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Hey, first post here from a long-time lurker.


I've had a strange and pretty pathetic diet for years now. I don't know anyone else who eats like me, frankly. When I was little, I ate everything under the sun, but as I got older, my fondness or tolerance for most foods turned to disgust. Now I gag when I eat almost ANYTHING. There are, at most, 10 foods that I eat regularly, because it's only those 10 foods that don't make me choke on them. I have the same things day in and day out. They include: vegetarian chicken nuggets, carrots, bagels, certain types of cookies and cake, pizza, apples, plain white bread, and Ramen noodles with vegeterian buillion cubes.


All other things just taste and feel horrible in my mouth. Foods that other people love - mac and cheese, lasagna, yogurt, soups, salads, you name it - are things that I automatically spit out when I try them.


Incidentally, I actually LOVE the flavor and texture of meat, but I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons, ruling that entire category of food out.


Amazingly, I'm pretty healthy. I'm not overweight, I'm not anemic (I've gotten checked), I have perfect blood pressure scores...but all of that may be due simply to the fact that I'm 19 years old. I have a feeling my diet will catch up with me one day, so I want to change it while I'm young. Plus, it's embarassing: I have nothing to eat when I go out to a restaurant with my boyfriend, and I have to decline everything I'm offered when I'm eating at someone else's home.


I've made small changes. For instance, I cut soda out of my life and replaced it with water, milk, and juice. And I used to hate all vegetables uniformly, but now I can tolerate carrots and even somtimes get natural cravings for them. These changes lead me to have hope that I can do a complete overhaul of my diet, but how?


How do you make foods that generally make you gag into appetizing options? How do you force yourself to eat healthily when peas, lettuce, broccoli, and corn all make you literally come close to vomitting when you put them in your mouth? How do you acclimate yourself to new foods in general?


It's so frustrating for me. I WANT to eat well. I've got the exercise portion of my life down; I jog every day and I generally feel great, but the way I eat just CANNOT be viable for the long haul.


Please, if anyone has any advice, hit me with it. My loved ones all think that I need to just keep trying to force myself into liking new foods, but it's a very depressing process. I try something, I feel nauseous, I spit it out, I try again a week later...99% of food just seems so gross to me! Has anyone had or heard of this problem?

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maybe try this site




We are an online community providing support and information for people with eating problems related to Selective Eating Disorder (SED) and Food Neophobia (fear of trying new foods).


BBC 3 did a series of tv show about this called 'Freaky Eaters'



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Thanks for the links. Yes, Lucky_One, I definitely fit the description for having Selective Eating Disorder...I had no idea there was an actual clinical term for it!


I'm hoping that somewhere on that first site you posted, bluechocolate, there will be success stories for "beating" an ultra-picky diet that I can work with.


Thanks again :)

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are you taking any multi vitamins? that is very necessary- especially being vegetarian.

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No, this is not true. you can be a vegetarian and have a sufficiently balanced diet to not need multivitamins. I am vegetarian, and I am perfectly all right without the need for them.

But I agree.. the diet this OP is following is almost certainly deficient in some vitamins and minerals, without doubt.



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No, this is not true. you can be a vegetarian and have a sufficiently balanced diet to not need multivitamins. I am vegetarian, and I am perfectly all right without the need for them.

But I agree.. the diet this OP is following is almost certainly deficient in some vitamins and minerals, without doubt.






i wasn't insinuating EVERY vegetarian....


specifically i was speaking of Hyzenthlay because of the exclusions in diet

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Quite so. I agree with you.

I apologise if my interpretation of your post was presumptuous.



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Quite so. I agree with you.

I apologise if my interpretation of your post was presumptuous.




don't apologise.... i like to give crap out :D

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