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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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Oh what? You thought that pretty face and your vagina were going to make me jump through hoops? Sorry mami, for every one decent chick that won't do, there's two more prettier, nicer, and less snobby ones who will do.


So how did you put up with being stood up by her 5 times?


And what's with the 'your vagina'? :o

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I was thinking the same thing, excellent point. Most guys who are in the dating game and have enough to offer women and who can get women don't appreciate easy women they in fact are the ones putting them down.


The thing is, only a certain kind of guy truly appreciates an "easy" woman, it's the kind of loser type guy that never gets any. When he is finally offered some and it comes effortlessly he is so excited he thinks he is in love. :laugh: The rest of the more selective types are very quick to put down easy women.

You know how the American job market is, right?


1. You search for a job.

2. You send in a resume.

3. You wait days for a response. You don't want to call too quickly and all the time because that would make you look desperate to them. The company wants to hire a guy who could take it or leave it.

4. Then call you two days later and you get an interview.

5. You dress up nice, get there on time, and appear courteous.

6. They ask you a bunch of boring, drawn-out questions to see if you're a good match for the job. You answer them as professionally as you can, trying not to make it seem like what you're saying is a lie or unnatural.

7. When it's all done, and they don't hire you on the spot, you get told they'll give you a call, and you may have to do another interview.


How about we correlate this with the American dating system:


1. You search for a girl.

2. You get her number.

3. You wait days to call. You don't want to call too quickly and all the time because that would make you look desperate to her. She wants to date a guy who could take it or leave it.

4. You call two days later and schedule a date.

5. You dress up nice, get there on time, and appear courteous.

6. You're asked a bunch of boring, drawn-out questions to see if you're a good match for her. You answer them as suavely as you can, trying not to make it seem like what you're saying is a lie or unnatural.

7. When it's all done, and you don't get sex on the first date, you get told she had a good time, and she should call to schedule another date.


Look at all that crap. Here's what I did:

1. Walked up and talked to her about German culture and history.

2. Got a number and called it later that day.

3. Had a great time, and sex on the first date.


If German women are so wrong then why are there divorce rates lower?:confused:

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damn, you're gonna get it from all the guys who wifed up easy chicks, and all the easy chicks. Good luck with that.


I don't have a problem with "easy" chicks, it's men who don't know what the hell they want. On the one hand you claim you want an easy woman and on the other a good number of guys have no qualms about expressing their disdain for easy women who give it up too easily.

That's why women should act how they feel is right for them and forget about what men want or expect since they all want something different.



I guess I was "fooled" by Colombian girlfriend, who has a master's degree, a better-paying job than I do, and paid her own way to move to the US as an adult. But she only wants to be with me for my passport and bank account, right? I'll let her know that you said she is just putting on a sex kitten act. I'll be sure and tell her everything you said, so we can have a good laugh at how ignorant you are. It'll be like watching Archie Bunker.


My Venezuelan friend did the exact same thing she came here with a Journalism degree she cannot work in her field because her English is still quite weak. She met her current husband married him quickly so she could stay in the country. She does not work but her standards are still very high in terms of what she expects out of life even though she cannot work. Her reasoning is that in Venezuela it is a shame to not have fine things in life. She has driven her husband to the ground, they just bought a million dollar house which they cannot afford, have two cars a Bmer and an SUV he works 24/7 and every time we see him at get togethers he looks like a shell of what he was.


She is super ambitious but when the girls get together to have our girl's night we get to talking and we recently found out in the sex department she is having many problems with her man, they went on a vacation together and left the children behind and he never once wanted to have sex with her. She asked the rest of us if in our relationships we thought that was normal. We tried to make her feel better, but NO that is not normal. They are both young and attractive and she is very attractive and there is no reason at all for a man to be on vacation with his wife and not want sex the entire time other than the fact he is worked to the bone and too tired to even have sex and perhaps would rather vege OR he is having an affair.


