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OK Friday night I was messing around town with some friends. Well I was flirty with one of the two girls that were there, but my best friend caught her eye. Well we were all walking later on, and the other girl (A rather shy one that I kindof knew) tells me to walk with her, and we ended up walking with my arm around her waist on hers on my back. We walked like that for about half a mile before we got to her house and she had to go quickly (her parents werent happy that she was out late with all of us) so I couldnt get her number. Well we never really have had a conversation before that night, and there arent many opportunities to talk to her. Well I realized yesturday that shes been paying quite a bit of attention to me lately, and now were saying hi in the halls stuff like that. So my question is: Because weve never really had a full conversation, would it be weird to just walk up and ask for her number? because thats the only real way we'd get to have a full conversation, and ask her out, etc.

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aww you are 17 that is so cute. i would never have guessed until this post.

I think it would be very wise of you to get her number that way, actually. im glad you have the guts to do it, go for it!

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I'm hoping that your implying that you thought I was older :p. Most people tell me I'm quite mature for my age.


Oh yeah, getting a girl's number or asking one out is no problem for me anymore, I used to be REALLY shy and that kindof thing would kill me lol, but I've grown into a really confident, almost cocky guy now, and girls LOVE that :p. Today I noticed a good opportunity to talk and ask her for her number. She was at her locker by herself, when I passed she said hi to me, but I couldnt stop because I had to run. So I'll be on the lookout for another one of those tomorrow. :p

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