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Do gurls play hard to get??WHY?

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my friend that i've known for several weeks has conversations with me whenever we see each other in person. She called me a few times in the past for hw/school related stuff. I know i like talking to her because I LIKE HER and i feel she likes to have conversations iwth me too because the topic is usually based around her. two weeks ago, she asked me to help her w/ a take home test , like 2 questions since we ran into each other as i was leaving class and she just got to school. I agreed to help, she said she'd treat me for food. then the next day i asked where she wanted to go out and eat and asked if i minded to hangout w/her friends. We went out to eat that saturday night then met up with her friends at a pub.


it's been a week , and we see each other twice a week in class. everything's the same...talk talk talk. I'm sure she knows that i like her since i've been sending her signals occasionally. i havent been getting signals from her, so i dont think she likes me...


anyway i wanted to hang out w/her saturday night again, i asked if she wanted to go out and eat. called her during work. didnt pick up, so il eft a voice message asking to go out and eat. then she called me back in 1 min. then i asked again if she wanted to hang out... she said she'd call me back in an hr..(either she was busy at work, or thought of an excuse not to hang out). I dont know if the excuse was true or false, it was "sorry i cant tonight, i've got to meet up w/a friend and i have lots of hw to do." She goes to school and work 7 days a week


I met her ex at the pub the other night, the way she acts around him, i think he's the one that broke it off...but then in the truth or dare...they asked how much he still liked her...so its hard to tell. the day after hanging out at the pub, she told me that her cousin asked her who that funny guy was, and my friend replied to her saying that i'm a classmate.


Do you think she

A. considers me a classmate

B. Considers me a friend

C. pulling my string

D. playing hard to get

E. keeping a good distance cause she knows i have feelings for her


Why do gurls play hard to get anyway..? IS it cause they like to make guys drool and anxious..like to play with our hearts..? Or just cause you want to attract more guys by seeming unpredictable?

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um from what you've said i don't see her playing hard to get, i see her treating you as she sees you, like a friend. If she was a guy friend, you wouldn't have cared that she said she was to busy, no matter what the reason. If one of your guy friends breaks off plans because an old friend from out of town is comeing, you don't get jealuos over that do you? She probly has no clue you're drewling over her. Bottom line, you have to look into it more. Your jumping to conclusions man, I'd say she just doesn't know you have something for her.


Vixen :bunny:

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yes i may be jumping to conclusions too soo, but thats only cause i have feelings for her.

Yeah thanks for the reply i needed someone to tell me i was thinking this too much.

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