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Why would people always expect the OM to contact her MM

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Like the BS would demand NC for the MM and the OM or the MM would demand NC himself.


Well in my case, ever since my MM threw me under the bus 6 weeks ago, I haven't had any contact with him and I am pretty sure I will never initiate any contact. Now I am not strong enough yet to say that I wouldn't respond if he tries to contact me(he said he would never contact me anyways). But I know for sure I would never initiate any contact. I mean, it's bad enough that he chose her over me, despite everything he said. His actions said it all. I am not gonna humiliate myself trying to talk to him after he could just abandon me like that. I mean when he went back to his wife he did say "What are you gonna do, Wiseup? Poor little thing, abandoned..." But that didn't stop him leaving me, twice.


So I will hold my head up high and not demand an explanation or any sort of contact from him. So the wife can relax cuz I am not going to contact him and he's gonna be utterly mistaken if he thinks I would say another word to him again. Even though I still miss him, my pride is just too much for me to say that to him after what he's done to me.


So if and when you wanna contact your MM, just think about your pride.

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