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Sticky Situation

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Ok, so I like this girl who is in one of my classes that I sit behind in the afternoon.

From the messages that I have interpreted from her she kinda likes me, and I do like her.

I am guessing she is Bi as she had a BF a few years ago and more recently broke up with her GF,

but the reason why her GF broke up is because the girl i like is going to be moving (a few states away)

in about 2 maybe 3 months from now (she is moving for certain).

I would really like to go out with her and other stuff,

but we have a good friendship and I don't want to ruin that.

Also since she is moving I don't know what to do with this situation...

On top of this I have never been on a date or kissed a girl......


What should I do???

How do I continue this relationship on a good note. Whether I get with her or not.:confused:

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we have a good friendship and I don't want to ruin that.
If u have good friendship, u directly meet. and one more thing

Ask directly her what to do........

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