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Do I socialize with my girlfriends former lovers?

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My girlfriend of five months would like me to meet a number of her male friends. Under any other circumstances I would be fine with this. The problem is her male friends are former lovers. Although she insists that her friendship with these males is purely social, I feel uncomfortable. To make matters worse the only thing I have in common with these other males is my girlfriend. A number of her former lovers attend the same church she does and she has encouraged me to attend with her. Sitting in the same pew with her former sexual partners makes me very uncomfortable. I'm not concerned about her sexual history, but I am concerned with being forced into a social setting with her previous partners. I really love this girl. She tells me that her previous relationships are not a threat to ours, but I'm still uncomfortable. Am I wrong feeling uncomfortable. She tells me she loves me and there are no indications that there is some other romantic interest. I need an outside opinion. Please help.

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ofcourse that would make u feel uncomfortable, any sound minded person would be too, the whole world would be able to see that. is ya girlfriend just stupid? and there u are writing as if ya unsure about how u should feel.

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i think that your gf is doing this to push your limits, quite frankly. i think she knows what she is doing because this is rather disrespectful to you. i would talk to her abotu this and i would also not put up with that anymore

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