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What am I doing wrong?

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Okay, I mght have mentioned before that I wanted to talk to this girl I like at school. I was not able to have a long conversation with her but I have been waving at her when she's near me. And maybe an occational "hi". She sometimes smiles at me when I do this. The problem is that no matter how many times I do this she doesn't wave back or just come up and talk to me. Does she "really" like it when I say hi and wave or am I doing something wrong?

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Well you can't make a girl like you, Mdog. Maybe she's only interested in you as a friend. Then again, you've never really tried, either. You can't just wave at a girl and expect anything to become of it. In the end, you have to let her know exactly what your intentions are. I know you're probably fearful of rejection, so you're just going to wave and smile at her and do nothing. Meanwhile, someone else who likes her is going to have enough courage to ask her out, and you'll be left to wonder if that could have been you. I'm telling you man, just go ahead and ask her. Tell her you "You know, I see you all the time. You seem like a real nice person and I'd like to take you out. Can I call you sometime?" Play it cool, but go for it and see what happens.


If she rejects you, then don't worry about it. It doesn't mean you're a loser if she says no. At least you had the courage to ask - many of us guys don't. It may seem like the end of the world if she says "no", but it's not. There are lots of hot chicks out there and I dare say a few of them are waiting for you to ask them out. But you gotta do more than just smile and wave at them. Ask them out, and keep asking until one of them says "Yes". And even if one does say "Yes", ask others who may have potential until you're sure that one of these princesses is worth your full commitment. Don't be desperate. Play it cool. But don't just sit there.

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:o Thanks for your advice I'll keep it in mind. Anyway the reason why I just wave and smile is so I can build up my courage to start talking to her and then ask her out( I'm really shy, I'm suprised that I even started waving at her). I'm trying to do things a step at a time. Thanks again for your advice. Anyone else have something to say?
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