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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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What I love about this thread is not only does the OP and other guys hate American women, but just beneath the surface the female posters hatred of American men is coming out....It's amazing that there are any relationships in this country.

Here's what I get. There's a subset of American men who can't get laid or a date for the life of them, so they want to change their environment, instead of changing their whiny-arse selves. Overall, these guys don't much like, respect or value women in general.


As for the female posters, they just don't like whiny-arse men. You'll see a major change in attitude with real men.

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Here's what I get. There's a subset of American men who can't get laid or a date for the life of them, so they want to change their environment, instead of changing their whiny-arse selves. Overall, these guys don't much like, respect or value women in general. As for the female posters, they just don't like whiny-arse men. You'll see a major change in attitude with real men.


The answer is pretty simple - women don't want to date.


Especially when they're young because they have many options. When older they have fewer options and they start to cry that there is something wrong with men.


Then there are unrealistic expectations where women want a prince charming instead of a real man. Young men are not treated well in American society, they're weak. Young women usually end up selling sex in some way so they have more money and control.


There are a few young men, and young women that are able to get decent jobs and therefore avoid the above scenario. This causes a failure between men and women leading to some men and some women that will never date or not date very often.


Largely it is the fault of the woman for the simple reason that she is the one who decides if there should a relationship. Fat women need only lose weight and they won't be fat women anymore. Unemployed men need only get a job and they'll still be considered a loser for not being a corporate jockey.


Then there are people like myself who mistankingly believe they've been caught up in the above. The truth is that I am just an ugly ****er and no one in their right mind would ever want to date me.


I have a pretty good job and I have all sorts of silly career aspirations but it won't help because I have a face like a burned out tyre. I don't want to date a fat ugly woman because they're not attractive so I just won't date. Maybe I'll be able to purchase a woman from some distance third world country.... perhaps I'll be able to purchase an American woman from the south or from detroit.

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Rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble!!!!!



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Here's what I get. There's a subset of American men who can't get laid or a date for the life of them, so they want to change their environment, instead of changing their whiny-arse selves. Overall, these guys don't much like, respect or value women in general.


As for the female posters, they just don't like whiny-arse men. You'll see a major change in attitude with real men.


Is it so hard to admit that some female posters on LS just don't like men?

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Foreign women love American men every place I've been.


That's because they don't know any better. LOL


I was in South America for a long period of time, so I know exactly what you mean by this. I barely had to say anything to them, aside from hola with a smile.

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America is an incredibly diverse country, not just in terms of ethnicity but also in terms of "types" of people, and I don't see why Americans would feel the need to go outside it to seek a relationship. While all things being equal, I'd rather date a European guy than an American guy, I'm pretty confident I can find someone pretty compatible in just about any decent sized city here. American guys can be boring, but they can also be very urbane and adventurous, you just have to look for them. Same with the women.

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That's because they don't know any better. LOL


I was in South America for a long period of time, so I know exactly what you mean by this. I barely had to say anything to them, aside from hola with a smile.

They love American men/women on vacation for their wallets I'm sorry guys but its a fact even over here allot of people arnt to overly happy with "Yanks" as they call us.


But there more then happy to take our greenbacks allot of people in other countries think Americans in general are nasty obnoxious loudmouths.


I know its hard to except being on the inside before I left the states I thought the rest of the world loved us to.


Ive learned that to be an American in America is to have blinders on to the rest of the world 85% of the time.


But once your out for any length of time you see just the real impression we tend to leave allot of the time.


Again theres always exceptions I hope no one took offense to that its just my impressions from my time as an American overseas..

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The answer is pretty simple - women don't want to date.


Especially when they're young because they have many options. When older they have fewer options and they start to cry that there is something wrong with men.


Then there are unrealistic expectations where women want a prince charming instead of a real man. Young men are not treated well in American society, they're weak. Young women usually end up selling sex in some way so they have more money and control.


There are a few young men, and young women that are able to get decent jobs and therefore avoid the above scenario. This causes a failure between men and women leading to some men and some women that will never date or not date very often.


Largely it is the fault of the woman for the simple reason that she is the one who decides if there should a relationship. Fat women need only lose weight and they won't be fat women anymore. Unemployed men need only get a job and they'll still be considered a loser for not being a corporate jockey.


