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What do I do for my first move?

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Hi, I'm new to the forum and was hoping for some advice on a situation I am in. Here goes....


At the grand opening of the cell phone store where I work at a local radio dj came in an interviewed my boss for the radio. I met and talked to her a little, and found that she was the coolest girl I have ever come across. Great looks along with an awesome sense of humor. Definetly the girl of my dreams. But I don't know what to do for my first move. In fact I don't even know if she is seeing anybody, I don't know her phone number, or where she lives. Basically I know nothing except for the fact that the radio station she works at is right down the street from where I work. But that doesn't help because if I hung around there I would look like a stalker and that's not good. So basically I'm asking what should do for my first move?


Any advice would be appreciated.

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You have her name and you know where she works, right. Call her at her workplace. Make the call brief but tell her you enjoyed chatting with her and you'd like the chance for another chat over coffee.

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