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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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In a day and age where women are working, that's rather untrue.


They have to work because it's true. Not many people would continue working as they do now if (1) the job stopped paying and (2) they didn't need the money. For the most part it's only the most attractive of women who can afford themselves of this sort of situation however.

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Jersey Shortie

Many women *want* to work in this day and age. Not all women want to stay home with no other aspirations in life. I see goregouse women in all walks of life, and ugly ones to. Ones that go to work and ones that stay home. Your assertion, much like your ideal that foreigners are better, are not realistic or logical.

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Isn't it funny how he always brings up women's looks as some sort of an obstruction to finding a man who wants a stay at home wife?


I think what it is is there are MANY beautiful women who work, like you said, JS, but some guys are afraid of successful, intelligent women. A woman like that would get bored with many men who think that all they have to do is wave their checkbook under a gal's nose to get her attention.

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Many women *want* to work in this day and age.


Most people work as they do because they HAVE to, if the fiscal reward was removed and they didn't need the money to live they would live differently. Women are no exception.




Not all women want to stay home with no other aspirations in life.


That's not what I said.




I see goregouse women in all walks of life, and ugly ones to. Ones that go to work and ones that stay home. Your assertion, much like your ideal that foreigners are better, are not realistic or logical.


I didn't say beautiful, I said attractive. While they are related they are not synonymous. Also I didn't say all, I said many.

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Of course not, it's a sad economic fact of modern life that only a small number of men are capable of being a sole breadwinner capable of providing a good standard of living and only the most attractive women can manage to pair off with such men for the most part.


People have to make do with the best they can get.


Funny how the world you live in is always skewed in your favour.


Presumably you're going to come up with an article showing that for the most part, women can be reduced to nothing more than automatons whose goal is to trap the highest earning male available.

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Please, any man that fantasies international relationships and villainizes home grown ones is bitter and unrealistic. I am sure different cultures do have different mannerism and forms for communication and behaviors but I hardly it extends so far where relationships are better in other countries. People are people where ever you go..


Its not that relationships are better in different countries -


Its that some American guys are finding that women from other countries like to date them. It really is that simple.


By the way, what? You think women like men who diss them based on their nationality? TWO way street. .


JS - you're reacting rather than trying to understand the underlying issue...


Its not about hating American women.


Its not about dissing someone because of their nationality, its about appreciating positive actions, behaviors and responses from dating women with different mind sets.


The OP stated that he had a couple of simple, drama-free, no games, experiences dating German women and found it refreshing.


Women want men that like them as well. It's not rocket science Sweet Cheeks.


Its more like rocket surgery for some women :laugh: - but not all.


And the sweet cheeks thing is def. appreciated :D

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Many women *want* to work in this day and age. Not all women want to stay home with no other aspirations in life. I see goregouse women in all walks of life, and ugly ones to. Ones that go to work and ones that stay home. Your assertion, much like your ideal that foreigners are better, are not realistic or logical.


Nothing wrong with women who support themselves or whom decide to stay at home - its their choice.

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Many women *want* to work in this day and age. Not all women want to stay home with no other aspirations in life. I see goregouse women in all walks of life, and ugly ones to. Ones that go to work and ones that stay home. Your assertion, much like your ideal that foreigners are better, are not realistic or logical.


The only issue I've had with this is that while most women no longer expect a man to be the sole breadwinner, a huge majority don't respect moderate wage earners.


Jennifer Hudson is a great example. Her janitor boyfriend was good enough until she won an oscar. After that he was no longer an acceptable boyfriend. Plus the excuse I always hear is that "he just could not handle my success." which we all know is just a lie.


As American women continue to make strides in wage parity and upward mobility, they are going to have to come to terms with the idea that just because a man doesn't earn more than they do... that doesn't reduce his value as a mate. - - I don't see that happening in any generation that's been born yet.

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Women ask yourself a question. If you were a man wouldn't you want to do better the odds of having a happy marriage that lasts as much as you could? Wouldn't you want to avoid the fate of the man you see in the divorce forums who thought they had a happy marriage only to have their wife all of a sudden turn on them? For many men finding a woman from a culture with more traditional values is the answer. I don't agree with the keep them barefoot and pregnant mentality but after getting chewed up and spit so many times by women who can blame a man for just wanting a stepford wife?

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For many men finding a woman from a culture with more traditional values is the answer. I don't agree with the keep them barefoot and pregnant mentality but after getting chewed up and spit so many times by women who can blame a man for just wanting a stepford wife?

the main problem with the sexes in the US is that most men have forgotten how to be men and most women have forgotten how to be women. people the world over make fun of us. other cultures are not afraid to play out their gender role the way it was meant to be and the entire cultures supports and understands the "way things are"


americans generally like to go after unnatural ways of thinking

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I saw from the inside how agency owners abused the relatively naive ladies back in the 90's. I wouldn't call it prostitution, but others likely did and do. I was lucky to meet some people not affiliated with agencies and networked through them. I didn't meet any "models" but instead regular women with regular lives, friends and families. I learned a lot about the Ukrainian culture. It was a time of my life I'll never forget.


Likely things are far different today. Perhaps the laws are deemed necessary; IDK. I just have a special place in my heart for government and I'll leave it at that.

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Thank you Carhill. It seems this law serves to protect these foreign women from abuse. That's a good thing.


This law assumes an American man is a criminal and does little good. It's a joke that does little but put a spotlight on the attitude American women have regarding American men who wish to expand their dating horizons outside the so called land of the free.

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Jersey Shortie

No one cares if you want to expand your dating rage Clv. The fact that it's obviously not just about expanding a dating rage is shown through the bitter, hurt and resent filled comments towards American women that tells us a deeper story.


Funny how the world you live in is always skewed in your favour.


