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There's this one girl that I've been interested in and we've been friends for awhile. The problem is that we got into a little argument online a few months ago (which is why I've always warned people on this forum not to talk to people theyre interested in online) and we blocked each other. The problem is that I am really shy, and talking online has been sort of a way of getting around that. I eventually forgave her and unblocked her but she still has me blocked. She still hasnt unblocked me or replied to any of my e-mails. The wierd things is that shes sits down next to me to talk and talks to me at school, but I'm still worried if she's angry at me, as she avoids responding to the question about why she won't talk to me online and has still left me blocked. Do you think she's still angry at me or do you think she just thinks that it's better if we don't communicate online (which she has never directly stated). I am so confused and have no idea what to believe, advice is appreciated.

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Well, she talks to you in person, so I would just build on that. I understand you are shy, but to build a relationship of any kind, including platonic friendship, I believe you need to see her face to face. What need do you have for the Internet when you have the 3D right there?


And I think the best online advice is to avoid arguments, angry words, etc. altogether. Cool down and re-read the post...see how it can be interpreted.

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