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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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I don't know who or what you have dated prior but let me tell you and I am a woman, with lots of female friends and I don't know any woman in North America who does not take at least a half an hour to get ready to look super hot before she goes out to a nice night out with her man. You must have dated complete trolls who leave the house with tousled dirty hair and food stained sweats in the past. I donnow....


Really you haven't a clue if you are just in the dating stages.


Not really, but I have dated a few women who think that applying 5 lbs of makeup and wearing a tight shirt sufficies for looking good.


I have a preference, any my preference is for Latina women for numerous reasons, family values, skin color, hair color, language, etc.


Let me tell you a few sob stories off the top of my head, some friends who are married to american women

- guy married a hottie, wife blew up like a blimp, got fired and pregnant, now sits at home being a sponge and he's bitter

- guy knocked up a gf, she looks good but has no education and continues to rack up credit card bills each month

- my neighbor, a female in her 20's, drives a Mercedes and thinks she is all that, has a young baby, walks around cussing and burping and yelling on the phone all day


Do my stories represent typical American women? NO. Just like yours don't represent foreign women. It doesn't matter, I'm doing it for the reasons I want, and I suggest to all my friends to at least try dating one to get the experience.


I like being able to speak a foreign language with my GF around my friends who only speak English so we can communicate outside of the conversation.

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Hey moman well at least you can admit that this is your personal preference. I have a problem when comments are made outcasting an entire country and its women. I have been giving extreme examples to counter the extreme examples of the comments made here. I can almost appreciate your reasons for preferring what you prefer and that's fine if you choose to focus on the negative examples of North American women then yeah of course what you choose makes better sense. But there are millions of women who stay in shape, who don't cheat on their husbands, who are loving dedicated caring affectionate women who also happen to be American. It's silly to base anything on a minority of examples.


We like what we like, that's fine, but to say there is something completely wrong with what we don't like is insane. It's like talking to a foot fetishist and hearing him say that people that don't use their feet and toes during sex are disgusting and don't know a thing about sex.


You like what you like fine, but don't be a bigot about it! This whole thread is based on a premise of bigotry. With "should we boycott American women and trade them in for Germans?" and the guy has met ONE German woman who slept with him on a first meeting, this is what he is basing his decision on? It's foolish. Now that's a solid reason to boycott an entire culture of women. :rolleyes:

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Jake Barnes

Im just trying to reconcile all of the women in this country who are nurses and teach our kids and are doctors and first responders and then go home at night and put dinner on the table and put the kids to bed with the slags these guys are talking about


Like I said we're just spoiled our fathers would smack us

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Well as soon as you start to act as a first rate citizen you will be treated as one. That is usually how respect is earned. ;)


What the heck does a woman's weight have to do with this entire thread? What was even the point of your last post other than to insult women in yet another way?


At least we agree that the treatement of young people is subpar.

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European women are just as bad. Go to any UK message board and you will see this. Many of the posters on here are from overseas and it is the same crap that you see in America. Men just need to have the sense to know what women are worth it and which aren't and not up with their crap. Western women have this entitlement complex because so many men are quick to put up with it and try to satisfy their never ending insane whims. Men are quick to complain on a message board but how many of you have the guts to tell a woman no and stick by it? I know a lot of men who deal with this crap yet when I tell them to do the obvious which is to kick these women to the curb they never seem to do so. Women will respect us as much as we respect ourselves and a self respecting man will choose a single life over unending drama any day of the week. If more men were willing to say no to a woman these so called princesses would be brought back down to earth.

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I think women have a funny idea of what a relationship should be. For me the woman just has to be sexy and not annoying. If they can do the job of being a wife then that is good enough.


Women want annoying and boring romance, fair enough but they want it in too bigger dose these days. They just need to calm down get married and stay with that person unless he is really bad to her.


Like if he beats her up or is negligent. Women should also not pick fights with men. If they do they should go to jail.

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Women should also not pick fights with men. If they do they should go to jail.



:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: I am sorry but that really made me laugh so hard! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


In regards to your other post directed at me, I don't see age when I read post I see words and sentiments and I haven't made a distinction in terms of who the "young" are or who the "old" are and who is picking on whom based on age, I see it based on opinions yes. I think everyone deserves respect younger and older than me, and I think most people agree. But if you conduct yourself in a way that is going to repel others you can't expect to be given consideration or a fair chance to be understood.

It is human nature to meet resistance with more resistance and you never gain respect like that whether you are 5, 45, or 85.

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:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: I am sorry but that really made me laugh so hard! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


In regards to your other post directed at me, I don't see age when I read post I see words and sentiments and I haven't made a distinction in terms of who the "young" are or who the "old" are and who is picking on whom based on age, I see it based on opinions yes. I think everyone deserves respect younger and older than me, and I think most people agree. But if you conduct yourself in a way that is going to repel others you can't expect to be given consideration or a fair chance to be understood.

It is human nature to meet resistance with more resistance and you never gain respect like that whether you are 5, 45, or 85.

Missconduct theres not much sense to allot of the things BP says hes a very bitter twisted individual who doesn't get allot of respect from any one with half a brain around here.


I'm sure its in debate wither or not hes not a troll I wouldn't waist much of your time trying to argue with him you sound to intelligent to lower yourself to that level what ever you say he will just twist it anyways..

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mr.dream merchant
I think women have a funny idea of what a relationship should be. For me the woman just has to be sexy and not annoying. If they can do the job of being a wife then that is good enough.


Women want annoying and boring romance, fair enough but they want it in too bigger dose these days. They just need to calm down get married and stay with that person unless he is really bad to her.


Like if he beats her up or is negligent. Women should also not pick fights with men. If they do they should go to jail.


Some people just want too much in a relationship and will never be happy. They want this, they want that, they forget they're dating a real human being instead of some romance novel Antonio Banderas Rico Suave cat. In all seriousness though, there may a lot of uppity bitches in the U.S., and in the world, but guys walk around like its all they got, that's why these broads get away with it. If a chick wants a guy to jump through hoops, most of the time he does, because either:


1.) He's too desperate for some pussy


2.) His GF is hot and he's desperate for some hot pussy



Alot of guys don't have confidence in their swagger. That's when that "I can bag any chick mentality" comes into play. I remember my GF tried to play me once, asked me to beg her for forgiveness.....ROFL. You know what I told her? To start dating other dudes that very second. By GF is sexy as ****, I'd give her a 30 out of 10, no lie. But I don't care who it is, you just gotta have a sense of self worth. I would never in my life again let a pretty chick use me because I know what I'm worth, and I know that I can easily get with another one who's if not as pretty, then prettier than the last.


Women hold it over our heads that they can easily go out and get a new BF like that because they have a vagina in between their knees. Okay, I believe that. And I can have a newer, prettier, not as snobby/bitchy, and more down to earth GF no problem. I guess why that's never been a problem for me. People keep bringing up when my GF was acting like a bitch and why I'm still with her. I'm with her because I want to be, at any point I could walk out on her if I'm unhappy. But I'm not unhappy, she's annoying at times yes, but I always quell her dumbass uprisings over petty ****. When she acts up, I straighten her out. I may come here for a tip or two but for the most part, I let her know whats good. Sorry but there aren't any heel prints on my face.


Some guys just need to have some self worth and say "**** you _____" to these snobby pretty bitches. Looks don't mean **** when your attitude suuuuuucks. And nobody owes you the world because you're face is cute, so shut up with that bull**** and come back to Earth, and get real.

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What about Brit men in the USA? I am a Brit and whenever I go to the US, as long as I am not on the tourist trail, I get quite a lot of attention from American women, that said I never ended up scoring with any of them. It seems that if you are a foreigner in certain countries you are a novelty. The OP said about money grabbing women who don't pay for their meals, well its true that in the UK, if a woman insists on paying then the date has not gone well!

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Cherry Blossom 35

I know a lot of women who will insist on paying if they feel the date has not gone well. They don't want to feel bad about turning down the second date after he has ponied up some cash for the first one.

