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Any Truth to the hype?

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I've been hearing a lot about a new dietary supplement containing acai berry. It was featured on Oprah and Rachel Ray. It's being touted as a great anti-oxidant. Supposedly it boosts your metabolism and gives you more energy. I'm not interested in it for the supposed weight loss properties, but I am wondering if anybody has tried it. I'm all in favor of something that helps your body work more efficiently.


Also, has anyone tried any of these colon cleansers? It makes sense that because of the amount of processed food we ingest that the body might have a difficult time processing what we eat. Again, not for weight-loss purposes, but do these things actually cleanse your body and are they worth it?


I would really appreciate any feedback. Thank you.:)

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I've also heard about it but I don't know. There's way too many products that clain they will turn your body into a machine, but this one seems a bit more legit.

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I have been trying the monavie acai berry extract, and the only thing it seems to be having a big effect on is my wallet! Its expensive! It tastes nice, but I haven't noticed anything different. As for weight loss, well no chance of that as I am pregnant so...


Its hard to know if these things have any health benefits without them being around for some time and being tested in scientific conditions.


I think if you have a healthy diet with plenty of wholegrains, and a good variety of different coloured fruit and vegetables, not too much meat and not too much dairy, you are doing just as well as you could be if you spend money on fancy cleansing diets.


Most doctors say that cleansing products etc are a waste of money, as we are all equipped with the best cleansing organs of all- our liver and kidneys.

There isn't much evidence out there that those kind of products have any benefits.

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