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she dnt like me bt i stil like her.

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hey again.


some things have happened since i last posted.

i realy liked this girl bt it was too soon after me last relationship(which was realy deep).she said tht she didnt think i was her type anyway.

shes now going out wit someone else and i thought i was cool wit it(we are riends in da first place) bt im nt.i no tht i showed a desparate side of me and i no if given da chance i would give her wat she wants.


i realy like her still.bt she made it clear she dnt think we "suit" each other.wat can i do?

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Nothing. There's nothing you can do to "make her like you." If she tells you she doesn't see a future for the two of you, there is none.

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I totally Disagree !!!!!!



Any thing is POSSIBLE. Its a matter of whether the effort is worth it. But if you can justify the effort to your self ANY THING IS POSSIBLE.


If you think its easier on you to give up, then so be it, just let go , and get over it. But if you think you really want her, and if you believe you can both be happy in a relationship, I SAY GO FOR IT. But do it in style ! Dont leave room for failure !


Just remember , the difference between Insanity, and Genius, is Success

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[font=arial][/font][color=darkblue][/color]I definately agree with Q-Tip in that anything is possible. Just because she says she doesn't like you that way right now doesn't mean that it will always be the same. Things change, and people can fall in and out of love. For now don't move to fast and just concentrate on being her friend. MAYBE one day she'll get a clue and realize that the perfect guy for her has been by her side all along...and that perfect guy is YOU!

best of luck,


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