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:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: I am sorry but that really made me laugh so hard! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Oh come now, show the poor man some mercy. If all the women who argued with him were sent to jail, then he'd finally have the first chance of his life to win a logical argument. Surely you wouldn't want to deprive him of that? ;)


Some of you men sound like pathetic children


Man up for Christ sakes


My fathers generation would have smacked you


I so totally agree with this. The irony of it is, that those men want to put on that 'I AM MAN, I DON'T GIVE A **** ABOUT WOMEN, I CAN GET ANY WOMAN I CHOOSE SO WHY SHOULD I PUT UP WITH HAVING TO DO ANY BULL**** SUCH AS NEEDING TO COURT HER' macho face... but they don't realize that it's so totally unmasculine to whine and bitch like children about how their dating system benefits women more, how it's unfair, yadda yadda. When any man with balls would LAUGH at such a man, trying to compete with women in petty matters, whining about not wanting to give her the slightest 'advantage'!


Actually there is some truth to what you just mentioned. I work around a lot of East Asians, East Indians and live around South East Asians like Vietnamese and Cambodians and the men certainly do the heavily lifting in dating. They initiate the courtship, pay for dates, etc. Grant it they may be first or second generation and they may be more likely to marry within their culture but even a lot of the Americanized ones tend to stick with their own and although these guys may groan about it, they grin and bear it and of course none of the women are complaining since they feel that they are entitled to being treated like “princesses”.


And I am actually surprised that IR rates between White women and Asian men aren’t as high as it is for White men with Asian women. East Asian men typically have professional jobs, with the high salary and general courtliness and will often pay for everything since they have disposable cash then the average to be somewhat generously lavish. Obviously there are exceptions.


Of course it's true, I live with those men. ;) There's a trade-off, of course; they pay for all dates partly because they would honestly feel affronted if the woman paid for it, except for special circumstances. They run in the rain to get the car for her partly because it's a matter of pride, of protecting one's woman. And so, this conservative mindset of gender roles also carries over to the assumption that women are expected to be sexually 'pure'. Women in the west have far more sexual freedom than we do; sex before marriage is far more acceptable there.

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Dude, South American women are definitely skinnier than American women, fine I'll give you that but they are MORE materialistic than any American woman. You haven't the faintest clue what you are talking about. South American women put on a great act, you have no clue how they talk and what they really want when the walls are down and they don't have to put on an act infront of gringos. NO CLUE! :rolleyes:


There's alot of truth to this.


South American women are known for being more materialistic than North American women - of course the exchange is that they work harder at being attractive and are more territorial, but is it worth it in the long run?


However, there are just as many down to earth, cool and no-BS latin American women too.


A few of her friends same thing, a married friend of hers left her husband for an Italian man she met in Morocco on one of her "girl trips" with her friends.


Having some great Italian friends, I wondered how long she lasted till she was looking again? Again nothing wrong with it if she was just looking for a fling - it happens.


As long as you are OK with being with someone who believes love has a short shelf life even in the grand scheme of things when forming a family, then knock yourself out and definitely pursue and easy woman!


There are no gurantees in love.


When loyalty comes before love, you've got something - but that's not fun,flirty and exciting.


Men can put loyalty before love or we can not care - its when you women tap dance between the two that causes all the drama lol


I dated a German man I met in my travels, he confirmed a lot of women in Germany are very pragmatic when it comes to love. He liked the "warmth" of North American women, ohhh the irony! I was shocked to hear of North American women being refered to as "warm", so that must tell you a lot about German women! :laugh:


Germanic people are colder on a social public level, but when it comes down to it and when you've gotten to really know them, they will be by your side when it counts. Germanic women could be the same way. They are probably more modern when it comes to dating in the right aspects?


And your argument doesn't change the fact that the OP had the experience that he did. Its his experience.


Speaking back to the OP - I don't think he's explored enough venues here at home to meet quality women. You've got to get to specific venues - bars and clubs aren't going to cut it.

