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To you all, who like to break peoples hearts!!!

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Never say "I love you"


If you really don't care


Never talk about feelings


If they aren't really there.


Never hold my hand


If you are going to break my heart


Never say you are going to


If you don't plan to start


Never look into my eyes


If all you do is lie


Never say hello


If you really mean good bye


If you really mean forever


Then say you will try


Never say forever


Cause forever makes me cry


From: a really big, sweet, and caring heart that has been broken into thousands of pieces.


To:All that this applies to (and to my ex-girlfriend)



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Dear Michael:


This is a lovely and touching poem. It is unfortunate that love isn't as simple in real life as in the poem. I think most people are very sincere when they say "I love you", but feelings change...sometimes rapidly. Feelings are in the moment and caused by a multitude of factors. Some people who are married go through periods of great love, ambivalence, hate and back to love again in the course of a short time.


I don't know many who set out to break hearts. So often we have great, wonderful feelings for a person and, over time, those feelings change through circumstances or from meeting other people.


My best hunch is that most people are sincere about their feelings most of the time. There are some who manipulate others by lying but most are sincere.


Break-ups are usually the result of break-downs in communications and in the perception of the other person. Romantic love is caused by chemical reactions in the brain. Once those chemicals neutralize a bit, then there better be a lot more there. What we say when the chemistry is strong is just as sincere as what we say when it's not there anymore.


But it's still a beautiful poem and we all dream of finding the perfect love...and we all can if we keep our expectations reasonable and always know that the one we love is human and fallible.

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