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Gay Marriage ... Why should it matter?

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I've looked at the whole "gay marriage" thread currently running, and find it very scattered, and disorganized.


Why should any of us have anything to say about our fellow citizens right to love, make love, or marry any person they wish to?


At the rate things are going in Western society marriage isn't a clear benifit. It's a risky proposition at best. As long as the couple does not demand the state support them, in addition to sanctioning their union, I have no problem with it whatsoever.


Life is way to short to be forced to ignore a basic human need.

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Because Miss California says so.


This assumes that "she" has the wherewithall to make such a statement? What education or experiance do you believe she posesses that qualifies her to dictate others behavior... ??? (I'm being obtuse).

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LSD? It really doesn't matter to anybody but the Neo-cons and they are against anything to do with HUMAN RIGHTS, being proper little Fascists.

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It doesn't matter to me as they won't be living in my house. But I am allowed to have my opinion about it.


I think that's what some in the other thread aren't getting. People are allowed their feelings about things, pro or con.


But me? Pfffft. I don't really care so long as they don't live with me. LOL.

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Jake Barnes
It doesn't matter to me as they won't be living in my house. But I am allowed to have my opinion about it.


I think that's what some in the other thread aren't getting. People are allowed their feelings about things, pro or con.


But me? Pfffft. I don't really care so long as they don't live with me. LOL.

did you really laugh out loud?

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Because Miss California says so.

The way the "political correctness" movement ripped her apart for having an opinion makes me think that society is being bullied into making unnecessary changes to the detriment of American family values.


Civil unions are the way to go - leave marriage alone!

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The way the "political correctness" movement ripped her apart for having an opinion makes me think that society is being bullied into making unnecessary changes to the detriment of American family values.


Civil unions are the way to go - leave marriage alone!



I don't agree with what comes after changes, but I do feel bullied about it.


It was her opinion and she is completely entitled to it.

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It was her opinion and she is completely entitled to it.

That much we can agree on! So much for free speech.

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That much we can agree on! So much for free speech.


I share some of her opinion. I think that marriage is between a man and a woman. For the purposes of family - even if they can't have biological children for some reason.


But I don't think that folks that can't procreate naturally because their parts don't fit properly should call it marriage.


And that's my opinion.


But I don't care if gays get married or not. To me, they just earned the right to get divorced - like the majority of marriages seem to in this country.

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LSD? It really doesn't matter to anybody but the Neo-cons and they are against anything to do with HUMAN RIGHTS, being proper little Fascists.



Boldjack... You really made me laugh. I'm a life long Republican, last Dem. I voted for was Bobby Kennedy (Cal. primary). I am sure that you would view me as the prototypical "Neo Con" and a "proper little Fascist".


My views on "Gay Marriage" have nothing to do with Politics. I don't see love, marriage, and personal relationships as "political". It's none of the governments business who we chose to share out hearts with.

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I know very few gay men with beards.

maybe they think it's a heterosexual thing....

In any case, yes, you should wear balm, because of chafing.

bare cheeks bear the brunt of the beard.....



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It matters because two guys kissing each other with their beards rubbing together is gross




See, I think it's hot. If they are. If not then it's none of my business.

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This assumes that "she" has the wherewithall to make such a statement? What education or experiance do you believe she posesses that qualifies her to dictate others behavior... ??? (I'm being obtuse).


Are you trying to say that Miss California of all people would have no idea wtf she's talking about? :eek::laugh:

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Actually LSD, I'm an old style populist Democrat, Think George McGovern. I dislike Liberals as much as Neo-cons, both groups are trying to restrict our constitutional rights. I believe Gay people should have the same rights as hetero people. Discrimination is discrimination. No group should be singled out and repressed, every person having the same rights as every other person BTW Aqualung rocks!!!!!:D:D:D

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Yes, and men should be given maternity leave, because it's not their fault that they weren't born sans a womb. How discriminatory. This whole argument is ridiculous - marriage is defined as the union of a man and a women. That's all there is to it. There's no discrimination in play.