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It seems that if you are a foreigner in certain countries you are a novelty. The OP said about money grabbing women who don't pay for their meals, well its true that in the UK, if a woman insists on paying then the date has not gone well!


Excellent example of cultural differences - and in the States, it can vary by regions:


In the south, men are expected to pay.


In the north, you can get scolded for trying to pay.


In the UK - if she pays her part, you're SOL lol


In Germany - if she pays her part, its just tradition

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I like th fact that American women aren't afraid to say f*ck you


I'm technically Eastern European, though I came here when I was 9, and I am an American citizen. My bf was born in the UK.


I do believe that the behavior I jokingly described is slightly more prevalent in the US. But, I've also met many stunning, intelligent American men and women.


I think there is a realization that people starting these threads need to make.

Women- when your strike out with men time after time after time, it may be YOU. It's not because most men are cheating, unrealistic assh0les.


Men-if you can't get a woman interested in you to save you life, it's probably YOU. It's not because women are selfish, shallow, impossible to please bitches.


Now if some of you would just acknowledge some issues YOU may have and work them out you'd be much happier people :)

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I think there is a realization that people starting these threads need to make.


Women- when your strike out with men time after time after time, it may be YOU. It's not because most men are cheating, unrealistic assh0les.


Men-if you can't get a woman interested in you to save you life, it's probably YOU. It's not because women are selfish, shallow, impossible to please bitches.


Now if some of you would just acknowledge some issues YOU may have and work them out you'd be much happier people :)


Well done :laugh:


Since you addressed the internal factors, I'll address the external -


Guys, don't take interest in selfish, shallow and impossible to please bitches.


Ladies, don't take interest in cheating, unrealistic, a**holes.

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Have you forgotten the fact that 50% of those men who ARE married are going to end up divorced sooner or later? It's not just getting into an American woman that is a problem, it is also the problem of staying in a relationship with them without a lot of frustration which is a huge problem..


50% of women who are married get divorced too...


I think alot of it has to do with expectations, perceptions and how you deal with the downers. Also has to deal with that women can chose to divorce as in the past, if their husbands were really bad to them, all they could do is suck it up - granted, we're gonna need tougher women in the times to come.


Yes, every society has a different a different set of rules, traditions, and expectations, but our society has the most complicated and twisted rules of them all. ..


Simple. Be the solution, not the problem.


Don't play the game. If your straight-shooting, no BS method doesn't work, try another venue. Explore.


If you're looking at the bars, you can expect your success rate to be of a short-term nature. The bookstore? better - but still not specialized for YOU.


Find out what you like, the appropriate venue and get locked in - you are bound to find someone who not only enjoys your interests as much as you, maybe shares some similar values - but might even dig you!


If I might ask, what age range are you? Younger women can be more difficult to deal with too.


Example: my friend from Namibia told me he was shocked by all the formalities and rituals of American dating. He said if he sees a girl in Namibia then all he does is just say, "I like you" and then he starts talking to her from there. There isn't any fussing, any beating around the bush, he's not trying to hide that he's "desperate". He's being honest and straightforward. And here's something I disagree with You'reasian and loser about: American society has high crime so women put up a lot of guard. That's not a good enough reason. Africa and Latin America has a MUCH higher crime rate yet those guys don't have nearly as much trouble getting women as we do. Somebody needs to explain why Africa and Latin America has an easier system of dating yet have a higher crime rate..


Whether you agree with it or not, its the way it is right here, right now. Circumstances dictate your actions. You've got to dig a little deeper and figure out how to use your actions to work for you.


You like women that make it easy for you and the truth is, when a woman likes you she will make it easy for you - but you've got to provide her with trust and security OR meet someone like this from a purely coincidential meeting - which is why I go back to getting involved in different venues that you enjoy and are passionate about.


African and Latin American cultures are way different - dating culture is more simpler, but it doesn't mean that those women have the best intentions/interests for you either - but, there are bound to be women from these cultures that do just as there are here in the States too, which is easier than having to travel far away to look for something that can be found here.