My Colombian friend same thing. She has a career and intially had a job that payed three times of what her husband (then boyfriend) was making but after they got married she decided to give up her career to open up her own business. But in order to this her husband works two jobs and she has her own business which she goes to a few days a week but most the time she spends her time at spas and getting pampered or going back to Colombia to visit her family while her husband works like a fool to make ends meet. They are up to their eyeballs in debt and just bought a home at a very trendy part of town because since she has her own business she can't "not be living in a place that says we made it". I see how ambitious these women are, ambitious in terms of what they want from their partners, and it makes me feel like I am and angel to my man in comparisson. Again, her family is from the upper echelons of Colombia and this is typical the man MUST provide for the woman, end of story.



Granted these are a only a few examples but I in talking to these women apparently this is how they were brought up to think culturally.

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mr.dream merchant
Wait, wait. Weren't you the guy whose gf was emotionally blackmailing him to get engaged, and who repeatedly put up with being stood up by her?


Or are there two of you? :eek::confused:


Yessir. And I calmed all of that down. I just politely let her know that she's one out of millions. I didn't put up with it because I had to, I did it because I wanted to. Never once in my relationship was I on my knees begging for anything. I never once treated her like she's the only lady on the planet, thank god.

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That might be how you read it, but that's not how I read it. There are good guys out there who don't judge a gal based on her past sexual escapades. In fact, only a guy who doesn't judge a person like that is a good guy.

I agree completely. :)

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If German women are so wrong then why are there divorce rates lower?:confused:



Ahhh because there are less people living in Germany than in the US plus they marry less


Just a thought...:rolleyes:


Their divorce rate is still quite high actually it is third from us but very close in terms of %



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mr.dream merchant
So how did you put up with being stood up by her 5 times?


And what's with the 'your vagina'? :o


I put up with it by telling her she needs to tighten the **** up each time.

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That might be how you read it, but that's not how I read it. There are good guys out there who don't judge a gal based on her past sexual escapades. In fact, only a guy who doesn't judge a person like that is a good guy.




Thank you that is exactly what I meant, you understood what I wrote correctly.


Loser guys who typically struggle with women are in awe of "easy" women because they have had to work so hard to get nowhere with women.


A woman should not be judged on whether she gives it up easily or not. This whole thread is made up to reward easy women, as if women were just a piece of meat with a hole to be used at a man's whim. That's my point!


If sex happens fast so be it, if it happens slow so be it too. I would rather see a thread about how cool German women are because of their carefree open attitude and general easiness to relate to guys, rather than focusing on how easily they give up sex and pay their own way.


The OP chose to zero in on the sexual aspect as if he were only out to get a break sexually when he sees women. That denotes low standards and it also denotes the objectification of women.

I have no respect for men who think like that since we are more than a warm meaty hole.

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Yessir. And I calmed all of that down. I just politely let her know that she's one out of millions. I didn't put up with it because I had to, I did it because I wanted to. Never once in my relationship was I on my knees begging for anything. I never once treated her like she's the only lady on the planet, thank god.


So what happened to all the tough talk of 'That's koo, but I can date any girl I want as well, so if you act like a bitch, you get NEXTED like a bitch.' hmm?

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Cherry Blossom 35
That's koo, but I can date any girl I want as well, so if you act like a bitch, you get NEXTED like a bitch. See where I'm going with this? Nobody has to deal with anyone if they don't want to. Alot of these females act like its their way or the highway because their all we got. "No bitch, I can easily get with another chick who's not as snobby as you, and looks twice as better than you." That's the mentality these guys need. Stop acting like she's such a damn privelege because that's when they **** in your cornflakes with their lame ass personality and entitlement complex. "You better pay for my dinner!" The ****? NEEEEEEEEEXT! Call me cocky but **** it, I'm not leaving all the power in the hands of some pair of self righteous pussy lips. **** that.


Real classy, Dream Merchant.

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Well, just adding my little tip to the thread. If you American girls don't mind your men being rather shy and slightly lacking on confidence and suaveness, you might want to give the guys in my country (somewhere in Southeast Asia) a shot.


They expect to be the ones paying on dates all the time, they don't expect to be given sex for a long long time, and they generally try to pander to your whims and pamper you as much as they can.