That is what it comes down to for Clv, I think you’re right.



Its that some American guys are finding that women from other countries like to date them. It really is that simple.


It really isn’t considering all the nasty comments that were made about American women. As an American women, it’s hurtful to hear the venom and hate for women of your own nationality. No offense but it’s not like American men are perfect.


Its more like rocket surgery for some women  - but not all.


Again, your comments insinuate that men aren’t difficult and frustrating and hurtful. Both men and women want to be liked, especially by the other gender.


And the sweet cheeks thing is def. appreciated 


Then you will really like it when I start calling you Sugar Ass. :)

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I saw from the inside how agency owners abused the relatively naive ladies back in the 90's.


How does a law requiring CUSTOMERS to undergo a background check do anything to clean up corrupt agencies? I'd be less worried about reasonable regulations on the business to ensure there is no systematic abuse going on. Oh wait, I guess we already have those laws.

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I'd have to research the legislation to understand its exact impact, but my understanding is the agency owners are tasked with doing background checks and reporting/collecting data to provide to the government on demand. In addition, apparently, there are fees passed through to the male clients. I trust there are still plenty of agencies flying under the radar. I saw numerous ones which were "word of mouth" during my trips.


TBH, I really don't care. I mostly ignore the government, if you get my drift :)

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It just puts USA based companies at a disadvantage, those that are actually based in most of the foreign places are not "IMBRA compliant" and don't seem to care. Furthermore, Yahoo Messenger and myriad other communication providers allow citizens to (SHOCK!!!) communicate with foreigners.


I hope we don't kill them all :rolleyes:

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During the time periods I was there, local agency owners indicated that "services" were their biggest profit generators; things like flower and gift delivery, finding apartments for visitors, language lessons, interpreting/translating and drivers. They networked with western-based agencies for referrals. I can vouch for the profit potential back then because I procured those services locally and they were far cheaper, in USD, than the USA agencies were charging.


IMO, just like with any other extortion scheme, IMBRA is just the government grabbing back more money and freedom from its citizens, albeit a selected segment. Maybe if more people leave and stop paying taxes, they'll get the message ;)


Good evening from the people's republic of Kalifornica ;)

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The law itself does noting, but it's nice to know large segments of our population believe having testicles makes us automatically dangerous to foreigners. I guess American balls are all they're rumored to be and more.

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Well, there are a couple of female LS'ers who can comment on that aspect from firsthand experience (foreign women married to/involved with American men). I honestly don't know how it really is nowadays. 10-15 years ago, it was mostly wealthier business men (not just American) in the clubs in Kiev, Odessa, St. Pete and Moscow (as examples in the FSU/CIS) who gave "ugly American" their name. Typical example of a few bad apples making it difficult for everyone else, IMO.


I noted American Singles, a web site I used to network with most of the FSU/CIS women I met back in the 90's, does not do background checks and advertises such, as it is not an "agency". If you remember ICQ, that was high tech IM back then. Exciting times for this American guy talking to people around the other side of the world. :)

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JS I can understand why it hurts to hear the venom and hate coming from men but how do you think it feels to hear that all men are scumbag abusers who mistreat women? You also hear the women who are not as vicious but assume that every man is a cheater or all men are overgrown babies who are completely incapable of even the simplest household chores. Do you think it is nice for men to hear that about our gender? Of course it is not but this is how many western women feel and trying to have a loving relationship with these misandrists is just a complete exercise in futility. Can you blame for being sick of the drama and looking elsewhere?

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Can you blame for being sick of the drama and looking elsewhere?


That's exactly why I did so 13 years ago. After nearly 20 years, I had wearied of the drama and emotional abuse. I figured if I got far enough away, I might run into something different. I did. I regret not having the confidence to see it through. It's why I travel now, to widen the variety of life and experience.


TBH, women projecting their misandrist viewpoints onto my W's perception of our M did plenty to toxify it. I know because she told me. My male friends have never said an unkind word about her, ever. I'll be alone with a bunch of them this weekend and I'll bet not a word will be uttered. Honor, dignity and respect will be preserved. She deserves that, even if our M didn't work out.


Once again available, I will be on the fence. Some positive experiences, in even the smallest way, might tip that balance towards home; here's to hoping :)

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.... If you remember ICQ, that was high tech IM back then.


I got my first email address in 1982 - I remember pretty much everything.

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Jennifer Hudson is a great example. Her janitor boyfriend was good enough until she won an oscar. After that he was no longer an acceptable boyfriend. Plus the excuse I always hear is that "he just could not handle my success." which we all know is just a lie.


I know, what happened with her? She was so in love with her very nice down to earth Janitor boyfriend and then after "Dream Girls" she dumped him for a Harvard attorney. That's not nice.

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Bottom line here is that I'm not making up fantasies, I go and do and I'm telling you that by and large the dating experience most places overseas is superior in every way. I date both foreign and domestic and while it's logistically a lot easier to date locally the experience makes the extra effort of dating foreigners worth the extra mile. Or rather, the extra kilometers.


*I* am sure because *I* go out and do both.



Okay, we get it already! You view foreign women superior to American women and that's okay. Different strokes for different folks! Some people like chocolate others like strawberry ice cream, but it doesn't make chocolate ice cream less desirable for those who like that flavor does it? Some people like blondes others like brunettes and redheads. I prefer brunette men but I don't hate blondes and redheads because they aren't brunette.


If you think foreign women are better than us that is your choice but you seem bitter towards American women in general. I can tell you that American women are not living in fear of foreign women taking all the men. American women are beautiful, cultured, educated, caring and kind. Many men throughout the world admire and are attracted to us. It really is okay that some of our native men cannot appreciate who and what we are as there are plenty of others who do. BTW, have you ever thought of moving to a foreign country?

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