Civil unions will give gays all the legal rights they want. Civil unions are the best way to proceed. Leave marriage alone, and celebrate American families as the backbone of modern society.

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Can platonic friends of the same sex marry each other? Or do they have to be getting each other off?


Why not polygamy between consenting adults? Why must it be between 2 people only? I want to marry 39 women. How does it affect you?



If you want men to marry men, and women to marry women then let's do away with marriage altogether. When it was created it was not created with the idea of people of the same sex marrying.


I really wonder how many gay men met at 20 and stayed together for 50 years. Or how many have been monogamous to their partner for a few decades. You do not need a marriage license to be monogamous.


See, all the "pro gay" marriage crowd can do is find the worst examples of hetero behavior (cheating) and then use that to justify gay marriage. "heteros cheat! they are just like homos!"


Show me proof of 2 guys who were faithful to each other for 50 years (Like many of our parents and grandparents) and I would reconsider my views.


Have any of you men had "just sex" with a woman and then made love to a woman? Did you notice a difference? I have. Are lesbians and gays even capable of "making love"? In my opinion, the way we are constructed, biologically, you need a penis and a vagina. One woman inserting a dildo into another is not "making love". Nor is a man sticking his penis in another guys ass. That is just getting off.


Unfortunately the family is under attack from all angles, and the gay marriage movement is just another form of attack. Gays are just being used to further the agenda of ruining the family and creating a genderless society where less people marry, and more and more people just get each other off.


Why? Because where gays can legally marry for decades about 1-5% choose to, and most of those marriages are for immigration purposes or non traditional marriage reasons. Gays could largely not care less.

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Show me proof of 2 guys who were faithful to each other for 50 years (Like many of our parents and grandparents) and I would reconsider my views.


Okay - I hate to burst your bubble - but this idyllic view of the family? Is..erm...probably a little overly rose-colored glasses. Yea, they stayed together, there really wasn't any choice - but they cheated on each other etc. Most of them weren't faithful.


My good lesbian friends have been together for over 15 years. That's longer than most hetero marriages last.

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Have any of you men had "just sex" with a woman and then made love to a woman? Did you notice a difference? I have. Are lesbians and gays even capable of "making love"? In my opinion, the way we are constructed, biologically, you need a penis and a vagina. One woman inserting a dildo into another is not "making love". Nor is a man sticking his penis in another guys ass. That is just getting off.


Making love and "just sex" have nothing to do with what goes where. They have to do with emotions and tenderness versus selfishness. And there are loving ways to do other sexual activities than you have listed here.


Unfortunately the family is under attack from all angles, and the gay marriage movement is just another form of attack. Gays are just being used to further the agenda of ruining the family and creating a genderless society where less people marry, and more and more people just get each other off.


This made me chuckle this morning. Be rational here. Who is trying to "attack the family". Who are you saying wants a genderless society?? Whose agenda IS this?


Why? Because where gays can legally marry for decades about 1-5% choose to, and most of those marriages are for immigration purposes or non traditional marriage reasons. Gays could largely not care less.


Then, you have...nothing to worry about...do you?

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Actually LSD, I'm an old style populist Democrat, Think George McGovern. I dislike Liberals as much as Neo-cons, both groups are trying to restrict our constitutional rights. I believe Gay people should have the same rights as hetero people. Discrimination is discrimination. No group should be singled out and repressed, every person having the same rights as every other person BTW Aqualung rocks!!!!!:D:D:D


I've always been something of a Libertarian, particularly with respect to social issues. So it probably goes without saying that I don't have a problem with gay marriage; the only problem I have is the authority of the State to issue marriage licenses in the first place.


But I don't have the inclination to debate the issue beyond stating my opinion. People believe what they want to, and I don't want to devote energy to changing their opinion, at least on this issue.

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