To hell with the American men who act like the OP! :p


Excellent advice, I work with many fine Asian men and would gladly go out on a date if asked:)

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Are these guys really angry, or is it just a show? I'm trying to figure out why the venom. I mean, I've had some lousy experiences in romance and have been taken advantage of but I just don't get the generalized hatred. Perhaps it ties in with my posting in another thread about pragmatism and sociopathy. They spew because it works. TBH, as my gentlemanly ways haven't enjoyed the best of receptions, maybe they're onto something. Won't make me change though. I'd rather be alone and feel good about myself :)

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Excellent first post and right on..


Having spent time in Germany, I can concur..


A. You are not immediately judged by your profession. Actually hard work is looked well upon. People who are lawyers/make lots of money through banking etc are looked at as slimy.


B. The women are not sexually repressed. If they like you, they have sex with you. American women are just as easy, but they seem to more often compartmentalize.. "I do not see a future with this guy, so I will be slutty" "I see a future with this guy, so I will act not slutty".


C. Many love to cook. They are far more efficient. They can cook, clean, work, go to school, work out, and party without skipping a beat. American women seem to either be complete alcoholics, or health nuts who will not drink a beer.


D. On these threads American women cannot comprehend the different choices men have.. It sounds so silly when they push for "equality" but act old fashioned only when it benefits them. The worst of both worlds.

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Excellent advice, I work with many fine Asian men and would gladly go out on a date if asked:)


Great for you! :laugh: I forgot to mention, they also have the plus point of not having the perpetual grass-is-greener syndrome so prevalent in men like the OP as well -- I've never had any of them complain to me that they thought our dating system was unfair to men. ;)

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Ruby Slippers

Another point you might want to consider regarding the relative ease with which German/Euro women go to bed with a man is that there could potentially be a higher incidence of cheating that comes along with that light and casual attitude. I knew this American guy doing a PhD program in Germany who slept with dozens of bored Euro stay-at-home wives/mothers. He said it was like shooting fish in a barrel -- way easier than gettin' some in the States.

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One more point.. In Germany is is easy to find slender women. In the USA the avg woman is 5 ft 3, 165. Yikes... So one that just has a normal body is already rather arrogant..

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Cherry Blossom 35
Are these guys really angry, or is it just a show? I'm trying to figure out why the venom. I mean, I've had some lousy experiences in romance and have been taken advantage of but I just don't get the generalized hatred. Perhaps it ties in with my posting in another thread about pragmatism and sociopathy. They spew because it works. TBH, as my gentlemanly ways haven't enjoyed the best of receptions, maybe they're onto something. Won't make me change though. I'd rather be alone and feel good about myself :)



Don't think for a minute about changing!!!!


My bf is a so-called "nice guy". Very gentlemanly, very emotionally open. I imagine that you probably share a lot of traits with him :love:

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Ruby Slippers


Well, just adding my little tip to the thread. If you American girls don't mind your men being rather shy and slightly lacking on confidence and suaveness, you might want to give the guys in my country (somewhere in Southeast Asia) a shot.


They expect to be the ones paying on dates all the time, they don't expect to be given sex for a long long time, and they generally try to pander to your whims and pamper you as much as they can.


To hell with the American men who act like the OP! :p

Yeah, I have this cute Greek guy friend who wants to date me right now, and he is similar to the type you have described. I am seriously considering going on a date with him when my single year is up in September. :)

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Yeah, I have this cute Greek guy friend who wants to date me right now, and he is similar to the type you have described. I am seriously considering going on a date with him when my single year is up in September. :)



Exactly.. What on Earth is a "single year"? That is what American men must deal with.. Weird rules, conditions, labels, time frames for different things, etc.

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Thank you that is exactly what I meant, you understood what I wrote correctly.


Loser guys who typically struggle with women are in awe of "easy" women because they have had to work so hard to get nowhere with women.


A woman should not be judged on whether she gives it up easily or not. This whole thread is made up to reward easy women, as if women were just a piece of meat with a hole to be used at a man's whim. That's my point!


If sex happens fast so be it, if it happens slow so be it too. I would rather see a thread about how cool German women are because of their carefree open attitude and general easiness to relate to guys, rather than focusing on how easily they give up sex and pay their own way.


The OP chose to zero in on the sexual aspect as if he were only out to get a break sexually when he sees women. That denotes low standards and it also denotes the objectification of women.

