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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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Jersey Shortie
'm not so concerned about your use of sarcasm, its the damn use of "sarcasm" - can't stand the improper quotation marks - even worse if you try to use them with hand gestures, which I'm sure you do.



Then don't read it. And really, who gives a crap if I use them with hand gestures or not. Don't tax yourself over it.


Please. If I was projecting, it would be that you have the body of a gorgeous female triathlete, slight curves where they need to be, beautiful medium length hair, stunning eyes, luscious lips.


but the only thing I've gauged thus far is....


you've got a great personality :laugh:


I do have a great personality, thanks. I am sure most of us are different in real life then how we might be precieved here by others. I don't have a perfect body because I am an actual human being woman, not a fake image or ideal about a woman catered to men through false mediums. Hell, it be great and I am sure I would have an easier time with men if I looked more how men ideally wanted, but I don't.

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I lived abroad for 10 years. I found that many women (although not all) where I lived were very attracted to American men. They would do anything to hook the American guy up--things that they normally would not do for the guys in their own country, including cooking for him all the time, going to bed with him on the first date, ...


They were also accustomed to getting pregnant ASAP. And if the American guy didn't marry them, they would have an abortion...

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I don't have a perfect body because I am an actual human being woman, not a fake image or ideal about a woman catered to men through false mediums. Hell, it be great and I am sure I would have an easier time with men if I looked more how men ideally wanted, but I don't.


We guys are visual creatures but in all honesty, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


There's no standard of beauty, even though the media tries to portray that there is. At least personally, I've found some women attractive that others did not and vice versa.


I think if a woman's body shows that she's active and she takes care of herself, there's bound to be a guys that find her attractive.


Tieing this back to the original thread, foreign women have to travel by foot or by cycle alot to get from point A to point B so they're forced to be active, whereas in the states we can hop into a car and travel the highway.

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I lived abroad for 10 years. I found that many women (although not all) where I lived were very attracted to American men. They would do anything to hook the American guy up--things that they normally would not do for the guys in their own country, including cooking for him all the time, going to bed with him on the first date, ...


They were also accustomed to getting pregnant ASAP. And if the American guy didn't marry them, they would have an abortion...


Which part of the world?

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How do you know that 27 lbs is not an increase in the average muscle mass of American men?


When my dad was in peak shape back in the 70's he weighed 150, when I was in peak shape back in 2000 I weighed 185. Remember the use of steroids has increased dramatically in the U.S.


27 lbs is a lot of muscle. There is no way that the average American man carries 27 lbs more muscle than the average American man did in the 1970s. However, women must have also gotten a lot fatter - I don't believe for one second that the average American woman weighs only 1 lb more than the average woman did in the 1970s. The consumption of greasy fast food is endemic in America and might eventually result in a decreasing life expectancy.

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It depends.


If you are a guy who loves American idol and Survivor, you would have far more in common with an American female.


I think the idea of the submissive foreign women is a myth. What they do offer is more of a femininity that American women seem to be lacking.


I would say that on avg foreign women DEMAND to be treated with much more respect than their American female counterparts. Actually American females seem to love the types of guys who crap all over them. Foreign women do not put up with this.


The average American female is five foot 4, 160.. Pretty big. So if a woman is simply slender she is a rarity, and she knows this. American men have far fewer women to choose from, unless BBW's are your thing.


I enjoy reading all of the misrepresentations presented by both men and women on this thread. I know that there are a lot of overweight women (and men) in America, but the weight of the average American woman cannot possibly be 160 lbs! That's practically morbidly obese for a 5' 4" woman!

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27 lbs is a lot of muscle. There is no way that the average American man carries 27 lbs more muscle than the average American man did in the 1970s. However, women must have also gotten a lot fatter - I don't believe for one second that the average American woman weighs only 1 lb more than the average woman did in the 1970s. The consumption of greasy fast food is endemic in America and might eventually result in a decreasing life expectancy.


The link it from a site used by professors and researchers everyday.


