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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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I just got home from Germany and--BAM--within the first few hours of being in Berlin I scored a date with a cute German girl. We went out the next night to a restaurant, a movie, a nightclub, and two bars, and guess what? She paid for herself each time. There was no hassle, no drama, no bickering--she actually insisted fiercely that it was her right to pay. I was shocked. But pleasantly surprised. Fortunately, that wasn't all. She took me home and--OH!--sex on the first date! There was no "I don't kiss and tell. I'm not just some ho off the street. I want to wait a while and see where this is going". She gave it to me like it wasn't something to be ashamed of.


I later found out from other American men in Germany that this is what German girls are generally like, more willing to pay for themselves, not expecting too much, much more humble, and have less prudery about sex.



I googled dating German women recently and here's what I found (the site:

[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]http://forum.expatica.com/Dating-German-Girls-t61254.html[/sIZE][/FONT] )

Here's one comment:


"If you take a look at some of the losers in Germany dating some rather hot women(Miss Deutschland 2003 was dating a plumber), you will realize German women are very easy to get into bed. German women are a lot easier to please than Americunts aka American women. I discovered the pleasures of European women and became addicted to them like crack-cocaine. I only get four weeks a year to ignore American bitches, and often go to Montreal to get real pussy. The best advice is to take it easy, German women don't expect you to do anything. Some will cook for you while you sit on your ass and have a beer. Some love to get naked with you in a sauna."


German women, even the most successful of them, have no problem dating a man with a regular job. In America that would be insane. It doesn't matter if he's an honest guy who wants no hassle in his life and who wants to do an honest job, a plumber, electrician, or repair-man is considered a "loser" because he's not a doctor, lawyer, or dentist. It doesn't matter if the job he does contributes valuably to society, if it's not a glitz and glamor job then American women don't want it.

Here's another quote from that site about German women from a German woman:



here´s a german girl and I can´t believe what I´m reading here. You´re talking about a german girl like every girl in Germany behaves like that. In fact every woman is different in their needs (I´m sure men aren´t). But yes german women like if the men opens the door and stuff. But it shouldn´t be too much. We also like to get flowers (but not at the first date). I can only talk about myself. If I´d be on a first or second date I don´t want the man to pay the meal. But there are also lots of german girls who only want to be invited. But I think it´s not fair. Scenario: I go out with a bloke and he invites me to dinner. Later on he is hoping to get a kiss (or even more) but I realise he´s not my type and let him go home. I would feel like I´m in his debt. cause he paid for everything. That´s not my style."


See that? She doesn't want to pay because she feels she's in his debt. American women have no problem taking expensive things from their men and giving absolutely nothing in return. American woman expect so much but it is absolutely absurd in their deluded mind that they should give anything back.


That's it. I'm done with these uppity broads. There are so many better women out there that I'm seriously wondering why I put up with them for so long. I met a Turkish hottie in Berlin and guess what? Cool personality and much more fun to be with. I advise any American man who is having frustration and stress from dating American women to just give up on them and look for women in other countries. You'll definitely find there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many better woman out there than American women. To those of you chumps who want to stick with them then good luck. Deal with all the drama, materialism, bickering, prudery, and stank attitudes. If that's what turns you on then go for it.

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MN randomguy



You're going to get all sorts of hate from that post.


But, I have thought it would be nice to live in a different country. When you're a foreigner you're a novelty. My housemate is a Mexican, however, very metro and has a good paying job. His GF is an engineer in MBA school who is on the vikings cheerleading team. He is a player and loves scandanavian women. Its one of the main things keeping him in the states. However, in Mexico, he's just another Mexican. In Minnesota, he's a latin lover.


Have you ever talked to a marine that was stationed in Japan or the Phillipines? They Looove American men there. I've also heard it pay to be American in Australia too. Just as it pays to be an Australian guy in the U.S. with an accent.

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americans in general (both men and women) are worthless and are considered least-dateable by the rest of the world

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Yo MN Random Guy, here's the funny story that was told to me by Marines who were stationed in Germany: some Marine men had been stationed in Germany for years and loving it, the nightlife, the women, the atmosphere; but when they were told they had to go back to the States they balled their eyes out. Right in public. U.S. Marines, the toughest branch in our military, were crying in public about leaving Germany. That should tell you something. And yes, I've heard a ton about how great the Pacific is to be stationed in. Kinda makes me wanna enlist.;)


And yes, our system is sooooooooo messed up. 50% divorce rate and its climbing all the time.

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The trick is to ex-pat and never come back. Bring a foreign woman (or man) back to the U.S. and they'll be absorbed.

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mr.dream merchant

That's wussup! I was born in Germany, Military Brat. The whole them paying for themselves thing is enough to turn me onto it. I hate arguing with a stuck up broad who feels like she's entitled to **** because she's got a pussy between her legs.

