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Should American men stop dating American women?

St. Nick

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The sweet, composed and prideful women I grew up with in those conditions would have slapped your unworldly, arrogant american azz to the airport pronto for such words :).


What if I told you I am Eastern European, wouldn't you feel even more foolish then?


What if I also told you women like myself came here to get away from men like you, the typical Eastern European chauvinistic, hamster brain who when he leaves the country romanticizes about the "great" women he left behind and pretends like the **** of people back home doesn't smell when he was the first to spit in the face of women like that when he had the chance.


It's simple Samspade, go back to the old country if you think America is such a pit of dogs. Women here don't like men like you because if it were up to you women would be seen and not heard, we would be on our hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen tiles while you go out out and whore around with the town tramp getting drunk and gambling every night.


Go home, really! Men like you are completely undesirable here.:sick:



And to the "unworldly American ass" part, wow just wow! I didn't realize that an American woman was not well traveled by vertue of being American! Way to insult the entire American female population.:rolleyes:

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St. Nick, you raised another good point.. Intelligent conversation..


So many American women give the excuse of "intelligence is important" when what they really want is a guy with money..


I am being 100% honest when I say German women BLOW AWAY American women when it comes to intellectual conversation. You can talk about history, the Cosmos, politics, etc. One logical reason might be that they do not watch much TV. How many American women can you talk to about history?


To be fair, American women can hold a better convo about Survivor, American idol, Oprah, etc.


No, the key reason is the education. The educational system is falling apart in US, always has. 20 years ago my standard high school education was more challenging and sophisticated than what run of the mill US high schools currently provide here. US higher education is better, but not quite as challenging as well (at the undergraduate level; US is top-notch at post-graduate education...). Finally, growing up in the suburbs does nothing to expose you to the world. Most europeans grow up in real cities and are exposed to much wider selection of arts, music, and general life experiences than the poor kids rotting away in a typical US suburb...

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What if I told you I am Eastern European, wouldn't you feel even more foolish then?


What if I also told you women like myself came here to get away from men like you, the typical Eastern European chauvinistic, hamster brain who when he leaves the country romanticizes about the "great" women he left behind and pretends like the **** of people back home doesn't smell when he was the first to spit in the face of women like that when he had the chance.


It's simple Samspade, go back to the old country if you think America is such a pit of dogs. Women here don't like men like you because if it were up to you women would be seen and not heard, we would be on our hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen tiles while you go out out and whore around with the town tramp getting drunk and gambling every night.


Go home, really! Men like you are completely undesirable here.:sick:



And to the "unworldly American ass" part, wow just wow! I didn't realize that an American woman was not well traveled by vertue of being American! Way to insult the entire American female population.:rolleyes:


First, I don't drink. Second, I have a doctorate. Third, I always call an arrogant ho on her bullshet in spite of 1 and 2 and regardless of her national origin :). Fourth, if you had actually visited (much less originally came from as you claim :rolleyes:) one of these countries, you would have known that women there have had equal representation in all professional fields decades before their so-called counterparts here begun to show up in the workplace (and make a big deal out of it). Fifth, while there are many things I don't miss about that part of the world, the women I miss for sure, and above all.

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Moved on from the schoolgirl you were dating a few weeks ago then Nick? Couldn't stomach prom? :lmao:


P.S. The OP has a penchant for windup posts don't bite :)

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No, the key reason is the education. The educational system is falling apart in US, always has. 20 years ago my standard high school education was more challenging and sophisticated than what run of the mill US high schools currently provide here. US higher education is better, but not quite as challenging as well (at the undergraduate level; US is top-notch at post-graduate education...). Finally, growing up in the suburbs does nothing to expose you to the world.


Same in the UK.

Most europeans grow up in real cities and are exposed to much wider selection of arts, music, and general life experiences than the poor kids rotting away in a typical US suburb...
They do? Ever been to anywhere in East Germany but Berlin? Mind you I wouldn't advise some places in East Germany, you'll get moved on for being foreign :D
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I am being 100% honest when I say German women BLOW AWAY American women when it comes to intellectual conversation. You can talk about history, the Cosmos, politics, etc. One logical reason might be that they do not watch much TV. How many American women can you talk to about history?


Christ sake. There's some ridiculously idealised views on this thread. German women are well know for asking what your salary is!


Has anyone actually lived there, I did for 6 months and I can't say it's the utopia of the female form that some people are making it out to be


Norway... you might have a point if you were talking about the women there though :laugh:

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First, I don't drink. Second, I have a doctorate. Third, I always call an arrogant ho on her bullshet in spite of 1 and 2


:lmao: Pffft yeah I'm "sure" you do, sure you have a doctorate! :rolleyes:

People with doctorates actually can write.