Then there are people like myself who mistankingly believe they've been caught up in the above. The truth is that I am just an ugly ****er and no one in their right mind would ever want to date me.


I have a pretty good job and I have all sorts of silly career aspirations but it won't help because I have a face like a burned out tyre. I don't want to date a fat ugly woman because they're not attractive so I just won't date. Maybe I'll be able to purchase a woman from some distance third world country.... perhaps I'll be able to purchase an American woman from the south or from detroit.

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: hahahah! omg every time he types it comes out more retarded then the last! it can only get better from here what a w*nker LOL...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

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European men and women tend to be more laid back about dating, but that doesn't necessarily make them better long term partners. Go for compatibility over nationality!

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:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: hahahah! omg every time he types it comes out more retarded then the last! it can only get better from here what a w*nker LOL...:laugh::laugh::laugh:


Good god, how can you laugh?! I was horrified when I read the comment about him planning to get women from third-world countries. Now I need to stalk his profile so I can find out who he is, so I can warn all my friends and neighbours to avoid him! :lmao:


Thankfully he shouldn't be difficult to spot. Sorry, BoredPerson, but even us third-world girls aren't stupid or desperate enough to try you out. ;)

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Then there are people like myself who mistankingly believe they've been caught up in the above. The truth is that I am just an ugly ****er and no one in their right mind would ever want to date me.


I have a pretty good job and I have all sorts of silly career aspirations but it won't help because I have a face like a burned out tyre. I don't want to date a fat ugly woman because they're not attractive so I just won't date. Maybe I'll be able to purchase a woman from some distance third world country.... perhaps I'll be able to purchase an American woman from the south or from detroit.


You should get yourself in top physical condition and dress well - you'd be amazed at how much of a difference that will make. It will give you more confidence with women.

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You should get yourself in top physical condition and dress well - you'd be amazed at how much of a difference that will make. It will give you more confidence with women.


He's already been given hundreds of posts in regards to his appearance..see his previous threads.





and here

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You forgot the part in your recollection of when you woke up a few weeks later with nasty pussy bumps on your wanger from banging all the free and easy loving European sluts.

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So what this whole thread is saying is that I don't get any dates because of geography. Interesting. :) I knew I should have studied more is school.

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Hey Knaveman, don't worry, you'd rather be in this position than in the position of the OP's.....having nasty, untreatable crotchrot from foreign women who will drop their panties for anyone. He goes for the classy ones apparently.

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I see good points on both sides. From the guys perspective, dating a European or other might be easier or include less games. But on the other hand, you might run into problems in the long run, for instance many women will be looking just for a green card. Not all of them, but you can bet many in the third world would.


So I'll say this: if dating a non American is great, then go for it! But refrain from using generalizations about Americans, like American women this or European women that. Because generalizations are just not cool :sick:.


From my own experience, I have been dating an Asian girl. Not Asian American either, from an Asian country (also I'm a white American). Dating her is a little different than dating an American, but it's just that, it's different. It presents it's own upsides, downsides, misunderstandings, positive experiences, etc. I don't view nationality as particularly important in a relationship, it's just one small part of a larger whole of a relationship.


In the end, the person's character is far more important than their nationality. Now I have a lot of experience with Asians at my school, and I see a whole assortment of different personalities and character traits, some good some bad. So I guess what I'm saying is people should stop being like "Americans this" or "Europeans that". The real truth is Europeans or Asians or Americans are all an incredibly diverse spectrum of people. Hopefully some people will learn that one day.

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Hey Knaveman, don't worry, you'd rather be in this position than in the position of the OP's.....having nasty, untreatable crotchrot from foreign women who will drop their panties for anyone. He goes for the classy ones apparently.


Hey, I dig classy broads. :)

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I just got home from Germany and--BAM--within the first few hours of being in Berlin I scored a date with a cute German girl. We went out the next night to a restaurant, a movie, a nightclub, and two bars, and guess what? She paid for herself each time. There was no hassle, no drama, no bickering--she actually insisted fiercely that it was her right to pay. I was shocked. But pleasantly surprised. Fortunately, that wasn't all. She took me home and--OH!--sex on the first date! There was no "I don't kiss and tell. I'm not just some ho off the street. I want to wait a while and see where this is going". She gave it to me like it wasn't something to be ashamed of.