I have no respect for men who think like that since we are more than a warm meaty hole.

Here's the problem. The rules of dating in other countries in other countries is much different than in America. Whereas a woman who has sex on the first date is "easy" in other countries that way of thinking doesn't come into the picture AT ALL. The thinking is that we both like each other and are both sexually attracted to each other, so why wait? What's the deal with the prudishness? American women have every excuse under the sun for all the emotional problems they have. Sadly, they don't have any solutions.


I grew up with the American dating system, knew all the rules to play, knew all the things I should do, and still I hated it always. I knew it was all a bunch of frustrating bull. I don't think a woman is "easy" for having sex so quickly. She's being an adult for being direct about sex. There's no prudery or snobbishness. We're adults, we have sex, why should we make a big deal about it? The reason why me and the rest of the "loser guys" don't agree with the sentiment that it's wrong for a woman to have sex on the first date. She's no being "easy". The whole "easy" argument is just something ice queens invented to compensate for their prudery and it stuck so well it's become the popular ideal in this country. It's the wrong way of thinking. A woman isn't "giving up" anything by having sex. It's an integral part of the relationship that isn't something that should be toyed with. When are people in this country going to lose all the snobbiness about it?


And yes, I've talked about her personality also. I talked about culture and history and we had an engaging conversation. How many men on this forum can say they can walk up to a girl in America, talk about culture and score a date within 24 hours? Most likely none. You know the reason why men use pickup lines, because women in this country always want to be entertained. They want to talk about shopping, gossip, and T.V. Talking about history is boring to them, because they don't watch the history channel.


Like I've said before. Women in this country are too uptight, you've practically said it yourself. Look at your comments.

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What on Earth is a "single year"?
I've been told a man must wait two years after he gets divorced to officially date. I nodded my head and was thinking "on what planet is that going to happen?" :D
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Ruby Slippers
Exactly.. What on Earth is a "single year"? That is what American men must deal with.. Weird rules, conditions, labels, time frames for different things, etc.

It's just a personal choice. I have almost always been in relationships my whole adult life, and I decided to take a year off to work on me and hopefully find a more suitable partner in the future. I told this guy about this THE DAY we met, and explained why I was doing it in detail. He said he respected that and agreed it was a great idea.


My last relationship really chewed me up and spit me out, and I don't want to drag all that into the next relationship. That's not a good idea for me, and it's not fair to the guy, either. I'm a passionate person, so it takes me a while to really get over someone.


I said I would love to get to know him as a friend in the meantime, and potentially have a first date in September, if he is still available then. He is dating a bit, and I am just beginning to go on a few dates. He recently did me a huge, time-intensive favor, and I offered to pay him for it. He said no to that, but said I could take him out on a dinner date sometime. I said, "How about in September?" (That's when his birthday is -- just happens to be THE DAY I broke up with my ex. Fate? We shall see. :cool:)

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But... if all American men stop dating American women, then after a few generations, there wouldn't be any non-American women left on the planet! It would be the end of humanity!!!!


In the interest of preserving the human race, I suggest we ban international marriage.

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Excellent first post and right on..


Having spent time in Germany, I can concur..


A. You are not immediately judged by your profession. Actually hard work is looked well upon. People who are lawyers/make lots of money through banking etc are looked at as slimy.


B. The women are not sexually repressed. If they like you, they have sex with you. American women are just as easy, but they seem to more often compartmentalize.. "I do not see a future with this guy, so I will be slutty" "I see a future with this guy, so I will act not slutty".


C. Many love to cook. They are far more efficient. They can cook, clean, work, go to school, work out, and party without skipping a beat. American women seem to either be complete alcoholics, or health nuts who will not drink a beer.


D. On these threads American women cannot comprehend the different choices men have.. It sounds so silly when they push for "equality" but act old fashioned only when it benefits them. The worst of both worlds.

Yes. They actually enjoy cooking. Isn't that a shocker? They don't consider it demeaning. You hit the nail on the head with so much, man. I can't believe how much better these women are. Looks like I grew up on the wrong side of the Atlantic.