(Oh, and by the way, many an american guys looking for dates were down on approach for the same reason (head in azz), regardless of thei astronomical for our country middle class salaries.).


That was hilarious, thanks for the jokes! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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Christ sake. There's some ridiculously idealised views on this thread. German women are well know for asking what your salary is!


Has anyone actually lived there, I did for 6 months and I can't say it's the utopia of the female form that some people are making it out to be



There are some ridiculous and delusional generalizations happening here. I have been to Germany twice, and I saw a society filled with people who were eager to look good, dressed to the nines, went out to the coolest and hippest places and the women were very much into status especially in Berlin! As I mentioned earlier my friend left her long time boyfriend whom she had children with for a younger wealthier much more fun version of her bo.

And her friends were much of the same.

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In many parts of the country, American women are all one can find.


What's a guy to do then? Go celibate? Or worse, Brokeback?

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I left the USA years ago and honestly I wouldn't think of dating 95% of American men now why?


Because they whine like little girls they cheat like its going out of style they are like dogs in heat they never take any responsibility for having done anything wrong ever its alway the flaky womens fault.


There incredibly shallow and materialistic cause god knows only the HOT HOT chicks will do even if they themselves are 300 pounds and balding they still feel a right to have the pick of the litter so to speak lol..


So maybe its both men and women there ha? talk about the pot calling the stove black lol.


Mind you there are exceptions but thats far and few in between most American men suck at relationships and are so full of themselves they don't know how to treat others with respect.


There so worried about what others will think about them also..Like god forbid there other American moron Buddy's don't want to steel there HOT gf no that just wouldn't do...


There was that enough of a generalization for you? I don't get men you sleep with them on the 1st date your a whore who they cant take seriously you say you want to wait and form a relationship 1st your a prude go figure..

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In many parts of the country, American women are all one can find.


What's a guy to do then? Go celibate? Or worse, Brokeback?



So does that mean all the women in your area are single and undesirable to all the men in your area as well?


I understand that the women in your area just might not "do it" for you and that's fine, you don't owe anyone any explanation in terms of what you like and what you don't like. But when I see statements like that, I rather look at the individual needs of a person rather than sanctioning an entire portion of society undesirable and notably useless. It just doesn't work that way.


There can't possibly be something wrong with an entire group of women, c'mon! ;)

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I just got home from Germany and--BAM--within the first few hours of being in Berlin I scored a date with a cute German girl. We went out the next night to a restaurant, a movie, a nightclub, and two bars, and guess what? She paid for herself each time. There was no hassle, no drama, no bickering--she actually insisted fiercely that it was her right to pay. I was shocked. But pleasantly surprised. Fortunately, that wasn't all. She took me home and--OH!--sex on the first date! There was no "I don't kiss and tell. I'm not just some ho off the street. I want to wait a while and see where this is going". She gave it to me like it wasn't something to be ashamed of.


Are you sure it was a woman you went on the date with ?...with some of those sex change operations you can't tell today... :)

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Jersey Shortie

I was answering Trialbyfire's question about maladjusted American men. You are scanning for statements that piss you off when taken out of context. Nice try.


You were victimizing men and marytering them. And then when you got called out on it you resorted to the weak statement above.



The idea that relationships are "hard work" is a myth perpetuated by bitter, angry single people and Dr. Phil.


Actually, the idea that relationships aren't hard work is a myth perpetuated by bitter, angry single people. :lmao: Ask anyone in a relationship or marriage and NOT one of them is going to deny that a relationships takes hard work. Have you actually ever talked to a married couple??



American society has high crime so women put up a lot of guard. That's not a good enough reason. Africa and Latin America has a MUCH higher crime rate yet those guys don't have nearly as much trouble getting women as we do. Somebody needs to explain why Africa and Latin America has an easier system of dating yet have a higher crime rate.


Who says their dating system is easier? You're one friend? Going on your limited experience and assumtion that your comments are infact true, it's ironic that a place with more crime has women who are less guarded. Really think about that. Less guarded women = more vunerable = more crime against said vuneralbe less guarded women. You seem to think this is a good thing but anyone that has studied the natural laws of physics and survial knows that those that are more pessimistic and guarded survive longer in the wild then those that are more naive. You saying there is no good reason for a woman to be guarded and protective just so you can date easier, puts women at more risk of being hurt and injured and is arrogant in the face of nature and self preservation.




