2sure Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 Has anyone ever seen 60- 70 yr old men dating one another? Of course not. Because being gay is all about getting off, preferably with boys. Ahhh. And thats what politicians count on. No one has ever lost an election by underestimating the intellect of the American voter. Link to post Share on other sites
jwi71 Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 and human society, damaged as it is, has carried on in this tradition and the wisdom of the ages is not to be dismissed. Unlike other traditions we couldn't live with...like slavery and women wearing pants. Puhleese. Male to male sex is not, for this poster, natural.Don't tell that the to the birds, bees, dolphins, orangutans, Japanese Macques, Bonobos and literally hundreds of other species witnessed engaging in homosexuality. They simply aren't natural...those silly natural animals doing what comes naturally to them. I have had, in the publishing world, several gay male friends. But these men were older, elegant, and kept it all private. These men, or at least two of them I know, are against this idea of "marriage". Even they say that that is the male-female world.Good for them...they don;t have to get married. Meanwhile, those gay and lesbian couples who DO want to get married... Why we have to turn every personal issue into public policy is beyond me. I know of no one who "discriminates" against gays.Look in the mirror. You wish to deny them marriage solely based on their gender. Thats discrimination my friend. Same is true for all others claiming the same... One may not like them--that is not against the law--but any company or magazine worth its salt is not going to fire someone for that. By the way, many many many groups of people have suffered throughout history and no one has the upper hand on hurt..I thought we were talking about gay and lesbian marriage...stay on topic please. And gay men usually lead exceedingly unstable lives, suffer tremendous psychological problems, and have been even pathological. The six biggest mass murderers in US history were gay men.So? What does that have to do with gay marriage? That "bad people" shouldn't get married? I hate to tell you this but we allow convicted child molestors to get married and HAVE CHILDREN...so much for the bad people can't get married point... Many of these men were traumatized as children. This has played a huge role in their sexual development. As for women, it seems that many of them become gay also for psychological reasons relating to their relationships with men. So? Now people who have been traumatized as children can't get married.... Then there is the whole AIDS issue...What does AIDS have to do with marriage? Then there are the fringe groups who wish to lower the age of consent laws...blah,blah,blah... And now you can hardly pick up a magazine, see a movie, watch t.v. without a gay couple or character being the heroic nice this or that, or showing such sex as an option for anyone....And never, ever, showing the seedier side of such lives...Uh...this is about gay marriage how? I have no idea why people do not look more critically at these demoralizing lifestyles. It is not all so innocent. It is not just about these "poor" couples looking for love and wanting to adopt children (poor kids---they deserve the male and female in their lives as does every human...) ...Much of their movement is truly off-putting stuff.Ok...they aren't innocent and have seedier side so they shouldn't get married... Buddy, you just torpedoed all of humanity and marriage! hahaha Link to post Share on other sites
Untouchable_Fire Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 You mean like spouses who cheat? Way to pick something that doesn't correlate. You just compared being gay to cheating. Smooth. So you just dislike the semantics? If they were granted the same rights, but didn't call it marriage, it would be ok? Is that a question or a statement? Link to post Share on other sites
Untouchable_Fire Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 You said in another thread that you avoid gay people, yet you keep talking about the subject. Maybe you avoid gay and lesbian couples who mind their own business (some of them raising childen successfully). Do you instead search for people who participate in the most radical sex acts and hang out there? It wouldn't surprise me. :rolleyes: Was the last comment really necessary? Must the petty insults be thrown around to make a point? If you lift the rock... I will shove him back under. Link to post Share on other sites
Untouchable_Fire Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 Just come out already! Do you hate all homosexuals, or just yourself? Please answer the question. Link to post Share on other sites
Untouchable_Fire Posted May 12, 2009 Share Posted May 12, 2009 Again, LMFAOROTF!!!!!! :lmao: You really wanna go there again? Okay: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2143304&postcount=392 Just answer the question. Link to post Share on other sites
IrishCarBomb Posted May 13, 2009 Share Posted May 13, 2009 Is that a question or a statement? Well, the sentence did end with a question mark... Link to post Share on other sites
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