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Obnoxious Friend leads to my broken heart????

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Hello, All, Bare with me! I am very frustrated! :)


Ok, So last night, I was out with a friend from High School {she just recently turned 21 and we went out} We used to be inseperable but things happen and we kinda drifted apart, well when we got together last night it was like old times but better because we could both drink LEGALLY :) Well, Needless to say we had an awesome bartender and he got me and my friend very toasty!


Well, Me and my friend were talking about our lives and love interests and everything since we have been apart for a while. So, I told her alllll about my love interest and how things were going good and how much I liked this guy and I told her his name and all about him. Well, after that we go to a gas station and I decide to call him while my friend was pumping gas.


He picks up and was very playful, very sweet, and we were talking a little when my friend got back in the car. She asked who I was talking to and I told her that I was talking to Jason. She started freakin out! She starts screaming, LET ME TALK TO HIM! Hi Jason! JASON JASON JASON Talk to me! So, just to shut her up I was like she wants to say hi really fast. So she gets on the phone and was TOTALLY and completely OBNOXIOUS! She was asking him to come out with us to play pool and she wasn't taking no for an answer {he was tired} So he finally said, Can I talk to Jen? {Me} So she starts freaking out and was like, Oh I see how it is, Jason hates me, he hates me, and kept saying it, He told me to tell her that he didn't hate her and that he will go out another time, so I tell her that and she was just so obnoxious. He was trying to talk to me and ask me how my work was going and he asked me about my other friend the one I am always with and I could barely hear him because she was screaming. I am sooooo embarrassed and when I attempted to apologize, he was so sweet and was like Oh no there is no reason to apologize, it's ok, blah blah blah, and he told me to make her be careful since she had my life in her hands. He is very sweet, but I am ready to cry because I really think my friend messed up anything me and him had. What do you guys think?


Should I maybe call him tonight and apologize for that whole episode or should I just consider him a loss? It sucks because he was everything I wanted! Thanks for your advice in advance!

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I think you need to sit down, take a deep breath, and think about the situation in a rational way, rather than your current panicked state. Because THIS is what ought to disturb you the most about your outing with your friend:


Originally posted by Kimi2464

Well, Needless to say we had an awesome bartender and he got me and my friend very toasty!


Well, after that we go to a gas station and I decide to call him while my friend was pumping gas.



Hello? Neither of you should have been behind the wheel. The reason the legal drinking age is set at 21 is because the powers that be think that younger adults lack the maturity to drink responsibly. I'd say that you and your friend proved that point, even if you are now of legal age.


On to the question you asked: why on earth are you worried that things are over between you and this guy? You said yourself that he was sweet and understanding on the phone, albeit a bit worried for your safety -- which he should have been.


Yes, you should phone him and apologize. You were a bit tipsy, as was your friend. Embarrassing, but hardly a deal-breaker.


If you're going out drinking with your friend, take a bus or a taxi!

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I understand that it was irresponsible! I wasn't drving, nor was I in any way being obnoxios, I am not a stupid little drunk that gets on peoples nerves. I was trying to calm her down and keep him happy at the same time. I do not think it is fair to call me a drunken idiot when I wasn't doing anything and I was very far from drunk. I appreciate you giving your opinion, but I didn't ask if I was an alcoholic or if I was annoying. I don't mean to be rude, I just got my feelings hurt by you, and I am telling you how I feel, please don't be mad, it's just the way I feel.


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I'm sorry that hurt your feelings, but do go back and read what you posted. You described a situation in which you and your friend, by your own admission, got "toasty." You then got into a car with her behind the wheel.


I did not in any way imply that you or your friend are alcoholics. Alcoholics are chronic abusers of alcohol.


Nor did I say that you were being obnoxious. The word obnoxious was used only by you, in the title of your thread. I did say that you were a drunken idiot -- which was deemed a bit harsh and perhaps rightly so -- but to be honest I think that anyone who allows an inebriated person to get behind the wheel of a car -- let alone get in the car with them! -- is unacceptably foolish. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. Thank goodness that's all that got hurt from this episode.


I'm not trying to insult you, but if all that you're taking away from this episode is anxiety about what your guy thinks of you then I worry for the citizens of your community the next time you and your friends go out drinking.

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I'm sorry, but midori is right, neither one of you should have been driving ... as far as Jason goes, he will likely laugh it off and it will turn out to be no big deal. The question is, will you continue to hang out with this obnoxious friend again in his presence? I would suggest not ... it sounds like she may be a bit jealous, and if anything, a bit immature.


I'd say keep Jason, lose the obnoxious friend. It is likely she will only serve to humiliate you again.


Good luck,


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