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I have a question: How old are you?


Why I ask is that I am wondering if you have had sexual intercourse yet. If you haven't, it's not something to rush into unless you are emotionally and practically prepared (i.e. comfortable enough to discuss contraception with your boyfriend and your doctor.) If you are not prepared and emotionally mature, you can set yourself up for a lot of hurt.


There's nothing wrong with oral sex, or any sex, so you should put that worry out of your mind!


Good luck.

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I agree whole heartedly with Miranda and also am wondering how old you are and if you are well aquainted with all the STD's (including AIDS) that are out there that can kill and how they are transmited. Oral sex is only one way that they are transmited.


I am also wondering, even though you have been with this guy for a period of time, how well do you know his past sex history and are you sure he is not sexually active with anyone else at this time. Remember, when you have oral or any other kind of sex with a guy, you are in essence having sex with all his previous partners, and their partners and their partners, ect. ... that is when it comes to certain diseases.


Listen to Miranda in order to answer all these questions and make yourself safe in your situation ... and to make sure you are ready.

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billy the Kid

well I al depends... a short story: The first time I did that I was 19 and she was 17, any way while I was doing it to her she started laughing ... ( I was over seas at the time) any way she grabbed my head and asked me who tought me how to do this and I said nobody, well she shreeked with laughter and said I can tell.... she tought me how to do it to any woman cuz they all like it different, same with guys.... so what I'm saying is learn what you or your boyfriend are wanting to do before you start so neither of you are laughing at each other it can be very embarrassing. one other suggestion, and I'm not trying to be nasty, I read this in GQ and Cosmo, try masturbating to gether so you each see how you like to be touched... go for it oral is great....

I have a boyfriend of two years. Do you think it's o.k for us to have oral sex?
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billy the kid

if you nor your boyfriend have mouth sores or recent dental work oral sex is very safe ask your local health clinic or doctor... this is just a mothers rumor to stop you....

I agree whole heartedly with Miranda and also am wondering how old you are and if you are well aquainted with all the STD's (including AIDS) that are out there that can kill and how they are transmited. Oral sex is only one way that they are transmited. I am also wondering, even though you have been with this guy for a period of time, how well do you know his past sex history and are you sure he is not sexually active with anyone else at this time. Remember, when you have oral or any other kind of sex with a guy, you are in essence having sex with all his previous partners, and their partners and their partners, ect. ... that is when it comes to certain diseases. Listen to Miranda in order to answer all these questions and make yourself safe in your situation ... and to make sure you are ready.
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Dear Cheerleader,


I had a boyfriend for 2 months and we had oral sex. Some people just meet and have oral sex that day. Some people wait for years and years to have any kind of sex. It doesn't depend on time. It depends on who you are, how sexually matured you are, and if your partner is up to it. If you want to perform oral sex, I don't think your partner is going to mind. But always remember that sex is like love, giving and recieving should be equal on both ends.


Good Luck,



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