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Hookers also expect nothing (other than payment) for sex.


That might be a cheaper route to go than flying to another country to get laid strings-free.

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Although the OP mentioned the sex part, as someone who has traveled, it's not about the sex part. There is a difference, culturally, with both the men and the women. Perhaps the difference itself is attractive, or it might be that, for some people, the cultural and interpersonal dynamics are more compatible.

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Jersey Shortie

So just to be clear, American men are bitter because they have to fork over some money to go out with a woman. The horror. :eek:


American men are also bitter because a woman doesn't spread her legs the second he might want her too. Despite the prevealing overwhelming ideals that men call women "sluts" who sleep with men easily. Again, the horror. :eek:


Oh but wait it gets better. American men want women to have no expectations of any American men otherwise she is an awful, selfish human being. American men are allowed to lust after hot women and talk about these things with their friends and have a certain ideal expectations of attractivness for women. But if women have expectations for the amount of money a man makes, or what kind of job he has, she is more shallow them him. :lmao: His shallowness is better and more justifyable then hers. :lmao:


American men = resonable mature, perfect adults who offer women the greatest respect and are willing to put forth energy into women.


American women = selfish, worthless, whores who just care about money and actually have the nerve of not spreading their legs or feeling honored when a man pays for a date.


You know, it doesn't bother me that you had a great experience with other women in another country. It's not going to bother any woman. What do you hope to accomplish by posting a thread though that tears down American women and puts you on a seat of greatness above them? Do you really think you succeed more as an American man, are more fair, are more resonable, then American women? cause I hate to break it to you but problems between men and women are still the same problems you will find all over the world. I also hate to break it to you but women alone don't cause all the problems.


Seems to me that you are whining more about how you might acutally have to put some work into respecting a woman. Seems to me that you jsut want everything to come your way easy. Don't want to spend a drop of money on a girl, want her to spread her legs easily, don't want to put in any effort in respecting her or giving her the things she might need. Sorry, but the gender that is coming off spoiled and selfish here isn't American women.

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Should American men stop dating American women?


People should stop dating in general, until expansion onto other planets becomes a viable solution. It would fix our global population explosion.

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If being "American" is what makes you think a woman is good or bad, then yes - PLEASE stop dating American women! :lmao:

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I think American men should stop dating American women so the women can date Australian men, in Australia. There are a lot of positives to being a former penal colony ;)

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Jersey Shortie

Australian men have sexy as hell accents. And if they didn't want to pay for dinner I bet they would just catch a kangaroo and heat it up on the barbie for you.

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Nah, Aussie men would just tear the kangaroo apart with bare hands and offer you a haunch. It's called Aussie-style sashimi.

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Foreign women (in most countries) are more feminine than American women; it's also true that foreign men are more masculine than American men. This country has blurred masculinity and femininity to such an extent that we have hordes of bitter, manly single women and bitter, wussy single men who can't figure out how to behave. Then they wonder why they're single and sexless.


It's no wonder we find men and women in other (usually developing) countries alluring.


And, for the record, I don't have to spend a lot of money to date or sleep with an American girl. If you're dating a woman who expects fancy dinners and gifts before she'll put out, you're dating a gold digger at best, and YOU are allowing yourself to be taken for a ride. The majority of women I've dated want to be with me for me, not for my bank account (which isn't even impressive, trust me, there's nothing to dig for). If you learn how to attract women properly, you can weed out the ones looking for free meals and date the quality women who are actually interested in you - and it won't cost you very much at all.

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People should stop dating in general, until expansion onto other planets becomes a viable solution. It would fix our global population explosion.


Alright. You first. :)

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What I like about Aussie men is their emotional openness and gentlemanly ways, even with the gruff and sometimes rough exterior. The women I like for their blend of femininity and feral sexuality. It's an interesting place :)


Yeah, the accents are pretty cool, and, interestingly, they liked my Cali "accent" as well. Differences are cool, I guess.

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If you want to meet some amazing women, hit up Brazil. They're beautiful, friendly, and can actually dance. (I'm stereotyping of course, but go, and you'll see.)


They also wear their femininity on their sleeves, and treat you like a man. Far less game-playing than Yankee girls.

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I think American women should quit dating American men.


American men are spoiled little boys that never grow up.


I agree with the previous poster that said Americans suck in general. If I could leave this country I'd be gone asap.

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I think American women should quit dating American men.


American men are spoiled little boys that never grow up.


I agree with the previous poster that said Americans suck in general. If I could leave this country I'd be gone asap.


Just a hypothetical, who should they date? Europeans? Asians? Australians? (are there even enough Australians to go around?) :lmao:

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I've always heard Europeans were awesome lovers....Although I've always heard they were big cheaters too :(


I would be happy sharing a hot aussie man :D

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