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FWB... am I asking too much?

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Shock Me Sane

(This is the first thread I'm starting. Hooray!)


So, I've been having a tough time lately. I had some medical problems that interfered with my work and school, I broke up with my boyfriend of almost 3 years, and I'm in the process of moving out on my own into a house full of strangers. I've had a really hard time focusing lately.


At some point during all this, I started up a FWB relationship with a co-worker. He's 29, I'm 21. We've had sex, I think, on 7 different occasions now. The sex is phenomenal. He's gorgeous, tattooed, kinky, and dominant - basically, everything I could possibly ask for in a sex partner. But... I'm starting to feel kind of unsatisfied with our arrangement.


I don't want a boyfriend. I'm still seeing my ex-boyfriend and having to deal with him on a regular basis. I just want my FWB to be a better friend.


He's not much for conversation, unless it's dirty talk, and once the sex is over, we go our separate ways. It's like, we're always busy getting so hot and heavy, I don't know how or when to try and actually get to know him. Even at work, our conversations are pretty much: "Meet me in the back room in 10 minutes." "Ok." How can I break the ice?


I don't have many friends where I live. I didn't grow up here and only moved to this area a year and a half ago with my ex. All the friends I did have were my ex's friends, so they're out of the picture now. I would really like to start spending some more quality time with my co-worker because, well, I'm a little infatuated with him. And also, I want to be able to open up to him so that I'll feel more comfortable exploring new, sexier, dirtier activities with him.


What should I do? He's invited me to stay at his house overnight before, but I never accept his invitation. Would this be a good opportunity to step things up? I invite him out to bars sometimes, but he lives too far to take a cab or drive all the way back to his place from my area.



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Accept his invitation, you'll have a whole lot of opportunities to get to know him more. Is there a reason why he can't stay at your place?

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Shock Me Sane
Accept his invitation, you'll have a whole lot of opportunities to get to know him more. Is there a reason why he can't stay at your place?


Yeah, I was still living with my ex in the beginning, and now I'm sharing a room with another girl.

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Sounds like to me your getting emotionally involved. He is just considering you a booty call or just a hook-up not a FWB. Usually those involve someone you have been friends with before hand and just have sex with. Its like a boyfriend with out any commitment is what your looking for really.

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