I still beleive you have not fully explored your options here at home. Lounging around at home and drinkin' at bars is not going to give you the best results on your efforts - then again, those activities are easy.


Lastly, I'm tired of the constant talk about if I can't work the dating system in this country it is my fault. Just because I was born in this country doesn't mean I have to like some of the rules in this society and should be able to adjust to it. I was born in a small town in the Midwest and never adjusted to the cold winters and the boring lifestyle. I like warmer weather and a fast-paced city. .


Change your environment - again. Work somewhere with a warmer climate and a little faster pace of life. Think outside of the box - take a business trip, visit a convention somewhere in town or out of town, persue your interests - shape your dating environment to work for you :cool:


Dude, I bet there's probably a German woman living here legitimately whos probably looking for a guy like yourself.


I never adjusted to this crappy dating system because there was always something extremely moronic and complicated about it. Just because I was born into it doesn't mean I should adjust to it and deal with it. If I was born poor and never liked it is it my fault for hating it and not adjusting to it? No. I shouldn't have to adapt to a stupid system, and the American men who deal with as much stress should not deal with this. That's what this thread is about. All these rituals are STUPID! I just want a relationship without hassle, and soooooo many other American men feel the same way. And it's the right thing to feel too.


Am I sounding like a broken record yet? I agree that dating here is complicated - I'm suprised no one has mentioned the TV series sex in the city LOL


With that said, go out and explore - don't give in to the BS and do what you've got to do to make things happen. Go out of your comfort zone, meet someone new and see if things are different.

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mr.dream merchant

Guys just need to stop letting pretty females wear the pants. They do so many demanding things out of fear of losing a good looking GF/fling. Alot of pretty females are aware of it when their suitor is this type of guy. Kudos to them if they don't abuse it, but I think most do to a certain extent. Guys need to be more aware of their capabilities, and more confident in their swag, then they'll realize that it isn't the end all be all if some pretty faced broad walks out on you.

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americans in general (both men and women) are worthless and are considered least-dateable by the rest of the world


Have you ever actually spent 5+ weeks contiguously in a foreign place? I have a lot of places and my experience is the opposite. Foreign women love American men every place I've been.

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It is the old that are attacking the young. Firstly they should keep their hands off our women. Secondly they should treat us as people and as the future of society, not like second class citizens.


Hahaha. Trust me I'm putting a lot more than my hands on young women. Grow up and you might get an adult job someday.

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That might be how you read it, but that's not how I read it. There are good guys out there who don't judge a gal based on her past sexual escapades. In fact, only a guy who doesn't judge a person like that is a good guy.

Many guys run about f'ing everything they can get their dick into, but then they turn right around and call those same gals sluts as if, just because your sexual organs hang on the outside, you're somehow free to screw everyone in sight without repercussion. :rolleyes:


Assume for a second that there is a guy out there who won't have sex with just any girl he can get. So he isn't a "good guy" if he's disgusted by, for example, a girl who's had sex with a hundred guys and apparently has no standards? I don't agree with that all!


Like it or not, most guys do judge women, at least in part, based upon how many guys she's been with. Most of the guys I know wouldn't want to marry a woman whom they thought was slutty.

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Hey, if a woman's past (meaning many lovers) makes her a more intuitive, sensitive and caring lover and partner, good on her. Nothing wrong with experience if the qualities for compatibility and a healthy relationship are there, IMO. One opinion :)

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mr.dream merchant
Hey, if a woman's past (meaning many lovers) makes her a more intuitive, sensitive and caring lover and partner, good on her. Nothing wrong with experience if the qualities for compatibility and a healthy relationship are there, IMO. One opinion :)



Yeah, experienced and trashy are two different characteristics.

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What I love about this thread is not only does the OP and other guys hate American women, but just beneath the surface the female posters hatred of American men is coming out....It's amazing that there are any relationships in this country.

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What might even be more interesting is how successful these same men have been romantically/sexually with American women. Sometimes success breeds contempt, or is it a deeper, more essential self-loathing? ;)

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