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ex-boyfriend is in jail need advice

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Hi every one I know this is a wierd situation but here I go well I was with this guy for almost a year. I lived with him and his parents for like eight months. Then awhile after I lived with him he started hanging out with guys that always wanted to go out stealing cars. So they started and we would fight about it all the time and evenutally he broke up with me. Three months after we had broken up he went jail for it. So he got two years with half. And It was his birthday so I decided to write him and tell him happy birthday. And he wrote me back asking if I was willing to talk about working things out. The thing is I dont know if he is for real and I love him so much and if there is anyway to work it out I want to . Do you think he is serious or just feeding my head with lies. People keep telling me it will be a diffrent story when he gets out. But I made it clear to him if goes back to stealing cars I wont even consider it. Does prison chang peole. And should I just wait till he gets out to see how he gonna be,and take it from there. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!



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Men in prison have so much MALE companionship, they long for the soft touch of a female. Since he knows you and your vulnerabilities, you will be his focus until you wise up.


Before he went to jail, he chose stealing cars over stealing your heart. He chose to put his chances to be with you and love you on the line for joy rides in stolen cars.


For heaven's sake, WHY would you ever want to put your life on hold and wait for someone who could have cared less for you or your feelings and who is a jailbird to boot?


You sound like such a sweet lady and you deserve so very very much better. Let me tell you, you only go through this life once...and you either have to decide to create your own destiny or you can be weak and let chumps like this con control yours.


If a guy who is behind bars can drive you to this much confusion, you need to work on your self-esteem, grab youself by the butt, pour cold water over your head, and wise up to the world.


Once you start thinking more of yourself, you will begin to crave a lover who is kind, warm, loving, considerate, thoughtful and law abiding. You will want someone who would chose your love over state prison. You would want someone who you would know would return to you each evening in one piece alive and not in a casket. You would want a father for your children who would teach them to pick flowers and not pockets. And you would want someone to long for you because he loves you and not because he is in prison and horny for a female.


I am softening up my advice to you in order to be gentle. If I really told you what I thought, they would kick me off the Internet.

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Prison does change people, but usually for the worst. There are exceptions though. I think you should tell him that you will expect certain things from him when he gets out and if he shows you that he has changed over some time then think about giving him another chance. Don't spend your time worrying about him in the mean time. See if you can find someone better for you than a car thief. Move on with your life. If things were meant to work out with him, they will once he gets out. Keep contact with him to a minimum. As this will only keep you from looking in other directions. Best of Luck.

Hi every one I know this is a wierd situation but here I go well I was with this guy for almost a year. I lived with him and his parents for like eight months. Then awhile after I lived with him he started hanging out with guys that always wanted to go out stealing cars. So they started and we would fight about it all the time and evenutally he broke up with me. Three months after we had broken up he went jail for it. So he got two years with half. And It was his birthday so I decided to write him and tell him happy birthday. And he wrote me back asking if I was willing to talk about working things out. The thing is I dont know if he is for real and I love him so much and if there is anyway to work it out I want to . Do you think he is serious or just feeding my head with lies. People keep telling me it will be a diffrent story when he gets out. But I made it clear to him if goes back to stealing cars I wont even consider it. Does prison chang peole. And should I just wait till he gets out to see how he gonna be,and take it from there. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS DEDE
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