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Direction of Attraction?

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Like all breathing females, I appreciate eye candy and I've known some fellows with whom sparks flew like a Canada Day sparkler. It doesn't take long for that sort of spark to fizzle if he's a dumb hunk or turns out to be internally not as wonderful as the exterior shell. However, as I mentioned elsewhere, I've not only developed 'sparks', but full-out conflagrations when I've gotten to know some fellows and discovered the depth and breadth of their intellects and characters and found out they can make me laugh.


Lots of other people claim that sparks MUST exist at the very beginning for them or all bets or off. Thought I'd try an informal poll: which is more true for you; 'I'm seduced from the neck down' or 'I'm seduced from the neck up'?

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I'm seduced by parts of what are located from the neck down and parts of what are located from the neck up. I don't think seduced is the right word...more like attracted. That's what has to be there initially. That's the motivation for making the approach. If it weren't for some sort of physicial attraction, everybody could approach everybody at will and say..."Can we date for a while to see if after I get to know you really well I'll find some compellling reasons for continuing to date you because right now you don't do a thing for me physically?"


If there's not the physical attraction, the smartest, sweetest, loveliest person could make a wonderful friend. And, yes, that friendship can turn to flames of passion. Or it can fizzle into obscurity. That's the great thing about the world of romance, it's totally unpredictable.


I do think people can become more attractive to others over time and it happens often in work situations but in initial or chance meetings, most people will move on if there isn't some good reason for exploration.

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Neck-up, 'cause that's where the brain and mouth are. If he's a keeper, he'll know how to use both! :p

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The whole thing.


Nothing's more disappointing than a gorgeous woman who's dumb as a box of rocks.


The attraction, the physical attraction, has to be there for my initially, if that makes me shallow, so be it, but I think most people out there then are shallow, but what keeps me interested and makes me MORE attracted is what the personality and intelligent factors are.

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"Nothing's more disappointing than a gorgeous woman who's dumb as a box of rocks."


WRONG!!! The more disappointing thing is a gorgeous woman who tells you she is a man halfway through a date, he's been on The Jerry Springer Show five times and lives in the same trailer park you do.

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Neck up...if you have a fun personality that can pull me out of the deepest darkest moods that I tend to get myself into....you're the guy for me

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