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What is this weirdness?

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Hellooo! Can someone give me a bit of clarity in this situation please?


There's guy I've been mates with for a long time but don't really hang out with regularly anymore. We had bit of a "thing" back in the day until I found out my best mate really liked him, and since it was nothing serious between us, we went back to being friends. Time moved on, I'd see him around and we'd say hi and catch up a bit as you do but a few weeks ago we bumped into each other in a club, got chatting, we got a bit flirty and I ended up going home with him.

I've now realized that I have major feelings for him. I'm told by the friend who I was out with that night (who I trust with my life btw) that he told her he really wanted to make a move on me before but he had a girlfriend at the time and he's "not that kind of guy".

Well now we're both single, he seems to be interested and we've still got that chemistry, which would be all well and good except that I text him a week or so later to invite him out (in a casual non-datey way with a couple of mutual friends) and he asked what the plan was, so I suggested a day but it's now been 3 days and he hasn't got back to me. I'm a tad confused by this. We had a great night, not a drunken mistake (we'd sobered up by that point). There was no awkwardness or regret the next day. I don't want to rush into anything but I really want to see him and I don't know if I should chase him up for an answer or if I'm being a total plum and missing something here...?

Thanks guys


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So you've known him for a long time. Is there a chance he just forgot to reply? Has he been know to forget or sometimes let things slip? This could just be an innocent case of intending to respond but something may have come up and he just plain forgot to respond.


I'd follow up and not wait for him to respond. Yes the ball is in his court, but sometimes you have to throw him another one.

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Having had a "thing" or two in my day, I can tell you with confidence that, if a week goes by without him calling you and asking you out on a date, he's either not interested anymore (has friendzoned you) or he's actually still with someone else and he was checking out his options. One never knows.


I'd give it a week and then write him off. If, per chance, he contacts you in the future, the only meaningful thing you want to hear is when and where for your date. Any other blathering is just electrons. Hope that makes sense :)

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Thanks for your help folks! I wouldn't say he's forgetful as such but he is pretty indecisive at times so maybe that's where the problem is...hmmm I'll give him a shout today and see what happens.....;)

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