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Birthday/Grad present for Friend with benefits?

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I started an undefined relationship with a friend of mine about a month ago. I call it 'undefined' because he is graduating college in a couple of days and I am moving across the country for an internship for 6 months. Because of these circumstances we didn't want to jump into anything.


I care for him a lot but as far as we have discussed we are "dating" but not necessarily exclusive--although I am only dating him right now, and I know he is only dating me...we just didn't want to make things complicated when things had to end after the semester, or be forced into trying to make a long-distance relationship work when we are still only at the beginning stages of a relationship.


His graduation is coming up this weekend. I didn't know (as his friend with benefits) if I should get him something for his graduation. I am planning on meeting his family for dinner on this day, as 'someone special' but not declaring ourselves bf/gf. Also, a few days after his graduation is his birthday. Should I get him a present for his birthday? If so, any ideas here?

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If you really want to get him a present, then sure, go for it...nothing expensive, just something to cater to an interest of his. I had an FWB once and for his birthday I bought him the new CD of one of his favorite bands that had just come out. If you know of a particular restaurant he really likes to go to for food, get him a gift card...etc. Something like that would be appropriate--small, but letting him know that you're keen to his interests, that you care for him.

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