Mr. Dream:

That's koo, but I can date any girl I want as well, so if you act like a bitch, you get NEXTED like a bitch. See where I'm going with this? Nobody has to deal with anyone if they don't want to. Alot of these females act like its their way or the highway because their all we got. "No bitch, I can easily get with another chick who's not as snobby as you, and looks twice as better than you." That's the mentality these guys need. Stop acting like she's such a damn privelege because that's when they **** in your cornflakes with their lame ass personality and entitlement complex. "You better pay for my dinner!" The ****? NEEEEEEEEEXT! Call me cocky but **** it, I'm not leaving all the power in the hands of some pair of self righteous pussy lips. **** that.


You are quite insecure aren't you? You talk about the arrogance of women yet defend being "cocky" and walk this board calling women names. You don't think you are replacable by a fortitude of guys? Wrong. You are just as replacable as a woman. Entitlement complexes? Hello McFly! Do you see the women around here calling men four letter words? No. You don't. My father always taught me any man that feels the need to call women a name, no matter what she has done, says more about who he is as a man completely unrelated to the woman in question. You can walk this board throwing "bitch" around like that makes you a big man but all that makes you is a small one that need to extraplote himself to feel better.



And no, I am not lazy, what's so bad about wanting to be able to strike a conversation with a woman without resorting to a pickup line? What's so bad about not wanting to waste time and calling her later that day instead of waiting at least two days? What's so wrong about wanting sex on the first date? What's so wrong about wanting a girl to like a man for having an honest job, irregardless of whether it is a plumber or a physician?


Nothing is wrong with any of that. What is wrong is calling American women names because they might not want to have sex with you on the first date..the horrors. Or that a woman might like a guy with a high payin job..how dare she! Because when you pick a woman it's all selfless reasons right..

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Or that a woman might like a guy with a high payin job..how dare she! Because when you pick a woman it's all selfless reasons right..

Good point jersey Ive noticed on these Bord's recently a mentality that men can be just as selfish and self serving as they like when it comes to picking women.


But on the flip side women for what ever reason are suppose to just take a guy for his "good points" at face value and not be so harsh in our judgments toward them whats with the double standard there ha? :lmao:

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Good point jersey Ive noticed on these Bord's recently a mentality that men can be just as selfish and self serving as they like when it comes to picking women.


But on the flip side women for what ever reason are suppose to just take a guy for his "good points" at face value and not be so harsh in our judgments toward them whats with the double standard there ha? :lmao:


Fat women should just lose weight. Simple. Nationality doesn't come into it either. Fat german women are just as worthless as fat american women... to the average man.

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Ive noticed on these Bord's recently a mentality that men can be just as selfish and self serving as they like when it comes to picking women.



Yeah because they can be as self serving as they want and in their minds and delusion the only women who will eagerly want all their crap and who won't push back are these innocent, sweet, naive women from 2nd and 3rd world countries who are just happy enough to get a man, let a lone one with dollars!


I say to all these foreign women, "not only can you have these kinds of men, we BEG you, take them please"!!! :lmao:

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Fat women should just lose weight. Simple. Nationality doesn't come into it either. Fat german women are just as worthless as fat american women... to the average man.

Who brought anything up about weight Bored? you got a prob with that? I know its hard being a fat angry little man but its OK keep at it and maybe some day that HOT chick at the gym you drool over will be into you!


Cause god knows if your looks arnt a draw your winning personality will be a def deal breaker LMFAOoo sad little man you are... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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Yeah because they can be as self serving as they want and in their minds and delusion the only women who will eagerly want all their crap and who won't push back are these innocent, sweet, naive women from 2nd and 3rd world countries who are just happy enough to get a man, let a lone one with dollars!


I say to all these foreign women, "not only can you have these kinds of men, we BEG you, take them please"!!! :lmao:

Agreed 110%

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Fat women should just lose weight. Simple. Nationality doesn't come into it either. Fat german women are just as worthless as fat american women... to the average man.


You want to be taken seriously in the world today as a young go getter but when you post such immature trash as that you seem to be asking for what you get.. you get treated poorly by the older people because of how you act and the trash you talk...


Time to grow up some son...

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You want to be taken seriously in the world today as a young go getter but when you post such immature trash as that you seem to be asking for what you get.. you get treated poorly by the older people because of how you act and the trash you talk...


Time to grow up some son...


It is the old that are attacking the young. Firstly they should keep their hands off our women. Secondly they should treat us as people and as the future of society, not like second class citizens.

