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Communication issues with "friend"

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Girl and I ,who I have been friends with 9 years, are having pretty severe communication issues. She has a boyfriend and after I broke up with my gf of 2 years she started talking to me non stop. She ultimately admitted to being in love with me and how she always thought we were meant to be together. I know its wrong for her to do this when she is not single and that is the issue. Which is why I am having trouble understanding her, its driving me insane haha.

Like, this has been going on for 4 months. I then started to ignore her because I want her to be single if this was going to proceed and I thought she would get the message. But she just became upset. I told her over the phone the other night I thought she was acting selfish. And as usual when she hears something non positive and when I am not my usual fun self she gets scared and makes an excuse to hang up. She will never bring up the subject of her having a bf and it is like he doesn't exist. Whenever I bring it up she gets mad. How do I communicate with her without her being so stand offish? Better off just ignoring for a while? or Just straight forward "Lets either be just friends or if you want something more let me know when you are single?"


I would have done this a while ago, but it is long distance until the summer. I thought she would have done it by now but I don't have any idea what her deal is. I mean I feel both of the options I proposed will get negative reactions from her, so if anyone has a better idea please!!! ha

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for the record, I showed appropriate interest. I never said I was in love with you. But she should be smart enough to know by my actions that I am interested, for a good period I was very interactive.

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