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Girl from earlier in the year.

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Okay this is hard for me to explain, but I'll try my best. Earlier in the year I had some sort of a fling with this girl. We went on about three or four dates and eventually just became F-buddies. I had just came out of a relationship prior to this fling with her and so did she. Eventually we stopped talking to each other because I became so busy with school and work and the same happened to her.


Well 3 months go by and then she called my cell phone and left a message telling me to call her. But I never did. I feel like schmuck for not calling her back. I prbably wouldn't have to deal with the situation the way it is now if I had. Now come early August and one of my friends (a girl) starts playing with my phone and calls this girl. I talk to her briefly and she starts asking me all sorts of questions about how and what I've been doing in the past few months and then I ended the convo, telling her I was driving and didn't want to talk on the phone.


Now I've started thinking about her again and would like to contact her and maybe ask her out, but I keep feeling too much time has past. I mean I really liked this girl when we had a fling going and I was hoping it would turn into something more but I needed to get over my Ex and school and work became overwhelming. I need some advice on how to proceed on this. Is she waiting for me to call her from when she called, but that was 3 months ago. Should I give it a go or should I just forget about contacting her?

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1. Sounds like she likes you enough to be a casual fling, and then to call you up months later.

2. She hasn't given you any grief about your slightly flaky behavior.


So what's holding you back? A bit embarrassed about how things have proceeded thus far?


Better to call her up, give a light apology, and ask her out to dinner then to just let it drop -- especially because you actually are interested in her. If she was a bit put off by your earlier behavior, this would go a long way to making amends.


Invite her out on a real date. Take her to the nicest restaurant you can afford. Show her that you're still very much attracted to her -- but don't make it just about having sex that evening. Maybe you will, maybe you won't. I think that would be a good way to start things (again).

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Casting078 I think you should call her. Like midori said, you don't want to have that feeling that things were left hanging. It is better now than never! Anyways, it couldn't hurt - girls always love being asked out.


I am in a similar situation right now and I know that is what I would want later in the year..

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Originally posted by Casting078

Now I've started thinking about her again and would like to contact her and maybe ask her out, but I keep feeling too much time has past. I mean I really liked this girl when we had a fling going and I was hoping it would turn into something more but I needed to get over my Ex and school and work became overwhelming.


I would think if you call and tell her what you quoted here.....If she is available and not dating someone else....she will most likely understand your circumstances and try another date with you.


Also....APOLOGIZE for not telling her originally why you were having reservations about the relationshsip.

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