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Still love my ex but . . .

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So i dated this girl for 6 months and it got pretty serious


Then we broke up because she needed space. . . or so she says.


We still courted and hung out and things were better than ever because she felt free but could still show me all the signs of affection such as kissing me etc.


BASICALLY i see our break up as pretty minor,the only difference is that we dont have intercourse and we talk more and cook together and have more fun.


So in that sense it worked out to break up.


I still love her very much.but i found out recently she kissed another guy.

When i spoke to her about it(whilst she was very drunk) she said that a kiss doesnt mean much.but it does to me


i feel like the trust is gone


She was/is my numero uno,and i always thought that until she betrayed me i would always be there for her...

Now im not too sure what to think,was the kiss nothing,should i try to forget about it?

I know this guy,in her eyes,is better looking than me,but apparently its "complicated". . .


I still really want to date her . . .


So confused

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She needed space...away from you.


You carried on hanging around because she wanted wanted you to feed her ego and as an option to go back to if her playing around didn't work out. She's not interested in a relationship with you.


She kissed another guy because she's not with you and can do that. She didn't betray you. She lied to you about still being interested to keep you as a backup.


DO NOT be friends with this girl any more unless you want to continue being hurt.

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