I am happy for you that you met someone that met your expectations of a woman. May I inquire what your plans are now to find another such woman?

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I am happy for you that you met someone that met your expectations of a woman. May I inquire what your plans are now to find another such woman?

I don't need to find another such woman. I've been emailing her and the Turkish girl since I came back to the States. I plan on going back to Germany before the year is done. So if I lost touch with either or both I'd end up finding one just like her when I arrived.


The responses from the American women are predictable: "You're gonna get herpes. You're a loser. She's a slut. She's out for your money and an American visa. You can't handle us because you're a wimp" doesn't surprise me. But here's the thing, according to some posters there are anti-American women threads like this all the time on this forum. For some dumb reason, they never take that as a hint. They never think, "Hmm, men in this country have problems with our attitudes and are sick of it. Maybe we should look at ourselves and see if there is something wrong." Unfortunately, they point at us and give us the third degree like we're the monsters and they're the innocent victims. Why is it that whenever a man leaves a woman for another woman, the leftover woman generally overlooks evaluating herself and instead turns vindictive? Good Lord.


And what's the deal with the guy who wants his old man to smack me? That one came out of left field.:laugh:

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Jake Barnes
I don't need to find another such woman. I've been emailing her and the Turkish girl since I came back to the States. I plan on going back to Germany before the year is done. So if I lost touch with either or both I'd end up finding one just like her when I arrived.


The responses from the American women are predictable: "You're gonna get herpes. You're a loser. She's a slut. She's out for your money and an American visa. You can't handle us because you're a wimp" doesn't surprise me. But here's the thing, according to some posters there are anti-American women threads like this all the time on this forum. For some dumb reason, they never take that as a hint. They never think, "Hmm, men in this country have problems with our attitudes and are sick of it. Maybe we should look at ourselves and see if there is something wrong." Unfortunately, they point at us and give us the third degree like we're the monsters and they're the innocent victims. Why is it that whenever a man leaves a woman for another woman, the leftover woman generally overlooks evaluating herself and instead turns vindictive? Good Lord.


And what's the deal with the guy who wants his old man to smack me? That one came out of left field.:laugh:



No I dont want that, its just an expression meaning you sound whiney. I don't know how old you are and maybe youre talking about a lot of the girls around you, but I look around and see women doing some the heaviest lifting in this society all the time


Generally speaking they do more than men I think, not that men don't have a lot of expectations either

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I don't need to find another such woman. I've been emailing her and the Turkish girl since I came back to the States. I plan on going back to Germany before the year is done. So if I lost touch with either or both I'd end up finding one just like her when I arrived.


The responses from the American women are predictable: "You're gonna get herpes. You're a loser. She's a slut. She's out for your money and an American visa. You can't handle us because you're a wimp" doesn't surprise me. But here's the thing, according to some posters there are anti-American women threads like this all the time on this forum. For some dumb reason, they never take that as a hint. They never think, "Hmm, men in this country have problems with our attitudes and are sick of it. Maybe we should look at ourselves and see if there is something wrong." Unfortunately, they point at us and give us the third degree like we're the monsters and they're the innocent victims. Why is it that whenever a man leaves a woman for another woman, the leftover woman generally overlooks evaluating herself and instead turns vindictive? Good Lord.


Why do you care so much what American women think? Why are you expending SO MUCH EFFORT trying to convince everyone on an anonymous online forum that American women aren't worth the trouble? ESPECIALLY since you claim to be having so much better luck overseas??? I don't get it. Is this one of the symptoms of crotch-rot?

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Why do you care so much what American women think? Why are you expending SO MUCH EFFORT trying to convince everyone on an anonymous online forum that American women aren't worth the trouble? ESPECIALLY since you claim to be having so much better luck overseas??? I don't get it. Is this one of the symptoms of crotch-rot?


Crotch Rot would make a great name for a rock band.

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The responses from the American women are predictable


The responses you got weren't only from American women.



I later found out from other American men in Germany that this is what German girls are generally like...


Some women will sleep with a guy after the first date and others won't. You can find women like that in every country, that has hardly anything to do with their nationality.

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