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Miss Conduct,


So two of your friends got hoodwinked and married money grubbing bitches. Big deal. I'd rather be married to a hot South american money gubbing bitch than a fat, lazy american one.


I have dated multiple south American women. Sure, they have a lot of the same traits as women in this country - desire for nice things in life, want a life of luxury, etc. The difference is that they want to do their part - I used to complain that my GF would take 30 minutes to get dressed to go out for dinner just her and I. She said "I want to look good for you". How can a man argue with that? Also, they have manners and family values that seem to be missing in this country.


As noted by another poster, many of them do NOT want to leave their country and come here just for a visa. To them, America is not a beacon of freedom, but that's political and outside of our discussion.


I've made my choice as to the kind of women that attract my attention and it has served me well. I will continue to talk about the benefits of dating foreign women to all my friends. Until the American man has said enough is enough, I'll be talking.


This website www.nomarriage.com is the best I've found on the subject.

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Secondly they should treat us as people and as the future of society, not like second class citizens.



Well as soon as you start to act as a first rate citizen you will be treated as one. That is usually how respect is earned. ;)


What the heck does a woman's weight have to do with this entire thread? What was even the point of your last post other than to insult women in yet another way?

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It is the old that are attacking the young. Firstly they should keep their hands off our women. Secondly they should treat us as people and as the future of society, not like second class citizens.

People deserve to be treated by how they treat others you act like a dog so we treat you like one simple!


Act like a respectful adult and you will be treated as such grow up and deal with it...

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Miss Conduct,


So two of your friends got hoodwinked and married money grubbing bitches. Big deal. I'd rather be married to a hot South american money gubbing bitch than a fat, lazy american one.


Well she is the one complaining her husband won't sleep with her while on vacation for a week, the rest of us are getting plenty sex and affection from our men so you do the math...but she does have the million dollar home and the husband who barely sets foot at home to maintain the lifestyle. :laugh:



The difference is that they want to do their part - I used to complain that my GF would take 30 minutes to get dressed to go out for dinner just her and I. She said "I want to look good for you". How can a man argue with that? Also, they have manners and family values that seem to be missing in this country.


I don't know who or what you have dated prior but let me tell you and I am a woman, with lots of female friends and I don't know any woman in North America who does not take at least a half an hour to get ready to look super hot before she goes out to a nice night out with her man. You must have dated complete trolls who leave the house with tousled dirty hair and food stained sweats in the past. I donnow....


As noted by another poster, many of them do NOT want to leave their country and come here just for a visa.


yeah it was me who made the distinction. Most South Americans are not too open to immigrating. I have traveled across south America extensively and the general consensus is these women (and men for that matter) typically do not want to leave their homes and cultures, they want to meet a sugar daddy who they can keep at home in their environments to afford them the finer things in the comfort of their own homes. And unless you know what it is like to make a life with a woman fresh off the boat please don't even think you know what you are talking about. Our whole country is founded on immigrants who came here but yearn for their culture, well it's that times 10 for a woman who comes here alone and leaves a family behind to marry a local guy.


Really you haven't a clue if you are just in the dating stages.

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Miss Conduct,


So two of your friends got hoodwinked and married money grubbing bitches. Big deal. I'd rather be married to a hot South american money gubbing bitch than a fat, lazy american one.


I have dated multiple south American women. Sure, they have a lot of the same traits as women in this country - desire for nice things in life, want a life of luxury, etc. The difference is that they want to do their part - I used to complain that my GF would take 30 minutes to get dressed to go out for dinner just her and I. She said "I want to look good for you". How can a man argue with that? Also, they have manners and family values that seem to be missing in this country.


As noted by another poster, many of them do NOT want to leave their country and come here just for a visa. To them, America is not a beacon of freedom, but that's political and outside of our discussion.


I've made my choice as to the kind of women that attract my attention and it has served me well. I will continue to talk about the benefits of dating foreign women to all my friends. Until the American man has said enough is enough, I'll be talking.


This website www.nomarriage.com is the best I've found on the subject.

LMAO... :lmao::lmao: do these guys think there all such wonderful catches themselves?


Such delusions of grandeur funny relay so now women from 3ed world countries don't want to go to America?


I guess the foreign women Ive seen saying so were all lieing yes they didn't want the political freedom the chance at a high paying job?


Not to mention the tons of others benefits of living in one of the richest most democratic countrys in the world?


No they were just forcing them selves into it for that hot selfless American man they all lust for.. omg lol..


I give up this is just another bash women bitter little boys club thread yawn... :rolleyes::laugh:

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