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Did i blow it?...signs point to yes.

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I'm a new university student, and met this guy a few weeks ago at a pub crawl. we hung out the whole time and he gave me his number at the end of the night. so i called him a few days later and we agreed to meet after our class one day. problem is, i chickened out and didn't go to meet him. i was too scared to call him to explain (what would i say??!) and have regretted it ever since. see, i'm pretty shy with guys usually until i get to know them and it'd been awhile since i've found a guy i really liked, maybe that's why i freaked out. thing is, now i've come to realize i really like this guy...something tells me he's what i'm looking for. we're in the same faculty so there's a chance i'll see him around school, but that just seems crazy to wait around for me to happen to see him and get a chance to talk again. but i would feel stupid calling him too, especially after so long. what else could i do? should i just give up and move on??

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sometimes feeling stupid is the only way. if it was only one time that you stood him up - he may be willing to give you a second chance - depending on his history with women. If he's been stood up by everyone he ever tried to go out with - chances are he wont give you another chance, but otherwise i'd say he would.


if you really like this guy - want to really go out with him - not stand him up like last time - then find him somehow around school, search him out and you'll find him if you use the right sources - or just give him a call. sometimes making ourselves look or feel like a fool is the best thing for us - I have a bad example - but I used to think that dancing was stupid. Thought it would make me look stupid doing it - and I feel stupid when I think I look stupid - so, I hardly ever danced. Then one day, I HAD to dance - was kinda forced to - and I had fun. Then another time - I still felt stupid, and I wasn't forced, but I knew I would look even stupider if I DIDNT dance - so I just tried to have fun - and guess what? I did. It was worth the risk of looking stupid - as I knew I couldn't dance well, but I had more than enough fun to make up for it. Now I feel stupid if I DONT dance at events like that - as I'm comfortable now, and being relaxed and feeling good about yourself is key to being a good dancer - not knowing all sorts of moves.


The moral here is - so waht if you feel stupid? you'll feel even worse if you really like the guy and you miss out on it because you were too caught up on feeling stupid. you're the one who caused the trouble - so you should explain it to him somehow - whether it be through the truth or a lie - and i dont recommend lying - as it would get you into worse trouble if the truth ever comes out - and believe me, it will.


if you dont like the guy - then by all means move on - but otherwise - dont give up. find a way - search him out or call him, feel stupid - sometimes its the best way to do things, sometimes its the ONLY way to do things. just the way things are. gotta take a chance to get anything worth taking.

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call him. imagine he had stood you up - you'd want an explanation too. don't lie. seriously don't lie..... all relationships are based on communication and that is -honest communication. You start off on the wrong foot, and it will never work. So make yourself vulnerable for just this once and maybe it'll be the one thing that changes your life for the better! you never know....

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Hunt him down and tell him honestly why you stood him up. A lot of guys are equally shy and if you stood him up the one time he may forever think what a b**ch you are.


I forever regret the fact I spent half my time at University staring at this gorgeous girl and not having the courage to talk to her. The other half was spent having a great friendship with this other nice girl and I didn't have the courage to ask to take things further.

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