to commit because relationships can be complicated. I was fine with that because I don't really have time to waste and we pretty much concluded that we would be friends.


On Monday though, he invited me to a get together his family was having and I went. When I got there he was outside with his friends and then a girl walked up and gave him a plate of food. I thought nothing of it until she asked him to walk her to her car. His friends kind of distracted me and I never looked back to see what was going on between them. When he came back I asked him if he was seeing her he said no, she's just a friend. His sisters came out and saw me and they started snickering with his friends and started asking who was the other girl.


Anyway the situation became very uncomfortable and I left rather hurt. He called me the next day and apologized for what happened; and claimed that the girl was from his past. He said he liked me and he think it could work out between us just not right now. I really do like him, but I just don't care to wait for him to have the same feelings. Is there anything that I could do to make him feel differently?

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Short answer: no. You can't make him like you. Anything you try at this point is going to feel like crawling.


He liked the no strings sex with you - now you want to attach strings. He is about the poorest prospect for this that one could imagine.


My advice? Move on, block his emails and phone calls, don't let him ooze back in, and next time with someone new, make sure you see some meaningful signs of caring and commitment, not just words, before you put your heart and body on the line again.

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This happened to me with a guy I was dating and we made the decision to just be friends. It was very, very hard initially because I had already fallen for him. Now, however, we have a great friendship and he asks me advice about the women he dates and he gives me advice about my relationships.


It's all about how comfortable you feel with the friendship issue ... if you feel it would be better to walk away and forget his name, then that's what you should do.


Good luck,


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