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Should I Keep Trying?

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Ok so there is this girl I am acquainted with that I would like to get to know further. She has been texting and IMing for the past few months like every couple of days. I did see her recently through mutual friends and she acted quite odd and didn't really talk to me. So basically she texts me but doesn't talk to me for some reason. I know she used to have a crush on me a couple of years a go but I guess that would have well passed.


I recently asked her to meet me for lunch and she said no ive got heaps of assignments due maybe some other time. She hasnt talked to me since and that was like two weeks a go. She had been keeping in constant contact with me until I asked her to meet me. i dunno if i should ask her again? or ask what the deal is with texting me?


Because its strange that she'd text me but not want to know me further.

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Hi, maybe she is really shy. From a girls point of view i know it is much easier to message each other but then when you actually see them in person it can become awkward. Like i said maybe she is just shy and finds it easier messaging. And also you said she had a crush on you before, maybe she still has but doesnt want to be rejected by you?? On the other hand it could be that she just see's you as a friend and doesnt mind messaging you but doesnt want to meet up?? Im not sure, all you can do is actually ask her if she likes you or not or if shes feeling awkward about the past crush?? I would definately ask her though, you've got nothing to lose!! Hope this helps x

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She is definitely not shy because she has heaps of friends and is always texting on her phone...and she is very talkative...just not to me in person anyway. I'm the shy one.


As for the crush thing. Maybe she still does, but I don't think so. She does act quite strange around me and she has touched me on the arm and that a couple of times, despite not talking to me. I kinda like her and told her that a few months a go...and she said you probably wouldn't like me if you knew me. So maybe shes feeling awkward about that.


I asked her to meet me again and she said she was too busy again...so I give up. She said she was keen to be friends though if I wanted, so whatever...I dunno if I'll ever see her again.


Thanks for the reply

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