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how would a Clean-aholic move in with her boyfriend and make it last?

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I am an obsessed clean a holic and i have to have everything clean. i live alone and i love it. so the question is, how in the world, when in a few years i will get married, make a relationship last...i know i will go nuts if the place gets dirty. and i love my space too...how does someone make this all work? anyone have experiences?

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lol - there's is one thing i have definitely learned form living with guys:



don't nag. ever. remove it completely from your repertoire of acceptable things to say.


just keep your own areas clean and let them have their areas as they like them. if you have visitors, get them to close the door to their area and explain why they should help you clean the common areas if they mess em up.


i'm messy by nature, i think. i have to consciously think about cleaning up and discipline myself to do it.


lol - just don't expect anyone to share your passion for cleaning and i'm sure you'll be fine.

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