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Should I tell him or would it ruin it?

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So my boyfriend has been friend with this girl for over 5 years. She is super cute and really really nice.

When my bf as going thru really hard times last year they hanged out a lot. He's told me he sees her as a really good friend though shes a bit too intense at times.


Well the first day i met her a few months ago I immediately realized she has a crush on him. At first i thought i was being paranoid but as time goes by and we all hang out, it is soooo obvious. Its kinda sad actually because though she likes him she doesnt try to undermine me in any way. Its one of those things that cant be helped and i feel bad for her.


SO then last saturday we all hanged out at the beach. She went off to take pictures and he and I stayed at the beach sleeping. I got up a few minutes later and went off on a run. When i got back, she was kinda lounging next to him. Nothing dangeous but again, it just seems soo obvious to me that she kinda...i dont know....steals little moments she can manage. I feel bad.


Anyway, so sunday night we all went out again. She tells me she is planning to move to the same city my bf is moving to at the end of this year, though she is moving next year, around the same time ill be moving there. HE cracks a joke that we should carpool.

We were drinking at the time, so I look at him like...are u seriously so oblivious or you just dont want to acknowledge it?

THe kicker was much later at night....out of nowhere she tells us she is applying to the same school he is for her 2nd masters....


I bust out laughing.


I really couldnt help it....

He asked me what was so funny...i didnt say anything. Obviously she knows i know....


So now im wondering if i should bring the whole thing up to him. I mean she is one of his closest friends and I dont want to run their friendship....however, i just want to know if he is aware of how she feels for him....


about 95% of me says i shouldnt bother. He had many many opportunities of being with her had he wanted to so Im not really threatened...but then that 5% of me says....i really want to tell him just to know whether he is aware. Especially because he hugs and kisses me in front of her (i feel terrible, especially when she turns around to not see it)


So i want to know...what do you all think? should i tell him????

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