Believe what makes you feel better. I try to use only credible links.

I found it eye opening too....but then, I grew up in a state that is one of the fattest and boasts itself to be the birthplace of the deep fried snickers bar! Maybe you too come from a "fat" state too?

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The link it from a site used by professors and researchers everyday.


Believe what makes you feel better. I try to use only credible links.

I found it eye opening too....but then, I grew up in a state that is one of the fattest and boasts itself to be the birthplace of the deep fried snickers bar! Maybe you too come from a "fat" state too?


I see where that other guy got his statistics. According to this 2006 article, accoridng to a 1999-2000 study, the average woman was 5'3.8" and weighed 163 lbs, and the average weight increased 11 lbs between about 1990 and about 2000. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/aprilholladay/2006-12-04-size-age_x.htm


Those numbers are difficult for me to believe.

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The link it from a site used by professors and researchers everyday.


Believe what makes you feel better. I try to use only credible links.

I found it eye opening too....but then, I grew up in a state that is one of the fattest and boasts itself to be the birthplace of the deep fried snickers bar! Maybe you too come from a "fat" state too?


According to this article, the weight of the average American woman between the age of 30 and 60 years old increased 20 lbs between 1976 and 2000: http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/532210/


1% of women in that age range weighed at least 305 lbs in 2000.

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Jersey Shortie
I lived abroad for 10 years. I found that many women (although not all) where I lived were very attracted to American men. They would do anything to hook the American guy up--things that they normally would not do for the guys in their own country, including cooking for him all the time, going to bed with him on the first date, ...


They were also accustomed to getting pregnant ASAP. And if the American guy didn't marry them, they would have an abortion...


It sounds to me that the situation you described is one where they were more concerned with snagging an American man that had money then a local guy that didn't.

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Just date both. Why limit yourself...That goes for females, too. People on this site are obsessed with false dichotomies. You can date American women AND foreign women. The key is to stay true to yourself as a man and not take an b.s. from any of them. (Again - same for women.)

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I lived abroad for 10 years. I found that many women (although not all) where I lived were very attracted to American men. They would do anything to hook the American guy up--things that they normally would not do for the guys in their own country, including cooking for him all the time, going to bed with him on the first date, ...


They were also accustomed to getting pregnant ASAP. And if the American guy didn't marry them, they would have an abortion...


Do you think they have a 'relationship' with the American guy in mind, or instead a free pass to USA?

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Els, trust me... Not all of those women want to leave their countries, leave their family, and leave their culture to live in the boring USA. Actually most foreign girls I dated wanted me to move to their country.

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Jersey Shortie

The foreign land..where all American men are studs. :)

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Els, trust me... Not all of those women want to leave their countries, leave their family, and leave their culture to live in the boring USA. Actually most foreign girls I dated wanted me to move to their country.


That's very true.


But the girls subdued was talking about, treated American men very differently from their own countrymen. He said 'They would do anything to hook the American guy up--things that they normally would not do for the guys in their own country, including cooking for him all the time, going to bed with him on the first date'.


I can't think why else except that instead of a partner and a soulmate, they see in him a free passport.


Girls who want a man for himself and not because they desperately need to get out of their country, will not 'do anything to hook men of only one particular race up'.

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The link it from a site used by professors and researchers everyday.


Believe what makes you feel better. I try to use only credible links.


Credible but perhaps, in the fine tradition of "lies damn lies and statistics", carefully selected.


"The report, Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States, shows that the average height of a man aged 20-74 years increased from just over 5'8" in 1960 to 5'9½" in 2002, while the average height of a woman the same age increased from slightly over 5'3" 1960 to 5'4" in 2002.


Meanwhile, the average weight for men aged 20-74 years rose dramatically from 166.3 pounds in 1960 to 191 pounds in 2002, while the average weight for women the same age increased from 140.2 pounds in 1960 to 164.3 pounds in 2002.


