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i need help on love


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i know i been in love before but i don't know what it like i feel it sometimes i just want to konw what it is. I really like the person i with and i think she is the right one for me but i think i am in love but then i start getting doubts like am i really in love i always ask myself questions i think i am scared of falling in love cause last time i did i got hurt

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Dear Metalheadd,


I think what it is, is that you're afraid of falling in love. You can't go through life thinking that everyone is going to let you down. Just because you got hurt in the past, doesn't mean that you should keep questioning and keep being too careful with your heart. If you hold yourself back from love, how are you really going to know? Being in love is just like what everyone says it's like: Like nobody else in the world matters, Like the whole world revolves around you, Like if you're sad, you're still happy because you're in love, Like an explosion of emotions, It's passion pain and fire, Like you could do anything. Love is about letting yourself go, because even if you might get really badly hurt in the end, it doesn't matter because it will all be worth it. Yes, love is beautiful. And only you know if you're in love. Try not to fucus on who the right one is, or you'll find out that you're stuck. Don't fret about this new relationship, celebrate it.


Good Luck,



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I believe that love is: when that person is sad so am I , when that person is happy so am I, when that person hurts so do I, when that person laughs or cries so do I. when that person needs understanding I try my best. when that person needs help I give it my all. don't be affraid love is a process of learning, and you can't learn unless you try.like learning to ride a bike some times falling down hurts... and expect it to cuz untill you learn to ride through any terraine you will fall. if you don't believe me read some of these letters.. we all make mistakes.. good luck

Dear Metalheadd, I think what it is, is that you're afraid of falling in love. You can't go through life thinking that everyone is going to let you down. Just because you got hurt in the past, doesn't mean that you should keep questioning and keep being too careful with your heart. If you hold yourself back from love, how are you really going to know? Being in love is just like what everyone says it's like: Like nobody else in the world matters, Like the whole world revolves around you, Like if you're sad, you're still happy because you're in love, Like an explosion of emotions, It's passion pain and fire, Like you could do anything. Love is about letting yourself go, because even if you might get really badly hurt in the end, it doesn't matter because it will all be worth it. Yes, love is beautiful. And only you know if you're in love. Try not to fucus on who the right one is, or you'll find out that you're stuck. Don't fret about this new relationship, celebrate it. Good Luck, Princess
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Like most things in life, taking a chance in love is a risk. It is a risk well worth taking. If you are like the rest of us, you will most likely be hurt in love many times before you find the one that is a keeper.


Sadly, so many times this fear of getting hurt keeps one from trying, looking or even allowing love to enter their hearts. That is so unfortunate. Yes, the pain of breaking up with someone you love can seem unbearable ..... but the pain does pass in time. Rejection is not an easy thing to accept ever, especially in matters of the heart. Just look at this way: If you love someone and that love comes to an end by either one of you, she was not the right one for you in the first place and there is someone else out there that will love you in the manner that you deserve. You just have to be open to it.


Follow your heart. You have many options regarding how you view falling in love ....... the best one is with joy, excitement and an open mind and heart. Don't let the fear of rejection keep you from experiencing that which your heart wishes to express. If your heart's expression falls on deaf ears, it is her loss and time to pull yourself together and find one who will share your loving feelings with you.


You sound very sensitive and dear and I wish you the best of luck!

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