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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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Is it so hard to admit that some female posters on LS just don't like men?
Oh, no doubt there are female posters who don't like, trust or respect men but the way you put it, was a little too inclusive. Not every female poster in this thread dislikes or distrusts men. Enough of them, myself included, don't respect a certain kind of man.
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You forgot the part in your recollection of when you woke up a few weeks later with nasty pussy bumps on your wanger from banging all the free and easy loving European sluts.


having nasty, untreatable crotchrot from foreign women who will drop their panties for anyone. He goes for the classy ones apparently.


Well enjoy your herpes then, just like the OP.


The above is equally bigoted, idiotic and bitter to what the OP was saying :sick::sick::rolleyes:

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The above is equally bigoted, idiotic and bitter to what the OP was saying :sick::sick::rolleyes:


I know. I found that talk very troubling. Heck, it even plays directly into OP's hands, showing how bitter they are (or might be, it might be sarcasm for all I know).


Also I hate how my post evidently fell upon deaf ears. I guess people don't care to listen to me...

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Ummm..are you naive enough to believe that if this German girl bedded you on the first night she met you, she hasn't done this with a lot of guys? Your chances of getting an STD are higher the more partners you have....and many STDs aren't prevented by condoms. So if you're so impressed by women putting out so easily, you better be happy when you get that uncurable STD (which you may already have.....better go get tested.)



QUOTE=St. Nick;2148529]I don't need to find another such woman. I've been emailing her and the Turkish girl since I came back to the States. I plan on going back to Germany before the year is done. So if I lost touch with either or both I'd end up finding one just like her when I arrived.


The responses from the American women are predictable: "You're gonna get herpes. You're a loser. She's a slut. She's out for your money and an American visa. You can't handle us because you're a wimp" doesn't surprise me. But here's the thing, according to some posters there are anti-American women threads like this all the time on this forum. For some dumb reason, they never take that as a hint. They never think, "Hmm, men in this country have problems with our attitudes and are sick of it. Maybe we should look at ourselves and see if there is something wrong." Unfortunately, they point at us and give us the third degree like we're the monsters and they're the innocent victims. Why is it that whenever a man leaves a woman for another woman, the leftover woman generally overlooks evaluating herself and instead turns vindictive? Good Lord.


And what's the deal with the guy who wants his old man to smack me? That one came out of left field.:laugh:

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The above is equally bigoted, idiotic and bitter to what the OP was saying :sick::sick::rolleyes:


How is that? This German woman bedded this guy instantly, you think she hasn't done the same over and over with other guys she just met?

Honey, your chances of getting an STD increase the more partners you have, and honey, this girl was definitely not a virgin.

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That's because they don't know any better. LOL


I was in South America for a long period of time, so I know exactly what you mean by this. I barely had to say anything to them, aside from hola with a smile.




I suspect that when Americans have interpersonal issues abroad it's more about them in person than any rejection due to a stereotype. In particular the foreign women I've talked to about this perceive American men as being less likely to cheat, more able to display tenderness and less likely to be abusive.

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The responses from the American women are predictable: "You're gonna get herpes. You're a loser. She's a slut. She's out for your money and an American visa. You can't handle us because you're a wimp"




I know what you mean, it's awesome to watch, I get a real kick out of it every time and you're right, it's as predictable as clockwork. Then eventually comes the incorrect characterization of these foreign women, as if they are somehow inferior, subservient, and therefore we like their attitudes.

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How is that? This German woman bedded this guy instantly, you think she hasn't done the same over and over with other guys she just met?


Wow, way to miss the point. American women put out just as easily, it's not about the sex it's about the neck deep river of sh*t most American women want men to wade through in the rest of the relationship.

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Name the movie. Quintessential American love story ;)


If this is a who-can-sink-lowest-fastest contest, you won. By showing him my letter,

you have sunk below the deepest layer of prehistoric frog shyte at the bottom of a New Jersey scum swamp.


I may have let you have the house, but now...you'll never get it.


You will never get that house.



Beware of the bald avenger ;)

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it's not about the sex it's about the neck deep river of sh*t most American women want men to wade through in the rest of the relationship.


When a guy doesn't make the cut, a woman will do that to him. When she is very interested in a guy it will flow naturally. It happens in every culture unfortunately, we tend to give more to those we are really into.


There's a good little bit of insight from the female camp for ya. ;)

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Correct. If a woman can laugh at that, she's a keeper in my book. The pissing on the fish scene is particularly memorable. Required dating viewing :)


FWIW, my W hated that movie...

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I know two Polish women in real life. Both are great women. I'm only going to date Poles from now on.



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Yeah of course


Some of you are older and wiser, but there are young girls who will be influenced that its a desirable trait to be a slut by a thread like this


Its not. Men don't trust sluts and for good reasons



I would like to point out that in my opinion this was the best comment made in the entire thread, and it got lost in the shuffle. So I am reposting it!


We need more responsible men who will make comments like this and stand by them, to educate young women that it is not desirable to give away their bodies, that men still DO judge them for doing that.


Sure a guy can say he was in a foreign country and he met some woman who also happened to like and sleep with him quickly and he paints a picture of desire for those types of women but that same man can turn around and meet another woman at a bar and he is not interested in her yet he is horny enough and drunk enough so he will sleep with her. Then, the same guy who was talking a big game about how one woman was trouble free, will turn around and talk in a derogatory manner about the types of women he just "uses" to have sex with. It is a double edged sword for women and I can almost guarantee this very same guy has made derogatory comments about women he was only mildly interested in who gave it up easily.