Though the average weight for men aged 20-39 years increased by nearly 20 pounds over the last four decades, the increase was greater among older men:


  • Men between the ages of 40 and 49 were nearly 27 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.
  • Men between the ages of 50 and 59 were nearly 28 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.
  • Men between the ages of 60 and 74 were almost 33 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.


For women, the near opposite trend occurred:


  • Women aged 20-29 were nearly 29 pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.
  • Women aged 40-49 were about 25½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.
  • Women aged 60-74 were about 17½ pounds heavier on average in 2002 compared to 1960.




So basically everyone got fatter than ever but mostly older men and younger women are fatter than ever. Men 20-39 added 20 pounds, whereas women 20-29 added 29 pounds. Couple that little gem with the fact that women are smaller (therefore 29 pounds is a greater percentage gain) and it's no wonder I see so many fat chicks waddling around.

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Here's another statistic for you ladies who want to get married.


Married women die younger than single women and married men live longer than single men. So stay single as long as you can. Me, I'll be dead soon from waiting on my hubby.:lmao:


Sorry OP, I was off topic.:o

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Another way to see it is that American men added 15% weight and 2% height while American women added 17% weight and 1% height.

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I lived abroad for 10 years. I found that many women (although not all) where I lived were very attracted to American men. They would do anything to hook the American guy up--things that they normally would not do for the guys in their own country, including cooking for him all the time, going to bed with him on the first date, ...


I am British, and although I can only speak for myself and my friends, we love American men! And it's not like we're trying to escape from a third world country or anything; I think part of it is that we see so many American movies and tv series, so to us anyone with a cute American accent is a movie star! Last year I went to an international conference with delegates from all over the world, and the European women were swarming around the American men.


My boyfriend is American, and he finds my British accent incredibly sexy, so I guess it works both ways. When he visited my family in the UK he was treated like a celebrity, all the girls wanted to know who he was and hung on his every American-accented word. It isn't just the novelty of someone being foreign though - this is a generalisation and I know not everyone is the same, but in our opinion Greek men are usually egotistical and chauvinistic, Italian men are sleazy, French men are kind of rude and smoke too much, German men are very blunt and often unintentionally rude (although in Germany many kinky sex practices which are illegal in the UK are completely legal, so Germans are very open sexually :) We like Aussies (laid back and surfer-sexy), Scandinavians (gentlemanly and intelligent), and Americans (who remind us of movie stars).


In my experience, American men are also much more gentlemanly than British men - they pay when you go on a date, open doors, buy flowers, and generally treat you like a princess. My boyfriend says that American women expect to be treated like that and his behaviour is normal, but to me he seems gentlemanly and wonderful because nobody has ever treated me so nicely before. I have to admit, however, that American style dating is a nightmare - in Britain when someone asks me on a date I consider us to be exclusive until such time as we decide not to date any more, you only try one guy on for size at a time. In the US it seems to be acceptable to casually date multiple people, so the guy you're falling in love with could be dating several other women at the same time, and vice versa. It's like stuffing yourself at the buffet table versus enjoying one course at a time!

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Not all American guys are that great either. I will agree that MOST American girls are accustomed to being "treated" on dates. They all want a fancy dinner and a movie at a theater on date one. Where I live, the movie costs $20 for two tickets, and the dinner would be about $50 at the cheaper side. They expect to be treated like royalty. Guys don't expect so much monetary stuff, but they sure do expect sex after a nice dinner and a movie.


I have a perfect American girl. She's beautiful, she cooks, AND cleans. She is wonderful in bed, willing to try new things and always does her best to please me (not just sexually). However, I am also willing to cook and clean, I am good in bed (according to her), I am willing to try new things for her and I do my best to please her (not just sexually).


My first date with my current girlfriend was we got smoothies ($8) and then we went to her house and watched a movie she owned. She also offered to pay for the smoothies. Most of our dates are like this, and about half of the time she pays. Every now and then I splurge on her and take her out to a nice restaurant or buy her something... but she does the exact same for me.

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