Another point you might want to consider regarding the relative ease with which German/Euro women go to bed with a man is that there could potentially be a higher incidence of cheating that comes along with that light and casual attitude. I knew this American guy doing a PhD program in Germany who slept with dozens of bored Euro stay-at-home wives/mothers. He said it was like shooting fish in a barrel -- way easier than gettin' some in the States.

Hell no. To say that European cheat more than in the States is a definite lie. I disagree wholeheartedly. I can give you several examples where I've been approached (not directly) for sex by American mothers when their kids were right there!:eek: I can go on and on about the stories about American women and cheating but there isn't enough bandwidth on the internet. All I can say is cheating happens to many people. Just make sure it doesn't happen to you. But in America, the likely hood of being cheated on is AT LEAST equal to that of any other country on the planet Earth.

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I just got home from Germany and--BAM--within the first few hours of being in Berlin I scored a date with a cute German girl. We went out the next night to a restaurant, a movie, a nightclub, and two bars, and guess what? She paid for herself each time. There was no hassle, no drama, no bickering--she actually insisted fiercely that it was her right to pay. I was shocked. But pleasantly surprised. Fortunately, that wasn't all. She took me home and--OH!--sex on the first date! There was no "I don't kiss and tell. I'm not just some ho off the street. I want to wait a while and see where this is going". She gave it to me like it wasn't something to be ashamed of.


I later found out from other American men in Germany that this is what German girls are generally like, more willing to pay for themselves, not expecting too much, much more humble, and have less prudery about sex.



I googled dating German women recently and here's what I found (the site:

[FONT=Calibri][sIZE=3]http://forum.expatica.com/Dating-German-Girls-t61254.html[/sIZE][/FONT] )

Here's one comment:


"If you take a look at some of the losers in Germany dating some rather hot women(Miss Deutschland 2003 was dating a plumber), you will realize German women are very easy to get into bed. German women are a lot easier to please than Americunts aka American women. I discovered the pleasures of European women and became addicted to them like crack-cocaine. I only get four weeks a year to ignore American bitches, and often go to Montreal to get real pussy. The best advice is to take it easy, German women don't expect you to do anything. Some will cook for you while you sit on your ass and have a beer. Some love to get naked with you in a sauna."


German women, even the most successful of them, have no problem dating a man with a regular job. In America that would be insane. It doesn't matter if he's an honest guy who wants no hassle in his life and who wants to do an honest job, a plumber, electrician, or repair-man is considered a "loser" because he's not a doctor, lawyer, or dentist. It doesn't matter if the job he does contributes valuably to society, if it's not a glitz and glamor job then American women don't want it.

Here's another quote from that site about German women from a German woman:



here´s a german girl and I can´t believe what I´m reading here. You´re talking about a german girl like every girl in Germany behaves like that. In fact every woman is different in their needs (I´m sure men aren´t). But yes german women like if the men opens the door and stuff. But it shouldn´t be too much. We also like to get flowers (but not at the first date). I can only talk about myself. If I´d be on a first or second date I don´t want the man to pay the meal. But there are also lots of german girls who only want to be invited. But I think it´s not fair. Scenario: I go out with a bloke and he invites me to dinner. Later on he is hoping to get a kiss (or even more) but I realise he´s not my type and let him go home. I would feel like I´m in his debt. cause he paid for everything. That´s not my style."


See that? She doesn't want to pay because she feels she's in his debt. American women have no problem taking expensive things from their men and giving absolutely nothing in return. American woman expect so much but it is absolutely absurd in their deluded mind that they should give anything back.


That's it. I'm done with these uppity broads. There are so many better women out there that I'm seriously wondering why I put up with them for so long. I met a Turkish hottie in Berlin and guess what? Cool personality and much more fun to be with. I advise any American man who is having frustration and stress from dating American women to just give up on them and look for women in other countries. You'll definitely find there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many better woman out there than American women. To those of you chumps who want to stick with them then good luck. Deal with all the drama, materialism, bickering, prudery, and stank attitudes. If that's what turns you on then go for it.


American men do not usually treat American women very well. American women are like puppies that have been beaten up in some cases.


In others they're spoiled and/or stupid people.


However, American men can be far too cruel.


German men are probably a lot nicer, hence when the women are better.

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