Jake thank you for making a fair, and very important message for young women to look at and think about. You sound like a stand up guy with good values! :cool:

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Your whole thread isn't about dating foreign women, it's about f**king them....getting them into bed, because you fully disclose that you do not have a connection with this German woman enough to keep you away from other women.

So much for American men being less inclined to cheat.

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I think that this issue expands beyond America but the responses from some of the women don't surprise me. Accountability is not a word that is in their vocabulary. If men don't want to put up with the endless drama that many of them bring it must be because we are afraid of strong women and we are misogynists that want a doormat who will put up with our crap. Let them keep telling themselves that. They live in a world where men=bad and women=good and they can't see it any other way.

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I see good points on both sides. From the guys perspective, dating a European or other might be easier or include less games. But on the other hand, you might run into problems in the long run, for instance many women will be looking just for a green card. Not all of them, but you can bet many in the third world would.


So I'll say this: if dating a non American is great, then go for it! But refrain from using generalizations about Americans, like American women this or European women that. Because generalizations are just not cool :sick:.


From my own experience, I have been dating an Asian girl. Not Asian American either, from an Asian country (also I'm a white American). Dating her is a little different than dating an American, but it's just that, it's different. It presents it's own upsides, downsides, misunderstandings, positive experiences, etc. I don't view nationality as particularly important in a relationship, it's just one small part of a larger whole of a relationship.


In the end, the person's character is far more important than their nationality. Now I have a lot of experience with Asians at my school, and I see a whole assortment of different personalities and character traits, some good some bad. So I guess what I'm saying is people should stop being like "Americans this" or "Europeans that". The real truth is Europeans or Asians or Americans are all an incredibly diverse spectrum of people. Hopefully some people will learn that one day.

I'm not merely talking about the character of American women but the dating system American women want the men to go through. It's a tedious, overdrawn system where dating feels more mechanical than natural. The whole system feels like a job interview, rather than something real. I don't care for none of it, and the majority of American men don't care for it either.

Why do you care so much what American women think? Why are you expending SO MUCH EFFORT trying to convince everyone on an anonymous online forum that American women aren't worth the trouble? ESPECIALLY since you claim to be having so much better luck overseas??? I don't get it. Is this one of the symptoms of crotch-rot?

I put a lot of effort into it because my nationality is American, the dating system we have is flawed (one of the worst in the world), and this anonymous forum is a good place to discuss such things. Sheesh. Is this one of the symptons of prudery?

Your whole thread isn't about dating foreign women, it's about f**king them....getting them into bed, because you fully disclose that you do not have a connection with this German woman enough to keep you away from other women.

So much for American men being less inclined to cheat.

No. My thread is about male/female relationships in this country. You just decided to pick up on STDs, as if I didn't take any precautions against it.


As far as the sex goes though, I'm trying to say that waiting to have sex with a guy you like is idiotic in many cases. My last American g/f wanted to wait almost two weeks before sex, and during that time she didn't know any more about me than what I told her in the first two days, so what was the point of waiting so long? Why do women in this country waste time?

I think that this issue expands beyond America but the responses from some of the women don't surprise me. Accountability is not a word that is in their vocabulary. If men don't want to put up with the endless drama that many of them bring it must be because we are afraid of strong women and we are misogynists that want a doormat who will put up with our crap. Let them keep telling themselves that. They live in a world where men=bad and women=good and they can't see it any other way.


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Women do tend to treat dating like a job interview. One reason I feel that I actually have a strong relationship with my wife is that we met and it bloomed naturally from there. There weren't any dumb tests or games that she put me through. We just clicked and a relationship blossomed. With many women not only are their tests at the start but tests during the relationship and you never when she will spring one on you and cause drama to just stir things up. The whole thing is just nerve wracking and makes a man want to tear his hair out. I think a big reason why George Clooney and Simon Cowell still have all their hair is because they won't marry.

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mr.dream merchant

Why isn't there a platoon of angry feminists barking up any of these female poster's pussy lips for using the word "Slut"? Gotta love gender bias.

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I think that this issue expands beyond America but the responses from some of the women don't surprise me. Accountability is not a word that is in their vocabulary. If men don't want to put up with the endless drama that many of them bring it must be because we are afraid of strong women and we are misogynists that want a doormat who will put up with our crap. Let them keep telling themselves that. They live in a world where men=bad and women=good and they can't see it any other way.
They don't like competition, and they certainly don't want to be outsourced.
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They don't like competition, and they certainly don't want to be outsourced.



I would never see an easy lay who is willing to do blackflips for a guy she doesn't know and on first meeting, as competition with myself. We are in two completely different leagues. A woman who respects herself, who has a lot to offer inside and out and recognizes that, this is the type of woman I would be in direct competition with.


Clubs and bars are filled with women like that, I am surprised it took going all the way to Germany to find it? :confused:


Quality guys look for quality women so if you want a 10 you also have to be a 10. The 0s can all mate among themselves as far as I am concerned... ;)

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German women, even the most successful of them, have no problem dating a man with a regular job.


The majority of German women have relationships with men who have the same or an even higher educational background.


Educational homogamy is alive and kicking in Germany.

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Quality guys look for quality women so if you want a 10 you also have to be a 10. The 0s can all mate among themselves as far as I am concerned... ;)
Superficial people should be with superficial people.


I am not interested in numbers, only people. I want to get ahead in life, and I can't do that with dead weight or a traitor in the midst. So far, my impression of American women is that they would prefer to assert themselves at a very high-price, or cash out when things are in their favor rather than work together to get ahead. Maybe they are too selfish and materialistic.

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