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Do you think most people secretly cheat?

Nikki Sahagin

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Its a good question you ask. And I don't truly know. I could explain to you but I would sound very 'me, me, me' going on about myself. I do happen to think of myself as very fragile. I am hyper-sensitive and very emotional. I think constantly and what I feel brings out feelings in me. I can't really be objective. Most things in life, everyday, make me feel something really intense and overwhelming, including love. I think I take a lot because I feel, that I just can't not love. I do trust myself, that is not the issue, but I lack security, I lack safety in my own skin. I envy people that have it. I have a lot of strong opinions, ambitions, passions, but I lack that comfort in my own self - I am a perfectionist, I constantly need more, can't relax or chill out, ever! Always need a problem. Love to me is the source of so many problems, worries, anxieties, questions...I love to discuss and analyse it. Sorry if I didn't really answer your question or have used it as an excuse to blabber on about me. I do envy though people that have that strength in themselves, I do have strength, but I don't use it unless I am forced, can't seem to just draw on it...I guess I need to be pushed rather than jump...

Don't know if this might help you but when I need objectivity (not saying I do it all the time or are capable of it, at the drop of a hat, except with work), I step out of emotions, to a zone. Then I look back at the problem, trying to see all sides, come to some kind of solution or resolution in my mind, then step back into the emotions, to see if the solution/resolution still holds true.


Sometimes it takes time and a number of tries to get the right fit, one that holds true both intellectually and emotionally.

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