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Scared of the rebound...

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Hi guys and gals, hope you can help me out with this as I am losing sleep over this and bored of counting sheep!!!


Its been quite some time since I've had a proper relationship due to me working a lot and not getting out there (my excuse!). About 2 years ago I was in a relationship with a girl at college and was used as a rebound - she had split up with her boyfriend, then went out with me, and then cheated on me with him. Needless to say the relationship finished after then and since that time I've never had another long term relationship.


There is a girl I've known for years (we're both 22) and we have been out from time to time, she came out of a long term relationship about a month ago and then got back into another - which lasted about 2 weeks. I know that she has feelings for me as she has told me before and I do likewise, but the last thing I want to do is ruin my opportunity by asking her to be more than mates too early and suffering the same concequences I did 2 years back. I was absolutely gutted when I found out she'd found someone else but had the thought in the back of my mind that it wouldnt last for long as she'd moved on so quickly.


I'm not after a definitive answer but if you could let me know what you think I would be very grateful and it might help me make up my mind as to what to do. :)


Thanks in advance!



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You only miss the shots that you don't take. So that being said, I'd go for it if I was you. None of us have a crystal ball, so I can't tell you if it will work or you'll get hurt again. But wouldn't you rather look back and know that you went for it instead of asking yourself "what if?"

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Shock Me Sane

It's pointless going into relationships being fearful of getting hurt. Everyone is different and if you don't approach every new relationship as a new, unique experience, you're going about things in the wrong way. There's no rule that says you can't find love a month after getting out of a long term relationship. Just go for it.

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Thanks for all the advice - its much appreciated!!!


To put you all in the know, I actually ended up having a couple of drinks last night (no more than that as I was driving!) after my male mate let me down to go to a gig and I saw the girl in town - pure coincidence! We we're flirting quite a lot and at the end of the night I finally plucked up the courage and asked if she would go out on a proper date with me to which she replied YES! Words can't describe how I feel right now, I cant wait to take her out! I'm going to sort something out for this weekend! Any suggestions??



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