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He has changed, in a bad way

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My boyfriend of 14 months doesn't treat me the way he used to. Now when he talks to me he gets "short" with me and when things go wrong they are always "my fault" I don't know what to do, I can't loose him, he means the world to me. He doesn't buy me things, yet I should buy him things. He has become very selfish and it is tearing us apart. I feel like I am a burden instead of his girlfriend. :(

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sounds to me like this relationship is on the edge of the cliff and ready to collapse.


Sounds to me like he's just going along with the moment, not wanting to make a commitment nor a contribution to this relationship. You are certainly taking your part in this relationship, and sounds like me that he isn't doing his part. If he doesn't think or care for you and only thinks about himself all the time, then yes i'd agree that he is being very selfish and immature.


Talk it over with him the problems, If he refuses to listen or denies it...then he is being stubborn and ignorant. I think the best thing to do would to break it off if nothing in the relationship has changed...

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Ok, here's the latest. I talked to him about and he says he didn't realize he was acting this way and making me feel like this. He apologized and has been a real sweetheart the past 24 hours. Thanx for the advice.


If anyone else has any input, it too will be appreciated.


Thank you everyone. :)

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