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should i be honest with her ?

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hey guys,


recently i was chatting with this chick over msn and told her that i like her.


she replied that a i'am a nice guy but she would rather be friends :(. she was very friendly in the way she replied


she has many of the qualities i'm searching for and i'm not willing to give her up for now


I know her trough some friends. although we met for acouple of time on saturday nights, however i never had the opportunity to talk to her face to face coz we were either inside clubs or surrounded by friends. we only said hi.


I haven't talk to her in the last 2 days now coz i was a little upset with the thing.



i'm willing to talk to her some time today or tommorow, and my concern is that she might ask me why i haven't talked to her.


my question is: should i be honest and tell her that i was upset coz i cared about her ( would it freak her out ?) or shall i find an another excuse ?


thanks for the help

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Soul Bear

The truth will set you free.

Trust me

be honest


please, be honest :)

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Wouldn't talk to her at all. You've already been friend zoned. Ignore and see what happens. Live your life... She will probably contact you, knaw what i mean. Don't tell her you were upset, tell you were busy if she contacts you. Tell her you were upset and you sound needy and emotional. The most amazing things are built on lies, what determines if it will come crumbling down is the size of the lie.

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thats why i didn't talk to her in the last 2 days hoping she would talk or feel sorry or somthing. I had read to do this when you are rejected :S


so jayOG you think i should tell her lie ?

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All you can do is issue invitations. Can't make someone do something. Lying to do so is inherently evil.

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Shock Me Sane

I would just leave her alone. She's not interested, so move on. You're just going to end up annoying her.

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