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Is your s/o your favorite person to spend time with?

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My boyfriend is my absolute favorite person to spend time with. I was just wondering if others felt this way. I'm struggling to deal with this new distance between us. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my friends. I love spending time with them, and with my family. But it always feels like something is missing and I just feel 100% complete with him, and only him.


Anyone else feel the same?

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i felt the same about my girlfriend, but distance is getting to us and were on the verge of splitting, see each other as much as you can and dont take the time you have together for granted, you only realise its gone when its too late, dont make the same mistake i did. dont let jealousy get on top either, if you beleive your partner is faithful, dont let anything say otherwise, stay strong, believe in yourself!

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Lovin a scrapper
My boyfriend is my absolute favorite person to spend time with. I was just wondering if others felt this way. I'm struggling to deal with this new distance between us. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my friends. I love spending time with them, and with my family. But it always feels like something is missing and I just feel 100% complete with him, and only him.


Anyone else feel the same?


Oh God yes I feel the same. Im not only in unconditional love with my Sweet Baby, she is my soulmate, my lover and my total best friend. I love being around her doing everything together and I cant wait until October when we will get to do those things every day.:bunny::bunny::bunny:


Dont worry bout the distance. You keep in constant communication and keep that love for each other and everything will be fine.:)

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Yes, yes and yes again!


There is nobody in the world I would rather be with.


He's my best friend, my lover and my soulmate :love:


(Sorry Lovin a scrapper - don't mean to copy you but can't think of a better way to say it! :))


I love my friends and my family too, but nobody can fill the hole I have in my heart when he's away from me.


Being separated from the No.1 person in your life is really tough.


Hang in there - you'll get through it. :)

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Absolutely, yes!


Recently I was out with friends celebrating my best GF's birthday (it was a big-O birthday!) and was having a great time. I came back to the table from doing a karaoke tune and there was my baby! He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to make it, and I was soooo happy when I saw him, even though I was already having a GREAT time. It struck me just how much happier I was to simply have him there with us. :love:

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Island Girl

There isn't one moment that I share with anyone or one thing I do that ever is "better" than my time with him.


I awake with the instant recognition that my existence is not happy.

The ache of separation is ALWAYS there. After so long I know it well and have learned how to carry it around and function in spite of it.


He is my most favorite person on the planet.


Always will be.

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Islandgirl says it SO well: "the ache is always there." That's exactly how I feel, especially because most of my friends here were also friends with my BF... so there are constant reminders that he is not here (he moved away for his job).


He is most definitely my favorite person to spend time with. When we are together, I never stop laughing!! I always have a huge smile. It's really hard, but I still manage to have fun with my friends and force myself to enjoy the time that I have both with, and without my boyfriend.

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swanee river

Oh, gosh--- yes!! I've traveled to see my sweetheart 4 times since she moved last July, and we've done pretty well in terms of making great memories that belie the short amount of time we've been able to spend together.


In addition, as I've had a couple of occasions to drive thru her old neighborhood here in my state, (brings back memories) and I've been struck by how much living we did in the months we shared the same locale-- I have other friendships that pale in comparison, though some have lasted for decades rather than just 17 months.


But-- as happy (bittersweet?) as those feelings and memories are, I agree with that description of an "ache" that never quite leaves, now that we are in the LDR-mode. For instance, it had been just over a week since I had last heard from her, and of course I was really jonesing to hear her voice or get a note--- and when it finally came tonight, I was warmed and happy---yet--- I found myself getting choked up because it was such a little tiny bit of contact on the heels of missing her so much. It was almost more depressing than before she wrote, which makes NO sense.


Except--- it does....and that's how the "ache" works, unfortunately. Truly, I believe the only way to properly deal with an LDR is to get rid of the "LD" as often as possible. Sadly, it's not possible enough sometimes.


I had a wonderful visit with her last month and was even there on my birthday. It still seems like a long time ago, though--- and our schedules are not making it easy to plan the next trip. To boot, I also have various anxieties and insecurities in terms of being too clingy or pestering her too much. I have not allowed myself to show any of these tendencies to her so far, but sometimes it's a struggle because I get tired of the "ache". I hope I don't blow it!!!


Ah well--- I hope it helps to know that these difficulties are shared by many, and that it IS possible to find and keep that connection going, and trying to be happy in it all is definitely a worthwhile pursuit. I love her very much, and feel lucky to have someone so special to miss so much! Just wish it didn't hurt quite as it does sometimes....or "ache"...





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I know exactly how you feel.

We separated (his choice) on Feb 1st..and it has been the hardest few months of my life. I had to move back to PA from Illinois (where I was living with him)

But...He now knows that I am his soul mate after all..I cant even tell you how I felt after he told me that..

He is my favorite person to be with!!

I am going to see him on May 29th. I am sooo excited I want to cry!!

We are going to move in together again hopefully by August.:bunny:


He is definitely my "other half"..my soul mate.:)

I just want to be back with him on a full time basis!!

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