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update and with a question

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Hello I've posted my situation on here a few times. Just an update my wife and I are still seperated its been a month and 2 days. We have a good days and we have our WWIII's.



The background of my situation is that im married to a good woman who had two kids from a previous relationship. Been together for 8 years married for 4. So we did the whole space seperation thing. Mind you I have no kids of my own. My wife was got sick a year ago and hasn't been able to work wanted the whole space thing, so I gave it to her.


Situation is that since she isn't working she still expects me to help were with the bills especially since she hasn't been cleared to work because of her condition, well I'm trying to show her positives and that I want to work for this but it's getting clear to me that she isn't trying to make an effort on her part and just expects me to support her, pay bills and not be in a home. It's hard to pay bills and support when your in a place no one wants you and she gets up set when ever I bring it up, so my question is should I just swallow my pride help her out. I do love my kids even though they are not mines, and thats the thing "they're not mines." Or should I just say no and move on.


The thing about it is she said she might have an answer on our future after 2 weeks, then that became 3 now a month and it's like ok it doesn't take you a month to figure out if you want to be with someone. And she says "oh this is a tough decision because so many lives are involved." Well if thats the case you shouldn't have kicked me out. Well please give me your opinion.

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CM, as long as you continue to pay, she will continue to play... you like a fiddle. Your post answers all your question. Those kids aren't yours. You are silly to think they are "mines", cause in a few months you will just be a speck in their rear view mirrors. Mama will have re-written history to make you the worst of the worst, and herself a hero for leaving you to save them. Mark my words it will happen.


It's done. File for divorce. There's no downside for you. You've supported her kids and her long enough. Time to get into the wind.

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Chrome Barracuda



have her served at her job, any communications shall be handled with lawyers, especially if you dont have any kids. Dude once you show positive movement with you becoming a strong man she will turn towards you.


If not you can find someone else, why waste time witha ditzy chick who cant make up her mind? WTF?

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